- We see Rusev backstage warming up. Lana appears and says something in Russian, apparently apologizing. She says she will never show compassion again. Rusev says something back and then says he will crush John Cena and America will die tonight. We go to break.
- We come back to the panel and Renee acknowledges that Lana is back after being away for a few weeks. Saxton doesn't think that matters. Renee leads us to a clip from John Cena's appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. Saxton says this is Cena's platform to show Rusev and the world that America can do anything. Graves doesn't believe Cena will be able to get past Rusev tonight. Eden is backstage knocking on Triple H's locker room. Kane slams his hand on the door and tells her this office is off limits. He tells her to leave and he's got to prepare for the battle royal. We go to a video for Sting vs. Triple H. The panel talks about the match. Saxton talks about seeing Triple H earlier and he looked like he was ready to do something malicious tonight. Saxton says if that is the case, Sting is in trouble. Graves says if Triple H loses tonight, it could hurt them all, the whole company. We see Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble backstage. Noble can't find the sugar for his coffee. The original Stooges Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson appear and say they were using the sugar for Mr. McMahon. Noble gets an attitude but says they have to walk off because Seth Rollinsneeds them. Renee hypes one of tonight's musical performances as Saxton talks about Rollins vs. Randy Orton.
We go to a video.
The panel talks more about Rollins vs. Orton before going back to Tom Phillips in the social media lounge. We come back to Saxton talking about tonight's Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Renee hypes the Andre Battle Royal. She leads us to a video with highlights from WrestleMania Week in the Bay Area. They discuss last night's WWE Hall of Fame and we see some clips from the Red Carpet. Graves says WWE really has taken over the Bay Area. We get hype for AJ Lee and Paige vs. The Bella Twins next. Graves says they both have the same enemy but also have the same common goal - the Divas Title. Booker says they hate each other. We get a video for Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker next. Saxton says Wyatt may be in over his head. Booker says Wyatt has talked a great game but now it's game time. Graves believes Wyatt may take his seat on the throne tonight. Renee plugs Aloe Blacc singing America The Beautiful tonight. She also plugs the Fatal 4 Way again. Renee brings up Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar next. We see Lesnar making his big announcement about re-signing on ESPN earlier this week. Booker says Reigns is going to push Lesnar to the edge tonight. We get more discussion and a video package on the match. Graves says it has the big fight feel and he can't wait. Booker says this is one of the top ranked matches in WrestleMania history. Renee wraps up the first hour and it's time for some matches.
Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Tag Team Titles: The Usos vs. Los Matadores vs. The New Day vs. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd
We go to a video.
The panel talks more about Rollins vs. Orton before going back to Tom Phillips in the social media lounge. We come back to Saxton talking about tonight's Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Renee hypes the Andre Battle Royal. She leads us to a video with highlights from WrestleMania Week in the Bay Area. They discuss last night's WWE Hall of Fame and we see some clips from the Red Carpet. Graves says WWE really has taken over the Bay Area. We get hype for AJ Lee and Paige vs. The Bella Twins next. Graves says they both have the same enemy but also have the same common goal - the Divas Title. Booker says they hate each other. We get a video for Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker next. Saxton says Wyatt may be in over his head. Booker says Wyatt has talked a great game but now it's game time. Graves believes Wyatt may take his seat on the throne tonight. Renee plugs Aloe Blacc singing America The Beautiful tonight. She also plugs the Fatal 4 Way again. Renee brings up Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar next. We see Lesnar making his big announcement about re-signing on ESPN earlier this week. Booker says Reigns is going to push Lesnar to the edge tonight. We get more discussion and a video package on the match. Graves says it has the big fight feel and he can't wait. Booker says this is one of the top ranked matches in WrestleMania history. Renee wraps up the first hour and it's time for some matches.
Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Tag Team Titles: The Usos vs. Los Matadores vs. The New Day vs. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd
We come back and Renee sends us to ringside. Michael Cole is joined by JBL and Jerry Lawler. They hype the show and out comes The Usos and Naomi as fans are still filing into Levi's Stadium. Lilian Garcia does the introductions. Los Matadores are out next with El Torito. Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods are out next and ready to get filthy they say. Big E and Kofi will be representing The New Day in this match. WWE Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Tyson Kidd with Natalya are out next to a pop.
Cesaro and Kofi start things off and they go at it. Back and forth until Kofi hits a dropkick. One of the Matadores tags themselves in. Cesaro takes Jey Uso and tosses him into the barrier. He goes down and Cole thinks he's hurt. Kofi and Fernando go at it now. Kofi drops him for a 2 count. Trainers check on Uso at ringside. Los Matadores double team Kofi and Diego mounts him with right hands. Cesaro tags himself in as we see Uso being helped away. Cesaro keeps Kofi grounded now.
Kidd tags in with the double team after Cesaro hits a Cesaro Swing for a 2 count as Matadores break the pin. Kidd keeps Kofi grounded in the ring. Jimmy Uso is back on the apron and will be going at it alone. Jimmy tags in and unloads on Kidd. Uso with a big superkick and more offense. Uso with a big Samoan Drop. Cesaro comes in but Uso takes him out. Uso hits everyone with superkicks. Uso hits the Rikishi splash on Cesaro, Kidd, Fernando and Big E. Kofi ducks a superkick and leaps out onto one of the Matadores on the floor. Uso drops Kidd for a close 2 count. Uso ends up sending Kidd to the floor but runs into a big uppercut from Cesaro. Big E had tagged himself in and he splashes Cesaro and Uso at the same time. Big E and Kofi with a big double team on Cesaro for a close 2 count. Cesaro with another uppercut on Kofi. One of the Matadores tag in. Cesaro suplexes Big E in from standing on the apron. It's chaos as we gt several tags and double teaming. Matadores double team Kofi for a 2 count as Kidd breaks the pin. Kidd puts Natalya in the way as a shield and takes out one of the Matadores. Xavier Woods and El Torito get involved. Torito sends Woods into the barrier. Natalya puts Torito in the Sharpshooter on the floor. Naomi runs the ropes and leaps out onto everyone. She and Natalya have words and she hits Natalya with the Rear View. Big E and Kofi double team one of the Matadores for a close 2 count as Uso and Cesaro break the pin. A big brawl breaks out now. One of the Matadores pins Big E but the referee says Big E isn't legal. They keep fighting any way. Big E tosses the Matadore with a suplex. Big E goes for a double Big Ending on Kidd and Fernando but Uso superkicks them. More chaos. Kidd throws Fernando into Cesaro's uppercut. Kidd eats Trouble in Paradise. Cesaro with an uppercut on Uso.
More double teaming and chaos as the referee can't know who is legal. They do a huge multi-man double suplex out of the corner to a big pop. Uso splashes Big E but Cesaro tagged himself in on Uso's leg. Cesaro pulls Uso out of position for the pin and steals it for the win.
Winners: Cesaro and Tyson Kidd
- After the match, we get replays as the champions celebrate in the ring with Natalya and the others try to recover.
- We go back to the panel to discuss the match. Booker says The New Day brought it. We go back to Tom Phillips in the social media lounge and he's joined by Lita for some Twitter questions. Lita says she might be Team Bella tonight. She also plugs her Team Bestie Tour with Trish Stratus. She says they have been in talks with WWE for a possible Network show and seems open to a tag match against The Bella Twins in the future. We go back to the panel for more discussion and Renee hypes the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. We see video of ESPN's Jon Gruden predicting the match.
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Konnor, Viktor, Kane, Big Show, Darren Young,Titus O'Neil, Jack Swagger, The Miz, Ryback, Curtis Axel, Fandango, Adam Rose, Zack Ryder, Erick Rowan, Sin Cara, Damien Sandow, Goldust, Mark Henry, Heath Slater, Hideo Itami, Alex Riley, Fernando, Diego, Jimmy Uso, Others
We go to the ring and it's filling up with Superstars. The bell hits and everyone goes at it. Axel stops things and everyone looks on as he tears his Axelmania t-shirt to a pop. He turns around and everyone picks him up and gets surfed around, then tossed to the floor. Axel is eliminated.
Big Show works on Titus in the corner. Goldust and Darren Young go t it. Henry goes at it with one of the Matadores. Ryback grabs Itami but he fights him off. Bo Dallas is fighting out of the corner. Adam Rose and Fandango eliminate themselves off the apron. Big Show chops Itami. Sandow eliminates Alex Riley. Zack Ryder takes out Heath Slater and goes for the Broski Boot but Bo eliminates him. Bo goes nuts at eliminating Ryder and jumps over the top rope, eliminating himself. Bo doesn't realize it as he runs around the ring to celebrate. Bo runs back in the ring and maybe he didn't go over the top. Itami unloads on Bo and sends him over the top. Bo is now eliminated. Itami unloads and gets chants but Big Show throws him to the apron. Show knocks Itami to the floor with a knockout punch and fans boo. Itami is eliminated. Kane eliminates one of the Matadores. Cesaro eliminates Sin Cara.
Tyson Kidd gets eliminated. The Ascension double team Henry and eliminate him. They double team Ryback now and the go to work on Big Show and Titus. Fans chant for Sandow, who is working together with The Miz. Goldust works on Young. Konnor knocks Big Show down. Uso and Cesaro go at it. Ryback eliminates The Ascension at the same time.
Ryback eliminates Young after a Meathook. Ryback tosses Slater over the top next. Titus runs over Ryback and barks. Titus misses in the corner and Ryback eliminates him. Ryback with Shellshocked to Swagger. Swagger is eliminated by Big Show. Kofi, Woods and Big E unload on Big Show. Big almost eliminates Show but he hangs on. The New Day keeps hitting him but Show tosses Big E and eliminates him. Show eliminates Woods with a knockout punch. Show eliminates Kofi next. Rowan beats down Show in the corner now.
Fans chant for Sandow some more. Big Show eliminates Rowan. Ryback runs over Show. Ryback eliminates Goldust. Ryback goes for Shellshocked on Show but Kane makes the save. Kane with a double chokeslam on Miz and Sandow. Kane goes to toss Cesaro but he hangs on. Cesaro crawls back in and scoops Kane. Kane is eliminated by Cesaro. Fans chant for Cesaro now. Uso is eliminated by Big Show. Cesaro and Show go at it now. Cesaro scoops Show up but can't keep him up. Show eliminates Cesaro to boos from the crowd. Show raises his hand but turns around to Ryback with a spinebuster. Fans chant for Ryback but he runs into a choke from Show. Ryback gets eliminated. It's down to Sandow, Miz and Show as fans cheer.
Miz gives Sandow orders as Show watches from his corner. Fans chant for Sandow. Sandow shakes his head "no" at Miz and the crowd pops. A "yes!" chant breaks out as Miz tries to talk Sandow into getting on the same page. Fans boo The Miz. Miz loses his cool and starts talking trash to Sandow and yelling at him. Miz puts his hands on Sandow and he gets pissed. Sandow says he quits and tosses Miz over the top rope. Miz is eliminated. Sandow yells at Miz from the ring. Miz jumps back on the apron but Sandow knocks him off. Referees order Miz to the back but he tries to go back to the apron. Miz throws a fit as Sandow is left in the ring with Big Show. Sandow turns around and realizes this. Show walks up on Sandow and laughs. Show opens his arms and challenges Sandow to bring it. Sandow with a forearm. Sandow unloads. Show tosses him over but Sandow hangs on and pulls himself back in. Sandow unloads again and backs Show into the ropes. Sandow with a clothesline but Show runs over him with a shoulder block. Fans boo. Show charges but Sandow ducks. Show goes over the top but barely hangs on. Sandow bites his hand and stomps but Show falls to the apron. Sandow bites the fingers again but Show fights his way back to his feet. Sandow rocks him and bounces off the ropes. Show grabs him by the throat and comes back in the ring. Sandow manages to get a submission locked and Show starts fading. Show comes up out of nowhere and powers out of the hold by tossing Sandow to the floor for the win.
Winner: Big Show
- After the match, Show's music hits as we go to replays. Show goes to ringside and grabs the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy. It's heavy but Show manages to hoist it up for his WrestleMania moment.
- We go back to the panel for more discussion and hype for tonight's pay-per-view. Booker "told us so" with Big Show winning the battle royal. The Santa Ana winds are blowing in as we hear the fans getting rowdy in the stadium. Renee reveals the IC Title Ladder Match will open the show and we go to a video package for the match that's narrated by Graves.
- We go to ringside to the announcers as ladders are being set up around the ring. Eden introduces WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson and he's in the ring. Patterson hangs the Intercontinental Title belt as we wrap up the pre-show.
- The WrestleMania 31 pay-per-view opens up with Lilian Garcia introducing singer Aloe Blacc to Levi's Stadium. He comes out to the big stag to sing "America The Beautiful." We get fireworks and go to the WrestleMania 31 opening video with LL Cool J.
- We're back live in Levi's Stadium as Michael Cole welcomes us to WrestleMania 31. Cole says we're sold out. We see the WWE Intercontinental Title hanging above the ring and ladders set up everywhere.
Ladder Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title: R-Truth vs. Luke Harper vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Stardust vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Bad News Barrett
Daniel Bryan makes his way out first to a huge pop and "yes!" chants. Bryan stops and checks out some of the ladders as Eden does the introductions. Cole says we're kicking off WrestleMania the same way we ended it last year. Bryan goes to the corner as a big "yes!" chant breaks out. Cole introduces JBL and Jerry Lawler as they hype the match. WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett is out next to a mixed reaction. We see the international broadcast teams at ringside. Dolph Ziggler is out next to a pop. Stardust is out next as a "Cody" chant starts up. Luke Harper is out next with a new flannel on. R-Truth is out next and next is Dean Ambrose, who gets a big pop. The bell rings and they go right at it.
Bryan and Ambrose tumble to the floor early on. Barrett decks Ambrose with a ladder. Truth leaps out onto Barrett and Ambrose. Stardust springboards back with a Falling Star onto all three of them. Ziggler charges Harper but he gets dumped out onto the others. Harper runs the ropes and dives out onto the rest of the participants. Ambrose climbs one of the ladders outside of the ring and dives into the group. Truth brings a ladder in the ring and stands it up under the belt. Barrett runs in and works Truth over. Barrett grabs the ladder and beats Truth down with it. Barrett runs and knocks Ambrose off the apron with the ladder. Bryan comes in and takes out Barrett. Stardust decks Bryan but Bryan whips him into the ladder, which is up against Barrett in the corner. Bryan sandwiches them with a pair of dropkicks. He goes for a third but Harper slams the ladder into Bryan's face and he goes down.
Harper gets hung upside down on the ladder and Bryan unloads with kicks. Bryan climbs the ladder but Ziggler pulls him down and nails a big superkick, sending Bryan to the floor. Ziggler climbs up but Ambrose pulls him down. Ziggler pulls Ambrose down and runs up but Ambrose yanks him down. They both run up and trade shots now. Barrett pulls them down but they clothesline him to the floor. Truth climbs up and they follow. Stardust dropkicks all three of them off the ladder. Stardust unloads on Ambrose and Ziggler now. A "Cody" chant breaks out again. Stardust throws a ladder out to Harper's face. Stardust goes under the ring and brings out his own special ladder with a very long name. It's just a black ladder with sparkles. Barrett tears it apart and beats Stardust with it. He also decks Bryan with it. Ambrose runs over and sends Barrett face first into the ladder. Ambrose slams another ladder on Barrett. Ambrose brings a ladder in the ring and looks at the title. Harper brings one in and they throw them at each other. Harper and Ambrose brawl now. Ziggler comes in and Harper drops him with a right. Harper catapults Dolph and a ladder under the rope at the same time. Harper lays a ladder across the top and ends up driving Ambrose into it.
Harper takes out Bryan and others with the ladder but Truth takes him out. Truth scissor kicks Harper into the ladder. Truth tosses one ladder to the floor and sets up another to climb. Barrett takes Truth and throws him into the corner. Stardust climbs the ladder but Barrett meets him at the top. Barrett hits a massive superplex from the ladder and they both land hard. A "holy s--t" chant starts up. Bryan, Ziggler and Ambrose all climb a ladder now. Ambrose goes down but pushes the ladder over on Ziggler and Bryan. Ambrose climbs up but Harper stops him. Ambrose with the bounce back clothesline. Ambrose climbs back up for the title but Harper comes back. Harper nails a massive powerbomb from the ladder to a pile of ladders outside of the ring. That was insane. Another big "holy s--t" chant starts up as Harper smiles and trainers check on Ambrose. Harper climbs the ladder now while Ziggler has a sleeper hold on him. Harper starts fading and they both fall hard from the ladder.
Ziggler looks to be winning but Barrett pulls him down and nails a huge Bullhammer. Stardust also takes a Bullhammer. Truth climbs up for the title but Barrett hits another elbow. Bryan sends Barrett down and gets his hand on the title. Barrett pulls Bryan down too. Bryan ends up hitting the knee on Barrett. Fans chant "yes!" as Bryan positions the ladder. Ziggler meets him at the top and they trade shots. Bryan grabs the title but Ziggler headbutts him. More back and forth for the title. They trade huge headbutts now. Ziggler gets knocked to the mat and Bryan grabs the title for the win.
Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Daniel Bryan
- After the match, we get replays and come back to Bryan celebrating as fans join him with a big "yes!" chant.
- We get a video package for the next match.
Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton
Lilian Garcia does the introductions as Seth Rollins makes his way out with Joey Mercuryand Jamie Noble right behind him. Randy Orton is out next to a big pop.
They lock up and Orton applies a headlock. Rollins turns it around and then drops Orton with a shoulder. They run the ropes and Orton nails a dropkick. Rollins avoids a RKO and slides out of the ring for a breather. Orton chases Rollins back in the ring. Rollins drops his neck over the top rope. Rollins takes Orton to the corner and stomps away now. Fans boo as Mercury and Noble cheer Rollins on. Orton comes back and slams Rollins by his head. Orton with an uppercut and right hands in the corner as fans count along. Rollins turns that into a big powerbomb in the opposite corner but Orton comes right back with a big clothesline. Orton calls for a RKO but has to knock the Stooges off the apron. Orton hits a double draping DDT from the apron to the floor on J&J. Rollins takes advantage and sends Orton into the announce table with a dive. Rollins realizes J&J have been taken out. Rollins brings Orton in for a 2 count.
Rollins works Orton over in the corner some more now. Rollins with a suplex for a 2 count. Rollins with a headlock now. Orton starts fighting back but Rollins drops him face first into the turnbuckle. Rollins charges with a big forearm and Orton goes back down in the corner. Rollins keeps control over Orton in the corner. Orton dumps Rollins to the apron and fights back. Rollins blocks the powerslam. Rollins goes for a Curb Stomp but Orton nails the powerslam. Orton with big uppercuts in the corner now. Rollins tries to drive Orton back into the turnbuckle but Orton blocks it and hits a big overhead suplex. Rollins blocks a draping DDT and knocks Orton to the floor with a kick to the head. Rollins nails a nice moonsault from the apron but he also hit his back on the announce table. The referee counts them both now.
Rollins brings it back in and goes to the top. Orton jumps up and crotches him. Fans chant for a RKO. Orton climbs up for a superplex but Rollins fights it. Rollins turns it around but Orton counters that and backdrops Rollins from the top to the mat. Orton comes off the top with a crossbody but Rollins rolls through for a 2 count. Orton catches Rollins and nails a second rope draping DDT. Orton gets the crowd hype as he drops down but timing looks off as Rollins stood up while Orton was still hitting the mat. Rollins counters the RKO with a roll up for 2. Rollins stuns Orton with a kick. Rollins counters again but Orton nails a RKO for a close 2 count. Orton wastes some time but readies for a punt kick. Noble runs in the way but eats an RKO. Mercury also takes one in mid-air after coming off the top. Rollins takes advantage and hits a Curb Stomp on Orton for a very close 2 count.
Rollins goes to the top after also wasting some time. Rollins goes for the big corkscrew 450 but has to land on his feet. Back and forth. Rollins ends up going for a Curb Stomp but runs up Orton's body as it's countered, getting caught in an amazing RKO on the way down. Orton covers for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
After the match, Orton is hype from how he hit the RKO. We go to replays.
- We come back and Cole shows us UFC's Ronda Rousey at ringside. The announcers talk about how they've been soaked in sweat due to how hot it is outside.
- We get a video package for the next match.
Sting vs. Triple H
We come back to the stadium and there's a Japanese taiko style drum performance. Some of the drummers are wearing Sting masks but it really doesn't fit The Stinger. His theme hits and out he comes to the ring as fans pop. Sting hits the turnbuckles and poses for fans. Scenes of San Francisco fro the upcoming "Terminator: Genisys" movie start playing on the big screen. We hear Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice and he says he's been waiting for us. Fireworks shoot up in the stadium. Several Terminators are out on the stage. The big screen has the graphics from the Terminator's point of view laid over. His target is Sting. Triple H rises up from the bottom of the stage and he's wearing a cool looking skull helmet mask. Arnold say it's time to play The Game. Triple H's music hits and drops a bunch of Terminator skulls before marching to the ring for a fight. Lilian Garcia does introductions as Sting looks on.
Fans cheer as the music stops and they size each other up. The bell rings and we get a staredown. They finally lock up and Sting applies a headlock. They run the ropes and Sting drops him with a big shoulder. Sting yells at Triple H as the crowd pops. Sting gets another pop as Triple H is down on one knee. They lock up again and Triple H applies a headlock. Triple H takes Sting down with the headlock. Triple H with a big shoulder tackle and a crotch chop. Sting comes back with a hip toss and a dropkick. Sting with another "whoo!" pop from the crowd. The fans chant "you still got it" at Sting now.
They lock back up and go to the corner. Triple H breaks it with a shot to the face. He drops Sting with right hands and fans boo. Triple H with the knee to the jaw but it doesn't phase Sting. Sting hulks up and drops Triple H for the Scorpion Deathlock but Triple H scrambles to the floor for a breather and fans boo him. Triple H comes back in with rights in the corner but Stings ends up whipping him into the corner, over the top and to the floor. Sting follows and goes for a Stinger Splash on the outside but Triple H moves and Sting lands hard. Triple H sends Sting into the steel steps. Triple H takes control as they come back in. Triple H with a vertical suplex and a knee to the face for a 2 count. Triple H with right hands to the face now. Triple H whips Sting hard into the corner and he goes down. Triple H with another big whip into the corner. Sting falls down and grabs Triple H's leg but gets a chop. Triple H drops another knee for a 2 count.
Triple H with a spinebuster for another 2 count. Sting fights out of a hold and unloads on Triple H, backing him into the corner. Sting runs into a boot. Triple H comes off the ropes but Sting catches him for the Scorpion Deathlock and gets it applied. The DX music hits and out comes Sean "X-Pac" Waltman, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn as there's no DQ. They hit the ring and Sting sends them right back out. Sting turns around to a Pedigree attempt but he dumps Triple H to the floor with DX as fans pop. Sting goes to the top and leaps out onto all four of the. Fans chant "this is awesome" now. Sting brings Triple H back in before knocking Billy Gunn again. This time Sting turns around to a Pedigree and Triple H covers for a close 2 count.
Fans chant for Sting to make the comeback. Triple H goes under the ring and brings out his sledgehammer. He comes back in but the nWo music hits. out comes Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan. The nWo marches to the ring but DX is in between them and Sting, Triple H. The nWo takes out DX at ringside after a quick brawl. Triple H stares them down. Sting grabs him from behind and nail the Scorpion Deathdrop for a very close 2 count.
Sting applies the Deathlock again. Triple H inches for his sledgehammer but Hogan takes it. DX gets involved and they all take each other out at ringside again. Sting still has the Deathlock applied and fans are chanting for Triple H to tap out. He finally makes it to the bottom rope and breaks the hold. Sting goes for the Deathlock one more time but Shawn Michaels appears in the ring. HBK nails Sweet Chin Music on Triple H as fans boo. Sting still manages to kick out at 2 and Shawn can't believe it. Fans chant "this is awesome" and it looked like Nash may have been hurt at ringside but could just be selling. Gunn hands the sledgehammer to Triple H. DX cheers Triple H on as he gets to his feet with the sledgehammer. Hall hands Sting his black bat and the crowd pops.
Sting with a bat shot to the gut and Triple H goes down. Sting goes for a big bat shot but Triple H puts the sledgehammer up to block it. The bat splits the sledgehammer handle in half and Triple H is shocked. Sting drops the bat and unloads on Triple H in the corner with strikes. Sting with a Stinger Splash. He goes for a splash but Triple H decks him in the face with the head of the sledgehammer. Triple H covers for the win.
Winner: Triple H
- After the match, DX is relieved at ringside but Sting and Triple H are both still down. They come in to pull Triple H off Sting. Shawn makes sure the nWo doesn't come through the ropes but they're looking on. DX pulls Triple H to safety as the nWo checks on Sting. Both groups stand in opposite corners and stare each other down for a big WrestleMania Moment. Triple H approaches and tells DX to back off. Triple H extends his hand and Sting meets him in the middle of the ring for a shake. They show each other respect as DX leaves first and Triple H's music plays. The nWo gives it up for Sting as fans pop.
- Maria Menounos is backstage with new WWE Intercontinental Champion Daniel Bryan for comments. Pat Patterson, Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat, Ric Flair and Bret Hart all walk up and congratulate him. Bret leads everyone in a "yes!" chant until Ron Simmons walks up. Maria asks if he was an Intercontinental Champion and he says, "DAMN!" Simmons walks off and they finish chanting.
- Lilian Garcia introduces Skylar Grey, Travis Barker and Kid Ink for a performance on the stage.
Paige and AJ Lee vs. The Bella Twins
Back from a break and out comes Paige first to a pop. She waits on partner AJ Lee and they go to the ring together. WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella is out next with Brie Bella. Paige takes Nikki down to start and they start brawling to start. Niki ends up taking control and knocking AJ off the apron with a cheap shot. Nikki with an Alabama Slam for a close 2 count. Nikki unloads on Paige and tags in Brie for some double teaming with a missile dropkick. Brie with a 2 count.
Brie gets booed when she yells out Brie Mode. Paige goes to tag at one point but can't as AJ is still down. AJ comes back to the apron but Brie knocks her right back down. More offense on Paige and another 2 count. Nikki comes back in. AJ gets knocked off the apron once again but Paige with a close roll up for 2. Nikki hits the Rack Attack but Paige kicks out at 2 and The Bellas are shocked. Brie gets knocked off the apron with an elbow and Paige drops Nikki with a kick. Paige looks for a tag but AJ is still down. Paige knocks both Bellas to the floor. Paige leaps off the apron and takes them both back down.
AJ finally gets a tag and unloads on Nikki. AJ nails a DDT across the top rope and then a big crossbody. Nikki rolls through and picks AJ up but Paige knocks AJ onto Nikki for a 2 count. Brie takes Paige down. Nikki with a 2 count on AJ. Nikki stands up with AJ on her shoulders. AJ counters and sends her to the mat for a 2 count. AJ gets the Black Widow applied but Brie breaks it with a kick. Paige takes Brie out with a kick. Brie grabs AJ's leg and assists with another pin attempt. Paige sends Brie into the steel steps at ringside after kicking her from the apron. AJ gets the Black Widow locked in this time and makes Nikki tap out.
Winners: AJ Lee and Paige
- After the match, Paige and AJ celebrate as The Bellas look on and we get replays. We come back and see Paige get emotional before going to hug her mom before at ringside.
- They air a video looking at last night's 2015 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. We come back to Levi's Stadium and Howard Finkel introduces Rikishi, Larry Zbyszko, Alundra Blayze, Steve Michalek, The Bushwhackers, Tatsumi Fujinami, Lanny Poffo, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kevin Nash, who got to come out to the nWo theme music. They all come to the stage and get a big applause.
- We come back from a break and Cole leads us to a video for the next match.
WWE United States Title Match: John Cena vs. Rusev
Back to Levi's Stadium and the Russian National Anthem is being performed as a group of Russian soldiers march a large Russian flag to the ringside area. Lana leads the way and she's holding the WWE United States Title belt. Soldiers on the stage fire off cannons.Rusev comes in driving a tank. He stands on top of it and waves the Russian flag as fans boo. Rusev marches to where Lana and the soldiers are at ringside. His music hits and he enters the ring with Lana. Fans boo Rusev and start to get riled up as they wait for his opponent. A patriotic video plays with footage of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, George Bush, President Obama and others. Cena's music hits in the stadium and out he comes. The crowd immediately hijacks his theme with the "John Cena sucks" singalong. Cena looks ready to fight and rushes the ring as Rusev looks on. We get formal ring introductions from Eden.
Eden goes to introduce the challenger first but Rusev cuts her off. He orders her to introduce him first and she does. Fans boo as he raised the United States Title and taunts Cena. Cena is introduced next and he gets a lot of boos from the crowd also. We get the bell and Cena unloads, going for a quick pin attempt. Rusev sends him into the ropes and nails a big spin kick for a 2 count. Rusev takes control and works Cena over near the corner now. Rusev with a huge suplex from the mat and another 2 count. Rusev keeps control and charges Cena in the corner. Rusev with a big roll in the corner and another 2 count. Rusev grabs the Russian flag and waves it around as fans boo. Rusev taunts Cena with the "you can't see me" and gets kicked in the shoulder. Cena fights back and takes Rusev down with shoulder tackles. Cena with the big slam. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Rusev slides out of the Attitude Adjustment and slams Cena for a 2 count.
Rusev misses a kick and Cena drops him for a STF but Rusev stops him. Rusev with another big slam for a 2 count. They go to the top and Cena sends Rusev to the mat. Cena with the big leg drop for a 2 count. Rusev blocks another AA and hits a big kick to the face. Rusev gets fired up now. He goes for the stomp before the Accolade but Cena slides out of the way. Rusev with a kick for a 2 count. Rusev argues with the referee. He charges in the corner and runs into a big boot. Cena with tornado DDT for a 2 count. Rusev looks to be out now. They get up and trade shots in the middle of the ring. Rusev yells that Cena can't beat him and hits a big knee to the temple. Rusev drops Cena again for a close 2 count
Cena finally gets the STF locked in as Lana looks on. Lana throws her high heel in the ring and the referee brushes it aside. Cole calls it the most bizarre thing he's ever seen. Rusev grabs the bottom rope and breaks the STF. Rusev catches Cena in mid-air and hits a big fallaway slam. Rusev goes to the top and nails a big flying headbutt for a 2 count. Rusev does the stomp and tries for the Accolade but Cena fights it. Cena hits a springboard backwards stunner and covers Rusev for a 2 count. Rusev counters the AA again. Rusev goes for another fallaway slam but Cena counters with a 2 count. Rusev nails a big kick to the face. Rusev finally gets The Accolade locked in in the middle of the ring. Cena eventually breaks the Accolade in the corner. He gets the STF applied again. Lana ends up getting on the apron to distract the referee. Rusev accidentally knocks her off the apron and Cena nails the AA for the win.
Winner and New WWE United States Champion: John Cena
- After the match, Cena begins the celebration a we go to replays. Rusev throws a fit in front of Lana as a trainer checks on her. Rusev leaves by himself upset as Cena celebrates with the title.
- The announcers plug WrestleMania 32 in Texas.
- We go to Renee Young and her panel to discuss tonight's show. The fans start chanting for NXT in the background. We go back to Cole and the announcer to look back at the pre-show matches.
- Lilian Garcia introduces Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, who are in the ring. She announces 76,976 people in Levi's Stadium, a new attendance record. Stephanie goes on and turns on everyone by saying they're all here for her and her husband. Triple H takes the mic and heels on the crowd too, saying beating Sting was like beating all 76,976 of them. He goes on about how they own all the fans, they own the Divas, they own the Superstars...The Rock's music hits and out he comes to a huge pop.
The Rock takes his time getting to the ring and soaks it all in. Fans cheer for him. Rock hits the ring and they chant "this is awesome" now. Stephanie says she gets it, people are happy to see him but need to be quiet now. Rock can't speak yet because everyone is going nuts. Rock says they don't own the fans and damn sure don't own him. Rock gets a pop for being an East Bay Boy. Rock tells them they have two choices - Triple H can go dress up like Terminator again or they can create a WrestleMania Moment right here, right now. Rock cuts a promo and is in Triple H's face now. Triple H doesn't back down and steps up. Triple H say they had a helluva ride and he remembers kicking Rock's ass for most of it. Triple H says he has nothing to prove to Rock. Rock says Triple H has clearly left his balls in Stamford, CT. Rock readies for a fight as Triple H takes his jacket off. Stephanie gets in between them and says Rock just has a chip on his shoulder and plays up to the crowd to feed his ego. Stephanie says Rock knows that without the McMahons, there would be no Rock.
She brings up Rock's father and grandfather, saying they all owe the McMahon family. Fans chant for Shane McMahon. Rock says she's talking about the Johnsons and the McMahons but the truth is she wouldn't be in power if it wasn't for Vince McMahon's Johnson. Stephanie slaps him. She asks Rock what he's going to do, hit a woman? She yells at him that this is her house, her people. She yells at Rock to get the hell out of the ring. Rock backs away and Stephanie taunts him big time. She keeps going on and Rock stops. He walks back around the ring where UFC's Ronda Rousey is sitting. Fans start chanting Rousey's name. Rousey stares Stephanie down and the crowd pops. Rousey hops the barrier and Rock walks with her into the ring. A "holy s--t" chant starts as the four face off. A "Ronda's going to kill you" chant starts. Rock says he would never hit a woman but he has a very good friend who would be happy to. Stephanie says she and Ronda are friends, Rock might not know that. Stephanie says she's a big fan and Ronda is a fan of hers. Stephanie says the Four Horsewomen were ringside for her SummerSlam match. Stephanie tells Ronda to tell everybody but she won't. Stephanie hopes Rock didn't feel Ronda's head with hopes and dreams of a WrestleMania Moment. Stephanie says that's ridiculous and won't happen. Stephanie says in the world of MMA she would be foolish to mess with Ronda but this is the squared circle, this is her ring. Stephanie says unless Ronda is going to enjoy WrestleMania like a nice little fan, she can get the hell out. Ronda says any ring she steps into is hers. If Stephanie wants her to leave, she needs to make her
tephanie gets serious and tells Ronda to get the hell out of her ring... now. Ronda gets angry looking too. Rock says that look means she's about to reach down Stephanie's throat and play jump rope with her Fallopian tubes. Triple H laughs. He says that's the last thing Rock is going to say about his wife. Rock hears him and agrees... Rock decks Triple H and fights him into the corner. Triple H comes out stumbling and Ronda takes him down. Stephanie tells Ronda not to touch her husband again. Stephanie gets in her face and runs her mouth. Stephanie swings but Ronda blocks her and grabs her arm. Stephanie screams and goes down. Ronda picks her back up by her arm and shoves her back to the mat. Stephanie retreats out of the ring with Triple H. Rock says that's called being owned and that's the biggest WrestleMania Moment of the night with The Rock and Ronda Rousey laying the SmackDown on their candy asses. Rock and Ronda stand tall as Triple H backs up the ramp with Stephanie. Rock and Triple H have words. Rock raises Ronda's arm as the crowd pops and his music plays.
Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker
We take a very quick break and come back to Bray Wyatt making his entrance. He's joined by a bunch of stumbling scarecrows on the stage and hey start following him as he "gives life" to them. Wyatt hits the ring and starts yelling for The Undertaker. The bells finally toll to a big pop. The Undertaker makes his big entrance to the ring as Wyatt looks on.
Taker takes off the hat as Lawler remarks that he looks a lot better than the last time we saw him. Taker and Wyatt stare each other down as fans chant for them. Wyatt says he earned this and will not let Taker take it from him. Wyatt yells that all this is his now. Wyatt charges before the bell but Taker drops him with a big boot. Taker with strikes in the corner as the bell rings.
Taker keeps control and goes to work on the shoulder. They go to the corner and Taker nails Old School to a big pop. Fans chant "you still got it" at Taker. Taker runs the ropes but Wyatt knocks him off his feet. Wyatt clotheslines Taker to the floor but he lands on his feet. Taker pulls Wyatt to the floor and drive him into the apron. Taker with a big boot to the head. Taker positions Wyatt on the apron and hits the big leg drop across the chest. Taker works Wyatt over on the floor before rolling him back in. Taker follows and charges with a splash in the corner. Taker scoops Wyatt and nails Snake Eyes. Taker goes for the big boot but Wyatt cuts him off and runs Taker over.
Wyatt beats Taker down in the corner now. Wyatt with big right hands against the ropes. Taker connects with one jab but Wyatt beats him up in the corner. Wyatt charges with a huge splash and Taker goes down for a 2 count. Wyatt keeps Taker grounded now. Wyatt mounts Taker from the back and delivers blows to the back of the head. Wyatt positions Taker in front of the ring post and charges, smashing Taker's head into the post. Wyatt brings it back in and he goes down on his ankle. Wyatt kicks Taker. Taker pulls him into Hell's Gate out of nowhere but barely gets it in. Wyatt fights out with strikes. Taker slowly gets up but Wyatt slams him and nails the back splash for a 2 count. Wyatt turns upside down in the corner and grabs Taker for Sister Abigail. Wyatt holds him and cuts his own throat, mocking Taker. Taker grabs him and breaks Sister Abigail with a big chokeslam.
Fans chant for Taker now. He cuts his own throat and goes for the Tombstone piledriver, nailing it in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count. Taker cuts his throat again and picks Wyatt up for another Tombstone. Wyatt slides down and hits Sister Abigail for a 2 count. Wyatt is shocked now. Wyatt turns upside down and does the spider walk. Taker sits straight up like only he can do and it collapses Wyatt. Wyatt is shocked again. They stare at each other and get up. Taker tells Wyatt to bring it and they trade shots as fans chant "this is awesome" now. Wyatt nails a headbutt and beats Taker down. Wyatt mocks Taker again and goes for Sister Abigail. Wyatt kisses Taker's forehead but Taker counters it and hits a Tombstone for the win.
Winner: The Undertaker
- After the match, Taker sits up and his music hits as we go to replays. Taker drops to one knee like he does and poses as fireworks go off.
- Chris Jericho's live podcast with John Cena is announced for April 6th after RAW on the WWE Network.
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar
We get a video package for tonight's main event and out comes Roman Reigns through the crowd as security leads the way. Reigns gets a mixed reaction but nothing too bad until he hits the corners. Reigns looks focused. He cocks back and punches the mat as fireworks go off around the top of Levi's Stadium. The music finally hits and out next comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar to a big pop. Paul Heyman is right behind him.
Pyro explodes as Lesnar walks down the ramp. He enters the ring and we see more pyro and fireworks going off around the stadium. Lilian Garcia does formal ring introductions and Reigns gets mostly boos. Heyman does the introduction for Lesnar and it's awesome. The bell rings and here we go.
Reigns charges but Lesnar lifts him and takes him to the corner, overpowering him. Lesnar with a big German suplex. Reigns comes back but Lesnar nails a F5 to a big pop, barely a minute into the match. Lesnar doesn't go for the pin and just looks at Reigns. Lesnar goes to work on him now. Lesnar with a big fisherman's suplex. The referee checks on Reigns and he's shaking. Lesnar grabs for another German but Reigns fights back with elbows and right hands. Reigns with two big clotheslines but it doesn't budge Lesnar. Lesnar ducks the next clothesline and nails a German to a big pop. A cut near Lesnar's eye is already swelling up. Lesnar beats Reigns down in the corner now. Lesnar with a big back suplex. Lesnar says, "suplex city b---h!" Reigns fights back with huge right hands but Lesnar stops him with a knee to the gut and another German suplex. Lesnar knocks Reigns into the ropes and hits him with big knees. Lesnar with another German, the sixth one according to Lawler.
Lesnar keeps control and drops Reigns over the top rope. Lesnar with a bunch of knees to the head as the referee warns him. Fans chant "this is awesome" now. Lesnar charges and knocks Reigns off the apron, to the floor, with a forearm. The referee counts as Lesnar waits in the ring. Reigns makes it back up at 8. Lesnar charges but Reigns catches him in the head with a knee. Fans boo as Reigns stuns Lesnar. Reigns with kicks. Lesnar catches his leg and clotheslines Reigns hard from the apron to the floor to cut his comeback short. Lesnar follows to the floor and beats Reigns around. Lesnar with more knees before rolling Reigns in. Lesnar with another German that sends Reigns out of the ring. Reigns comes up to the apron but Lesnar brings him back in the ring with a big belly to belly suplex. Lesnar lifts Reigns and drops him with another F5 but Reigns kicks out somehow.
Lesnar takes his gloves off and throws them to the floor. Lesnar lifts Reigns and smacks him. Reigns looks like he's trying to talk trash but he's dazed. Lesnar with another big slap. Reigns eggs Lesnar on some more and laughs at him. Lesnar with another German suplex and another. Cole says we're at 10. Lesnar hits a third F5 and Reigns barely kicks out. Lesnar picks Reigns up and tosses him under the bottom rope to the floor. Lesnar follows to the floor and goes to send Reigns into the ring post but Reigns counters and sends Lesnar into it. Heyman is dropping blood now and Heyman sees it. Lesnar stumbles and goes down to one knee as the referee counts. Heyman tells him to hold up but Lesnar barely makes it in at 9. A bloody Lesnar gets to his feet and Reigns nails the Superman punch. Lesnar doesn't go all the way down and stumbles against the ropes. Reigns hits another Superman punch that knocks Lesnar to his knee and into the corner. Lesnar catches Reigns in the air for a German but Reigns fights out with headbutts to the open wound. Reigns with another Superman punch. Reigns with a spear. Lesnar goes to the corner but gets hit with another spear for a very close 2 count.
They get up and Lesnar catches Reigns in a F5 as the crowd pops. Seth Rollins' music hits and out he comes. He's cashing in Money In the Bank.
Rollins knocks Reigns out of the ring and goes to Lesnar. Rollins nails a Curb Stomp and waits for him to get back up. Lesnar catches him in the F5 but Reigns hits them with a spear. Rollins with a Curb Stomp on Reigns for the win and the title.
Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Seth Rollins
- After the bell, the crowd goes nuts as Rollins begins his celebration. We go to replays. We come back with fireworks going off as Rollins celebrates with his WWE World Heavyweight Title.
Wrestlemania 31 Complete Results, Undertaker Won, Daniel Bryan, New World Heavyweight Champ