Saturday 15 November 2014

House of Hardcore VII Live iPPV 11/15/14

Before the show officially started, Tommy Dreamer came out and said that he’s had a few card subject to change issues. He announced EC3 won’t be here. Jigsaw is sick and won’t be able to make it. Davey Richards will also be missing the show due to a “medical emergency.” Dreamer said that he’s got some surprises and he’s lucky that he has a lot of good friends. He promised to give everyone a good show and thanked everyone for supporting him and the show.
Danny Doring vs. Stevie Richards
Richards was an unannounced surprise and received a big reaction when he came out wearing his BWO garb. The crowd chanted, “Welcome back.”
Doring shoved Richards at the bell and they had words. Doring backed him into the corner and nailed a series of chops in the corner. Richards reversed a whip and nailed a hiptoss.
Doring cut off Richards and stomped the hell out of him. Richards rolled up Doring for a two count. They went back and forth. Richards nailed a clothesline and workef him over in the corner before missing a charge.
Doring went to the top and nailed an Alabama Jam for a two count. Doring nailed a Bareback for a two count. Doring mocked the crowd calling for a Steviekick. He went for a move but Richards ducked and nailed a Steviekick for the pin.
Your winner, Stevie Richards!
Good, solid back and forth opener. Both looked really good.
Richards attempted to shake Doring’s hand after the match but was blown off. Doring returned and hugged Stevie, which the crowd exploded for and chanted “ECW.”
Brian Myers vs. Christian York
Myers is the former Curt Hawkins. This is the first time he’s wrestled in the Arena. They had some nice back and forth wrestling early. York is the babyface. Myers nailed him with a great looking dropkick and sent him inton the corner. They battled in the corner until York nailed him with a spinkick.
York was tossed out to the floor. Myers worked him over but was nailed with a superkick. York nailed a moonsault off the railing, which got a “Holy sh**” chant from the crowd.
Back in the ring, York went for a monkeyflip but Myers but him off and drilled him in the legs. He peppered York with punches on the floor. Myers controlled him on the mat and locked in a side chinlock. York made a comeback and hit a sliding kick that sent Mysers to the floor. Myers returned and nailed a big clothesline.
He whopped York into the corner but York kicked him off as he charged and nailed Myers with a running cannonball in the corner. They went back and forth with some nice near falls until York caught him with a swinging neckbreaker for the pin.
Your winner, Christian York!
Another really solid, well worked match.
Myers took the mic and complained he lost due to a fluke and a fast count. The crowd was all over him. He said this is the first time he’s been here and it’s a dump and a huge letdown. He said that he won’t leave unless someone makes him. He sat in the corner.
Out came Richardo Rodriguez. He introduced Alberto……..and the crowd finished “Del Rio.”
Out came former WWE World champion Alberto Del Rio. Out came Alberto in street clothes. He said he has so “f***ing” missed you guys. He said that he’s so happy to be here because a few weeks ago, he thought he wasn’t going to be able to wrestle in the United States for a year. He said that he’s here for the same reason as the fans, to have fun and he’s so excited to be in the “ECW Arena” forthe first time. The crowd chanted “ECW” and Alberto joined in on the mic. The crowd chanted, “F*** McMahon” and Del Rio tried to get Ricardo to join in. Del Rio said that when Tommy Dreamer invited him to come to House of Hardcore, he had to say yes. Ricardo told him that he meant, “Si.” Del Riosaid that in HOH, “we aren’t sports-entertainers, we are f***ing wrestlers.”
Myers tried to attack him but Del Rio ducked and Richardo kicked him low. Del Rio locked on the cross armbreaker and Myers tapped.
Del Rio looked THRILLED to be here.
Anthony Green & Vik Dalishus & Ben Ortiz vs. Team Tremendous & Little Guido
Guido and Green started out. Guido got the better of him early, leading to Green complaining and shoving the referee. This led to the referee shoving him back and even hitting a hiptoss. Guido and Dan Barry nailed a double dropkick. Barry hit a dive to the outside on Dalishus.
Team Tremendous and Guido cornered Green and worked him over hard in the corner. Ortiz tagged in and took control on Barry. The heels worked Barry over in their corner, tagging in and out. Dalishus slammed Barry down with authority. Ortiz nailed Guido and Barry in the corner and then hit a running forearm smash in the corner.
Barry finally make a comeback and made the hot tag to Bill Carr, who cleaned house with all sorts of big power moves. He and Barry nailed a pretty crazy reverse cutter on Dalishus who was on Carr’s shoulders. Everyone ended up on the outside and Carr hit a tope con hilo for a big pop. Barry then did a big dive to the floor on everyone. Guido went to do a dive but the referee stopped him and hit a standing moonsault to the floor on everyone. Guido went for another dive but Dalishus’ female manager got on the apron. He kissed her and then grabbed her but her wig came off.
Green tried to sneak a move from the top but Guido nailed him and used an rollup for the pin.
Your winners, Team Tremendous & Little Guido!
The crowd chanted, “This is awesome” after and they were right. Just an incredible blend of good comedy, dives and some fun tag wrestling.
Eddie Edwards vs. Eddie Kingston Some RVD-esque music played and the crowd perked up. Out came Eddie Kingston, laughing at the crowd for believing it was RVD.
They had some nice wrestling early. Kingston worked over Edwards and beat him down on the mat. They battled into the corner, where Kingston was placed on the top. They stiffly slapped each other. Edwards got the better of the exchange and nailed a big superplex.
They fought in the floor. They returned to the ring, where Edwards used a big boot to send Kingston back to the floor and nailed a trio of tope suicidas. Back in the ring, Edwards nailed a series of stiff chops that only served to piss off Kingston, who returned in kind.
They battled back and forth. Kingston nailed a lariat for a two count. Edwards nailed a backslide for a two count. He went back to the top rope but Kingston rolled out of the way of a double stomp and started dumping him with suplexes. Edwards came back with a German suplex. Kingston hit a stiff lariat for a two count.
They began slapping each other. Kingston nailed the spinning backfist for a two count. Edwards cinched in the one-legged crab and finally Kingston tapped.
Your winner, Eddie Edwards!
Ring announcer Stephen DeAngelis pointed out the Arena’s Hardore Hall of Fame and ran down the names of those inducted.
Alex Reynolds vs. Lance Anoaia vs. Tony Nese
Good athletic, fast paced action early. Nese’s speed is something to behold. He controlled the ring with some ranas and other moves until he was stomped down as he charged Reynolds.
Lance came back with some high cross bodyblocks and clotheslines Reynolds to the floor. He nailed a nice dive to the floor. Reynolds cut him off and worked over Nese, using a curb stomp. He tossed Nese to the floor and turned into a Lance missile dropkick.
They did a lot of back and forth stuff that was really good. Lance was eliminated after a splash off the top by Reynolds. They went back and forth. Reynolds hit a belly to back superplex. He followed up with a nice neckbreaker for a two count. They exchanged a series of boots.
Nese nailed him one armed powerbomb into the corner. They battled to the top rope where Nese nailed a reverse rana for the pin. Good stuff!
Your winner, Tony Nese!
Team 3D VS Hoyat & Smith
Smith took the mic and said it’s come to their attention that Davey Richards has a tummy-ache and doesn’t want to come fight. He said that’s carny for being scared. He said they were the best tag team in the United States, Japan and the entire world. Lance Hoyt started ripping on the crowd and said no one was going to do anything about it.
Out came Team 3D with no music, Dudley Boyz style. The crowd popped, then chanted, “Get the tables” and “Welcome back.”
Bully Ray took the mic and said he’s going to be really honest with them – they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The crowd chanted, “We want fire.” Ray explained to Hoyt that the crowd wanted them to set him on fire, and this was Philadelphia, so the fans really mean it.
He said that no one wants to see them wrestle tonight. They want to see Team 3D fight. He said that if he knows these people like he thinks he knows these people, they want to see “you motherf***ers go through tables.” They all brawled and 3D cleared the ring.
Team 3D cleaned house on Hoyt and Smith. Bully drilled Hoyt over the back with a chair. They all brawled on the floor. The crowd chanted for tables. Back in the ring, Smith and Hoyt cut off the former Dudleys and worked them over. The crowd was all over there.
Hoyt drilled Ray with a big boot to the face. The crowd rallied 3D, chanting, “Dudleys.” 3D made the comeback and hit a Doomsday Device. The crowd called for tables but Hoyt and Smith cut off 3D and placed Devon on the table. Hoyt went to the top to moonsault Devon but Bubba hit him with a chair. 3D powerbombed Hoyt off the ropes through a table and pinned him.
Your winners, Team 3D!
Bully Ray took the mic and asked everyone to welcome home The Dudley Boyz. Big pop for that!
Drew Galloway vs. Austin Aries
They were feeling each other out early on. Galloway showed a lot of aggression early on and worked over Aries with lots of stiff kicks and shots in the corner. Aries fired back with a chop across the chest but was drilled down to the mat with a HARD chop from Galloway.
Aries fired back and knocked Galloway out of the ring. He went for a dive but was drilled with a forearm. Galloway nailed a backbreaker on the apron outside. Galloway continued working him over and nailed a suplex, then cinched in a nerve hold.
They battled to the floor. Galloway drilled him over and over with stiff shots to the chest. Back in the ring, Aries tried to mount a comeback but was cut off. He finally nailed a rana but was backdropped over the top to the apron. They battled back and forth.
Aries came off the top with a back scratch to the floor and then nailed a neckbreaker in the ropes. He locked in a Last Chancery but Galloway made it to the ropes. Galloway nailed an elbow to the face and hit an Alabama Slam variation with Aries hanging over the ropes upside down before he was smacked over.
Galloway drilled Aries into the turnbuckles and kicked Aries off the buckles to the floor. Aries charged him on the floor but was elevated as he was tossed into the ringpost. The crowd began chanting, “F*** TNA.”
They returned to the ring and began exchanging punches and forearms. Galloway nailed a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. They battled back and forth with strikes and punches as Aries finally got the better of the exchange, only to be nailed with a leg lariat for a two count.
Aries nailed a dropkick. Galloway went for a suplex but Aries kneed him while upside down. He rebounded off the ropes and was caught with a knee. Aries came back and scored a surprise pin.
Your winner, Austin Aries!
Long back and forth match with a lot of good wrestling.
Extreme Rules: Tommy Dreamer vs Bobby Roode
Dreamer came out with Beulah McGuillicuty, who was billed as bringing him to the ring for the final time. She got a nice “Beulah” chant when they announced her opponent.
Out came TNA World champion Bobby Roode to face Dreamer, replacing EC3.
Roode took the mic and said he had a funny story. He was sitting on his couch at home and his phone rings and it’s Dixie Carter. She informed him that EC3 tore his bicep was unable to fill his obligations, so Bobby is contractually obligated to fulfill his duties. Roode said he and Dreamer are good friends and he has a lot of respect for what Dreamer has done in this Arena, for Roode, for the boys in the back and for all of the fans, so he’s putting the title on the line tonight whether TNA likes it or not, because “no one deserves a title shot more than you Tommy Dreamer.” He said that there’s nothing more important than him than the title and he attacks Dreamer and stomps the hell out of him.
Roode controls Dreamer early and worked him over. Dreamer made a comeback and they battled to the floor, where Dreamer sprayed a fan’s soda in the champion’s eyes like mist. Dreamer tossed Rude into the ring steps and the ringpost. Dreamer had a fan hold up a chair and ran Roode into it. Roode cut off Dreamer and gave him an atomic drop on the railing, crotching him.
Roode worked over Dreamer on the floor before tossing him back into the ring. Roode worked over Dreamer with punches and kicks and nailed a great dropkick. Roode worked him over but missed a kneedrop. Dreamer kicked off a charge and nailed a clothesline. Dreamer peppered him with a bunch of right hands in the corner.
Roode was whipped into the corner but nailed Dreamer with an elbow as he charged in. Roode set up a chair and nailed a drop toehold onto it. Roode went for a sunset flop off the ropes but Dreamer ducked. He grabbed Roode and tied him to the tree of woe. Dreamer nailed him with a chair. He went to do the charge but the crowd chanted “E-C-W” so he stopped in mid-run. He got the crowd to chant HOH and nailed him with the dropkick.
Velvet Sky interfered, so Beulah hit the ring and we had an old school catfight. Roode grabbed Beulah but she low blowed him. Dreamer nailed Roode with a DDT but he got his shoulder up at the last second.
Dreamer pulled out a barbed wire board from under the ring but CW Anderson hit the ring and hit a spinebuster on Dreamer. Cue “Enter Sandman” and out came The Sandman!
Sandman hit the ring and cracked open a beer. CW slapped the beer out of his hand. Sandman nailed him with the cane but CW ducked a second shot and killed him with a Superkick.
”Highway to Hell” played and Spike Dudley hit the ring and nailed the Acid Drop on CW, then left. Rosita hit the ring and went for a moonsault on Dreamer but he caught her and piledrove her.
Dreamer and Roode both went for DVDRs but Roode finally scored, nailing Dreamer with one on the barbed wire board and scored the pin.
Your winner and still TNA champion, Bobby Roode!
After the match, Roode and Dreamer embraced. Dreamer kissed the TNA title and gave it to Roode. The crowd chanted, “Thank you Tommy.”
Dreamer took the mic. Dreamer said that the last few weeks of Impact TV has been some of the greatest actual wrestling on TV. He said guys were working twice a night busting their asses for the fans and this show couldn’t have happened if TNA didn’t allow Dreamer to allow their guys to appear, so he thanked TNA for letting their guys shine and do what they do best in front of the best wrestling fans in the emotional.
Dreamer said he’s been a fan of the business since he was 9 years old and just celebrated 25 years on 10/28. He said Dreamer was born in the ECW Arena and everything he has in this life is because of this business. He said he was a proud overachiever and hooked up with Beulah McGullicuty. He said every strong man has a strong woman by their side. During one of their many arguments, Beulah once said that she knew she would always come second to professional wrestling and accepted it. Dreamer said that he’s sorry and he talks all the time, but she is his light and gave him the best gify in the world, his two daughters.
Their girls came to the ring with roses for their mom. Dreamer introduced “The Twinnovators.” Dreamer introduced the girls to the crowd and said these people are the people he works for and said this is the building where he met their mother. He said for once, he is going to shut up and said the ring and mic is Beulah’s.
Beulah said that she didn’t plan on saying anything. The crowd chanted, “Thank you Beulah.” She said that she may not have made it to the Hall of Fame, she made it in the ECW Arena and that means the world to her. She said she had the best ride ever and she will carry all the fans in her heart always. She was obviously very emotional.
The Hardy Boys vs. The Young Bucks
Matt Jackson and Matt Hardy faced off to start the bout. The crowd chanted, “F*** Matt Hardy.” Some good, fast paced stuff early on. The Hardys worked over Matt and then caught Nick trying to interfere and took him out with double team maneuvers.
It turned into the Bucks show as they hit some of their patented spots and dives. They worked over Matt for a long time, antagonizing Jeff to the point that he tried to hit the ring, which led to the referee holding him back and the Bucks doing even more damage.
Matt finally caught Matt Jackson with a Side Effect and made the tag to Jeff, who worked over Nick Jackson with a leaping forearm and the Cruncher Legdrop. Hardy hit the spinning windmill kick but was sent into the corner. He elbowed Nick Jackson as he came out of the corner and hit the twisting moonsault for a two count. Hardy went to the top for a swanton but Jackson pulled his knees up.
Meanwhile, Matt Hardy worked over Matt Jackson and nailed a Razor’s Edge like powerbomb for a two count. Jeff Hardy tagged in and cinched in a chinlock. Jeff made a comeback and the Hardys worked over Matt Jackson.
The Hardys continued to work over Jackson. Matt went for the Twist of Fate but Jackson turned it into a Northern Lights suplex. He went to tag his brother Nick, not realizing that Matt had just knocked him off the apron. Nick finally made the tag and cleaned house on Jeff Hardy. Hardy cut him off and went for the Twist of Fate but was nailed with a stiff elbow.
The Hardys tried to double team Nick but he superkicked Jeff after Jeff flew off his brother’s back. Jackson drilled Hardy with a DDT to the floor. The Bucks nailed stereo splashes for a two count.
They went to work on Matt but Nick was tricked into kicked his brother off the apron hard into the railing. Matt nailed Nick and it was The Hardy’s offensive game again as they swung Jackson upside down and backwards to the mat. The Hardys ascended to the top but Matt Jackson nailed Hardy. Nick Jackson caught Jeff with a superkick as he went up and over. The Bucks did a ton of Hardys signature spots, culminating with Nick hitting Jeff with a swanton for a two count. The crowd chanted, “This is awesome.”
The Bucks nailed their powerbomb/kick in the corner combination but Matt Hardy pulled the referee out of the ring when they went for the pin. Nick did a dive out of the ring for Hardy but took out the referee instead.
The Hardys took control and nailed them Bucks with their finishers Another referee ran in but Jackson kicked up at the last second. They wiped out The Bucks with swantons and moonsaults but this time, Nick Jackson pulled the referee out. Jeff dove at Jackson but took out the referee this time.
The Bucks killed Matt Hardy with a series of superkicks, then drilled Jeff Hardy off the apron with one, crashing him down onto the table. The Buicks nailed More Bang for Your Buck and pinned Matt.
Your winners, The Young Bucks!
After the match, Matt Hardy took the mic and said that sometimes he acts like a d*** but he wants the Bucks to know that they have The Hardys’ respect. He said he’d like to offer his hand and shake their hands and do this thing right. The fans chanted for a superkick instead. Hardy said he has an issue with that as they came out and busted their asses for the fans for the last 30 minutes and if they can’t appreciate that, they aren’t a true wrestling fan. They offered their hand and the Hardys tried to nail the Bucks but got caught and nailed with superkicks to close the show as the crowd chanted, “Young Bucks.”
Team 3D hit the ring and attacked the Bucks and nailed 3Ds on the Bucks. Bully took the mic and said it’s obvious the Bucks are a really great tag team and that the fans really appreciate what the Bucks do. He said that if there is one thing that they don’t appreciate, it’s “disrespect in this building.”
Bully said that he wants to talk to the crowd about something. A fan heckled Bully so he told him to shut up or else he was going to punch him in the face and start a riot. Ray said that he sent out a Tweet a few months ago that the fans of wrestling wanted something more and that there needed to be a revolution. He asked the fans if they had a good time tonight. They popped. He asked if HOH delivers every single time. The crowd popped. He asked the fans if they are proud to be HOH fans and the fans popped. He said when he talked about the revolution, he wasn’t talking about the wrestlers, but about the fans. He said, “You want something different. You need something different. You deserve something different and that something is House of Hardcore.”
Bully said that their best friend is Tommy Dreamer. The crowd chanted, “Thank you Tommy.” Bully said he knows Dreamer is probably in the back eating but called for him to come out. Dreamer came to the ring.
Bully said that Dreamer has every single one of the fans’ best interest in mind and wants to give the fans the brand of wrestling they are asking for, the modern day version of something we all loved 20 years ago. He said Dreamer is a man that you can proudly put down your money and say, “I’m going to the best f***ing wrestling show on the planet.”
Bully said this was HOH’s first time in the Arena and it sold out. The fans chanted, You sold out” and Bully said, “Shut up d***!” Bully said that when you come here, you are going to get some of the best young wrestlers, iconic wrestlers, brawlers, technical wrestlers, hot chicks and the Sandman. He said you are going to get everything. Out came the Sandman.
Ray said that he’s never felt so strongly about anything in pro wrestling. Ray said thanked everyone on behalf of Dreamer, the wrestlers, the camera guys, the ring crew and everyone else for coming.
Dreamer said all he wanted to do was do 4 shows this year and these fans make him want to do 4-8 shows next year and perhaps their goal is going to be getting on TV.
Devon testified and they played Sandman’s music to close the show as Dreamer invited the entire crew out to drink some beer in the ring.

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