Monday 24 November 2014

Dolph Ziggler Is Man Of The Survivor Series Night , Survivor series Recap

Finally, came the big main event. Things got off to a quick (and hilarious) start when the Big Show knocked out Mark Henry two-minutes into the match. Sexual Chocolate was the first eliminated, giving Team Cena the lead.
Team Authority quickly evened things up when Seth Rollins delivered a curb stomp to Ryback behind the referee's back. Rusev finished Ryback off to make the teams even again.
Rusev's luck didn't last long, however. His failed attempt at putting Dolph Ziggler through a table got the Bulgarian villain counted out of the match. A few minutes after that, Luke Harper took out his former teammate, Erick Rowan, with a clothesline.
Then things got absolutely crazy. The Big Show shockingly turned on Cena, knocking him out. Cena was eliminated and Big Show walked out of the arena. That left only Dolph Ziggler versus Rollins, Harper and Kane.
Like he always does, Ziggler persevered. He stunned everyone by first pinning Kane and then taking out Harper.
However, with the ring surrounded by Authority members, you never quite got the feeling that Ziggler would actually pull it off. Maybe that's because Triple H wouldn't let him. Ziggler had Rollins finished when Triple H pulled the referee out of the ring before he could finish the three count. Ziggler still managed to persevere. He went to finish Rollins again, but Triple H interfered. It looked like it was over for Ziggler.
And then, it happened! The lights went dark and Sting arrived. Yes, the former franchise of WCW and the greatest wrestler to never step foot inside a WWE ring.
Sting and Triple engaged in a lengthy showdown, before Sting hit Triple H with his trademark Scorpion death drop. He then put Ziggler on top of Rollins for the pin. Team Authority loses, likely setting up a WrestleMania match next year between Sting and Triple H.

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Dolph Ziggler Is Man Of The Survivor Series Night , Survivor series Recap
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