This action is crazy, and quickly all competitors end up outside the ring after attacking Big Ryck. Pentagon hits Sagrada with a mini-lung blower, then monkey flips Sagrada onto the opponents. Havoc fakes a dive outside, but Prince Puma attacks and the two trade reversals in insane series that sees Puma hit a backflip headscissors. Puma then springboards from inside the ring to the outside with a flip over the top.
Ryck comes in the ring and cleans house, destroying everyone in sight before Puma and Fenix bounce him rom the ring. Puma and Fenix then go at it, and the crowd is really into it as they trade big kicks. Fenix goes up top, but then Puma, Cuerno and two others join in on a Tower Of Doom. Son of Havoc hits Fenix with a shooting star press but the count is broken up at two.
Drago tries to score a pin with Dragon's Tail but it's broken up. Cuerno lands his finish but the pin is broken up. Mariachi Loco totally misses a superkick and gets punted in the face by Pentagon, followed by a package piledriver. Sagrada breaks up the three count, but Prince Puma tosses him in the air and drills the little fella with a big kick.
Ryck clotheslines Puma, and somehow they're the only two in the ring. Puma escapes Ryck's finish, and everyone else in the match comes in and kicks Big Ryck. As soon as the teamwork stops, half of the field does flip dives to the outside. It is total anarchy. Finally Fenix pins Puma with a Rikishi Driver.
Winner: Fenix via pinfall (over-the shoulder belly-to-belly piledriver)
- A vignette for Cage is shown.
- Konnan is in the back berating Prince Puma for losing the ten man match. Puma stands up for himself shortly, but backs down. Konnan was really good in this segment.
Boyle Heights Battle Royal
Chavo Guerrero vs. Cortez Castro vs. Mr. Cisco vs. Bael vs. Johnny Mundo vs. Sexy Star vs. Pimpinela Escarlata vs. Ricky Mandell vs. Famous B vs. Mil Muertes
Chavo Guerrero vs. Cortez Castro vs. Mr. Cisco vs. Bael vs. Johnny Mundo vs. Sexy Star vs. Pimpinela Escarlata vs. Ricky Mandell vs. Famous B vs. Mil Muertes
Muertes eliminated Pimpinela quickly and Sexy Star and Chavo continue their feud in the middle of the ring, while everyone else brawls along the sides, but Chavo eliminates her. Johnny Mundo is then attacked by Castro and Cisco, but hangs on by skinning the cat, then eliminates Bael and Cortez.. Right after that, Muertes tosses Cisco.
The three remaining participants are Mundo, Chavo and Mil Muertes. The three hit a really cool monkey flip spot into a slam. Mundo knocks Chavo off the top and hit a kick to eliminate him. Muertes and
Mundo slides between Muertes' legs to get back inside, then unloads a kick. Mundo went up top, but Muertes got his knees up. Muertes then eliminated Mundo and got the win.
Winner: Mil Muertes
- Danny Trejo is shown as Dario Cueto unveils a championship belt. He said the winner of an upcoming "Aztec Warfare match" would become the first Lucha Underground champion. He said since Fenix and Muerted were the winners of the big matches tonight, they'll face off and the winner goes into Aztec Wafare last, while the winner goes in first.
Mil Muertes vs. Fenix
Fenix goes at Muertes immediately with an awesome springboard arm drag, but gets dropped by Muertes. Fenix gets worked over for a while, but knocks Muertes from the ring and does another awesome corkscrew to the outside. Muertes makes it in just in time to avoid being counted out.
Muertes blasts Fenix with a spear and follows up with a running powerslam but only gets two. He hits another slam and overpowers Fenix, but gets caught with a cutter for two. Fenix goes up top but gets caught with a huge uppercut. Muertes hits the Flatliner for the win.
Winner: Mil Muertes via pinfall (via Flatliner)
- To close the show, Cueto was shown in a dingy area talking to someone off-screen. He was showing them the belt, saying it isn't their time yet, even though they like destroying pretty things.
Lucha Underground Results (12/17): Title Match Set, Battle Royal, 10-Man Match