Sheamus vs. The Miz
WWE United States Champion Sheamus makes his way out for a non-title match. We get a sidebar video of Sheamus threatening to Brogue Kick The Miz. The Miz comes out and his entrance video now starts like a movie trailer. Miz cuts a promo on his way to the ring and says he will be the new Intercontinental Champion at Battleground because it's only appropriate that a movie star that's loved all over the world be champion. He says tonight, he must make sure the Brogue Kick stays away from his face, the. Miz puts his face on the big screen and says it will be up there for the duration of this match so the fans can enjoy it. We get the bell.
They go at it back and forth. Miz runs into a big elbow and rolls to the floor to escape. Sheamus throws him back in but Miz stomps away. Miz dumps Sheamus over the top. Sheamus fights back on the floor. Miz counters and whips Sheamus into the barrier. Miz brings it back in the ring and goes to the top. Miz comes off the top with a big shot but Sheamus kicks out at 1. Sheamus fights back and hits the rolling senton. Miz rolls back to the floor and avoids an elbow drop. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and they're fighting on the outside. Miz runs Sheamus into the ring post and kicks him off the steel steps. Miz brings it back in and covers for a pin attempt. They actually show the battle royal participants one by one during the match with graphics. More back and forth until Sheamus clotheslines Miz in the back of the head. Sheamus misses and runs into the ring post but kicks Miz to the mat. Sheamus goes to the top but Miz throws him to the mat. Miz nails a DDT for a 2 count. Sheamus comes back with a close 2 count as well. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but it's blocked. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick in the corner. Miz rolls Sheamus up for the non-title win.
Winner: The Miz
Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango
We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler to a pop. The announcers give a long plug for the Network free preview ending tonight. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Fandango is out. They go at it to start. Ziggler hits a big hip toss but misses a dropkick. Fandango takes Ziggler to the corner and beats him down. Fandango whips Ziggler hard into the opposite corner and he goes down. Fandango with a 2 count and a headlock. Ziggler fights out but they both go down. Fandango's music hits mid-match and we see Summer Rae dancing on the announcers table with Layla. Fandango is distracted and Ziggler nails a dropkick. Now Ziggler is distracted. Fandango rolls him up but Ziggler counters and hits the Fame-asser for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
The Usos vs. Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil
We go to the ring and WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos come out. Before they can get to the ring, they're blindsided by Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. Rowan tosses one of the Usos into the ring post and Harper nails a huge boot to the face, knocking him over the barrier. They bring the other Uso into the ring and lay him out with a big double team move. Rowan and Harper stand tall over Uso as the announcers hype their Battleground match.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam
Back from the break and we see the Intercontinental Title on display at ringside. Alberto Del Rio is making his entrance and out next comes Rob Van Dam.
Del Rio strikes fast with a kick and beats RVD down for an early pin attempt. RVD sends Del Rio to the floor but Del Rio blocks him and traps him in the apron. Del Rio with a big kick to the head now. Del Rio brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Del Rio keeps control and works RVD over, keeping him grounded. RVD tries to fight back but gets thrown to the mat. RVD ducks a big superkick and hits a pair of clotheslines. RVD with a big hurricanrana and a superkick. RVD nails Rolling Thunder for a 2 count. Del Rio fights back with kicks but RVD kicks him in the face. Del Rio ducks a thrust kick but RVD nails a spin kick. RVD goes up for a Five Star Frogsplash but lands on Del Rio's knees. Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker for the win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Nikki Bella vs. Cameron and Alicia Fox
Back from the break and out comes Nikki Bella. We see Brie Bella slapping Stephanie McMahon several weeks back. Stephanie makes her way to the stage now. Stephanie says Brie abandoned Nikki and abandoned her career. Now Nikki is left to suffer the consequences. Stephanie tells Nikki to blame her sister for all this. Out comes Alicia Fox and Cameron.
Alicia starts things off for her team. Nikki takes her down for a quick pin attempt and an armlock. Nikki with another pin attempt. Alicia backs Nikki in the corner and Cameron tags in for some double teaming. Nikki ends up getting a close 2 count on Cameron. Cameron throws her back in the corner and tags in Alicia for more double teaming. Alicia ends up getting the pin on Nikki for the win.
Winners: Cameron and Alicia
Cesaro vs. Big E
Cesaro comes out alone. JBL says he heard Paul Heyman was fired. Cole says Heyman is here tonight but wonders how Cesaro will do without him at ringside. We go to commercial.
Cesaro keeps control and hits a big double underhook suplex for a close 2 count. Cesaro with more shots and a headlock now. Kofi and the fans try to rally for Big E as he gets to his feet. Big E rams him back in the corner but Cesaro locks it in again. Big E rams him back again and nails a belly to belly suplex. Big E with a shoulder thrust in the corner and another belly to belly. The end comes when Kofi grabs a chair from Cesaro, allowing Big E to nail the Big Ending for the win.
Winner: Big E
AJ Lee vs. Eva Marie
Back from the break and Paige is out for commentary as Eva Marie waits in the ring. WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee is out next and we get a look at her return when she won the title from Paige.
They lock up and CM Punk chant start. AJ works Eva over but they go to the floor and Eva takes control. Eva sends AJ into the apron and brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Eva actually keeps control until AJ applies the Black Widow for the win.
Winner: AJ Lee
Bo Dallas vs. The Great Khali
Back from the break and Bo Dallas is in the ring doing his entrance. JBL is in awe. Bo says El Torito may be tiny but his heart is huge. He hopes his opponent for tonight has a heart as big as Torito's. Out comes The Great Khali.
Bo ducks a shot but runs right into Khali. Khali drops him with a chop and throws him into the corner for big chops to the chest. Bo fights back and tries chops of his own but it doesn't hurt Khali. Bo screams, "bad giant!" and Khali tosses him over the top rope. Khali comes to the floor and Bo kicks his leg out. Khali can't make it back in and gets counted out.
Winner by Count Out: Bo Dallas
John Cena and Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins, Kane and Randy Orton
Cena hits the ring and runs the ropes as Reigns looks on. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and their opponents make their entrances. Jericho vs. Harper is announced for SmackDown. Orton and Cena start things out and go at it. Cena fights out of a headlock. Orton runs the ropes but Cena nails an elbow. Kane tags in and Cena goes behind, applying a headlock. Kane with a shoulder block. Cena rolls to his corner and Reigns tags himself in to a pop.
Reigns goes at it with Kane but runs into a big right hand. Reigns drops Kane over the top rope. Reigns goes to the second rope and comes down with a big shot on Kane. Reigns with a clothesline in the corner. Reigns knocks Orton off the apron but turns around to a big shot from Kane. Rollins tags in and beats Reigns down in the corner as we go to commercial.
Cena breaks it but gets kicked. Rollins nails a trio of suplexes but Cena counters and both go down. Reigns and Orton tag in at the same time. Reigns nails a clothesline and decks Kane off the apron. Reigns ducks Orton and nails a big right hand. Reigns with a clothesline in the corner and another big right hand. Reigns runs around the ring and nails the apron dropkick on Orton. Reigns nails a Superman punch on Kane. Rollins misses and Reigns clotheslines him to the floor. Rollins looks to have hurt his knee. Reigns with a Samoan Drop on Orton. Reigns readies for a spear but Kane attacks from behind. Kane and Orton stomp on Reigns until the referee calls for the bell.
Winners by DQ: John Cena and Roman Reigns
- After the bell, Cena comes in for the save but Orton takes him to the apron. Cena blocks the second rope draping DDT. Kane accidentally knocks Orton off the apron and Cena goes to work on Kane. Kane blocks an Attitude Adjustment and Orton dodges a spear, leading to Reigns spearing Cena. Kane tosses Reigns out of the ring. Orton nails a RKO on Kane. Orton hits the turnbuckle and poses as his music hits. Orton turns around to a big spear from Reigns. Reigns' music hits now and he looks down at Cena, Kane and Orton in the ring. Rollins is apparently still down on the floor. Reigns hits the turnbuckle to pose as fans cheer. RAW goes off the air with Cena looking on at Reigns.
WWE Monday Night RAW Results for july 7 2014 Handicap Main Event, Cesaro Without Heyman, AJ,