Friday 21 November 2014

WWE Superstars Results: Paige In Action, Sin Cara Vs. Curtis Axel

After the obligatory intro packages roll, we get right down to business at ringside. Paige's music hits, so we know it'll be an interesting match to start things off.
Paige vs. Alicia Fox
The announce team tells us that Fox will be at Survivor Series, teaming with Natalya, Naomi and Emma. Paige gets a few shots in off the bell but Alicia rocks her with a solid kick to the face and earns a near-fall. They battle in the corner and Paige gets back on top of the situation quickly. She fires up the crowd and goes back to working Fox over on the ropes. A headbutt puts Fox down again and from here, it's mostly a drubbing by Paige. She works Fox on to the mat for a protracted series of submission holds. Fox eventually comes back, flipping page and delivering a series of offensive maneuvers, punctuated with a huge backbreaker. Paige roars back once again, hitting the "RamPaige" and covering for the win.
Result: Paige defeats Alicia Fox via pinfall.

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Recaps roll featuring the Survivor Series hype from Monday Night Raw. Byron Saxton interviews Curtis Axel backstage. Axel says that he's a "bad man." Somebody get on the horn to Johnny B. Badd and tell that there's gimmick infringement afoot.
We get one more recap from Raw featuring the Ambrose/Wyatt dust-up from earlier this week then we head back to the ring.
Sin Cara vs. Curtis Axel
The guys lock up and Sin Cara throws a shot as they break. They lock up again and Sin Cara works in an arm bar, prompting Axel to retreat again. Renee tells us that Axel exists on Spam and venison. The next time the opponents connect, some mat grappling ensues and Sin Cara again gets the upper hand. Axel tears at Sin Cara's mask but can't quite get a hold of it. Sin Cara flips around a bit but Curtis finally grabs him and delivers some punishment. Sin Cara tosses Axel outside and goes up top for a big move but Axel slides back into the ring before the luchador can deliver. Sin Cara does hit Axel with a cross-body and gets on top once again for some mat work.
After a break, we return to the ring and Sin Cara is still in control. Axel powers back, plants Sin Cara like a lawn dart and follows up with some big shots. Sin Cara responds with some offense of his own, bringing some high-flying moves into the fold. After a big cross-body outside of the ring, Sin Cara covers Axel inside for a two-count. Axel slows Sin Cara's roll with a blow from behind and then both men struggle to get on their feet. The men battle back and forth again until Sin Cara lands a senton from the top rope, wrapping things up with the three-count.
Result: Sin Cara defeats Curtis Axel via pinfall.

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WWE Superstars Results: Paige In Action, Sin Cara Vs. Curtis Axel
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