Orton’s music hit after the Authority team of Big Show, Kane, and Rollins defeated Erick Rowan, Ziggler, and Ryback, with Ziggler in the midst of a hard fought comeback having nailed Kane in the corner. While mounted atop Kane, Big Show, from the outside, hit Ziggler with his signature knock out punch, allowing Kane to deliver a makeshift chokeslam from the corner to a prone Ziggler, and picking up the pin. Following the pinfall, the Authority, including J & J Security, Jaime Noble, and Joey Mercury began a severe beat down of Ziggler, prompting Orton to run down to and make the save, RKO’s nearly the entire Team Authority in the process. The lone escapee, Rollins, was shown via backstage footage in full sprint from the arena area and to an awaiting vehicle, urgently retreating as far as possible from Orton.
Given the nature of Orton’s return, the nature of his comeback should be cleared up on tomorrow night’s WWE Monday Night Raw telecast. While it is still expected that Ziggler will continue on to face Rollins in five weeks at WrestleMania, that would likely leave Orton to square off against former Authority teammate Kane, although things can and are often switched around, and much can happen in five weeks. It should not be surprising to see a combination of televised tag team matches leading into WrestleMania, with Orton teaming with the likes of Ryback and Ziggler to combat the Authority. While a tag match of some sort at WrestleMania is possible, it is more likely that Orton, now a fan favorite, will see one-on-one competition, and more likely that that match would be against Corporate Kane.
WWE ‘Fastlane': Randy Orton Return and Attack Seth Rollins and Company