Tuesday 19 August 2014

WWE Main Event Results For August 19

Sheamus vs. Curtis Axel
Cesaro joined the commentary table for the show's opening match between Curtis Axel and Sheamus. It looks like he will be pursuingSheamus and his United States Championship, which should be an awesome feud.
As far as the match goes, Axel and Sheamus wrestled a very physical bout. Axel stepped up his aggression quite a bit to keep up with The Celtic Warrior, looking better than he has in months in the process.
Maybe teaming up with Ryback has allowed him to find his more violent side. Despite upping his game, Axel still took the loss.
Cesaro ended up grabbing the U.S. title and tossing it into the ring toSheamus, making it very clear that he has his eye on the belt he once held.

Winner: Sheamus
Nikki Bella vs. Emma
This was about what you would expect from these two women, but Nikki did a good job transitioning to a more heel-ish style.
The crowd was chanting "You sold out" at Nikki, which is exactly the kind of reaction WWE should want after her turn at SummerSlam.
The end of the match ended up looking kind of awkward because it took the ref a few seconds to tell Nikki her foot was under the rope, which prevented him from making the count.
There won't be any real ramifications from this one. These two are not going to start a feud just because Nikki beat Emma. All it did was help establish Nikki as a heel.
Winner: Nikki Bella
Slater and The Gator vs. Los Matadores
Diego is fresh off returning from an injury and back in action in this tag team match. Or is it Fernando? It doesn't really matter.
Hornswoggle accompanied Los Matadores and El Torito to the ring dressed as a cow, complete with a set of udders. This has to be the lowest point of his career thus far.
This was a decent filler match, but it wasn't anything to write home about. The one thing that might be noteworthy is that Heath Slater kept up his winning ways by getting the pin for his team.
Winners: Slater and The Gator
Big Show vs. Erick Rowan
It's always interesting to see two gigantic powerhouses like these two men have a match. You never really know if it's going to be good or not, but this one delivered.
Rowan looked very impressive against Big Show in this match. It's not often that you see someone who can just about match power with Show, but Rowan is one of those guys.
He showed some versatility as well, proving he is not just a maniac who throws punches and big boots around. Big Show even managed to throw in a few moves he would not normally use.
Rowan was able to get Big Show up for a body slam, but Show would end up winning with a KO Punch out of nowhere.
This bout could have gone either way, but it ended up being better than expected. It wasn't five-star material, but it was fun to see Big Show actually struggling to overpower someone else for once.
Winner: Big Show

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WWE Main Event Results For August 19
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