- We come back from a break and Cole leads us to a video for the next match.
WWE United States Title Match: John Cena vs. Rusev
Back to Levi's Stadium and the Russian National Anthem is being performed as a group of Russian soldiers march a large Russian flag to the ringside area. Lana leads the way and she's holding the WWE United States Title belt. Soldiers on the stage fire off cannons. Rusev comes in driving a tank. He stands on top of it and waves the Russian flag as fans boo. Rusev marches to where Lana and the soldiers are at ringside. His music hits and he enters the ring with Lana. Fans boo Rusev and start to get riled up as they wait for his opponent. A patriotic video plays with footage of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, George Bush, President Obama and others. Cena's music hits in the stadium and out he comes. The crowd immediately hijacks his theme with the "John Cena sucks" singalong. Cena looks ready to fight and rushes the ring as Rusev looks on. We get formal ring introductions from Eden.
Eden goes to introduce the challenger first but Rusev cuts her off. He orders her to introduce him first and she does. Fans boo as he raised the United States Title and taunts Cena. Cena is introduced next and he gets a lot of boos from the crowd also. We get the bell and Cena unloads, going for a quick pin attempt. Rusev sends him into the ropes and nails a big spin kick for a 2 count. Rusev takes control and works Cena over near the corner now. Rusev with a huge suplex from the mat and another 2 count. Rusev keeps control and charges Cena in the corner. Rusev with a big roll in the corner and another 2 count. Rusev grabs the Russian flag and waves it around as fans boo. Rusev taunts Cena with the "you can't see me" and gets kicked in the shoulder. Cena fights back and takes Rusev down with shoulder tackles. Cena with the big slam. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Rusev slides out of the Attitude Adjustment and slams Cena for a 2 count.
Rusev misses a kick and Cena drops him for a STF but Rusev stops him. Rusev with another big slam for a 2 count. They go to the top and Cena sends Rusev to the mat. Cena with the big leg drop for a 2 count. Rusev blocks another AA and hits a big kick to the face. Rusev gets fired up now. He goes for the stomp before the Accolade but Cena slides out of the way. Rusev with a kick for a 2 count. Rusev argues with the referee. He charges in the corner and runs into a big boot. Cena with tornado DDT for a 2 count. Rusev looks to be out now. They get up and trade shots in the middle of the ring. Rusev yells that Cena can't beat him and hits a big knee to the temple. Rusev drops Cena again for a close 2 count.
Cena finally gets the STF locked in as Lana looks on. Lana throws her high heel in the ring and the referee brushes it aside. Cole calls it the most bizarre thing he's ever seen. Rusev grabs the bottom rope and breaks the STF. Rusev catches Cena in mid-air and hits a big fallaway slam. Rusev goes to the top and nails a big flying headbutt for a 2 count. Rusev does the stomp and tries for the Accolade but Cena fights it. Cena hits a springboard backwards stunner and covers Rusev for a 2 count. Rusev counters the AA again. Rusev goes for another fallaway slam but Cena counters with a 2 count. Rusev nails a big kick to the face. Rusev finally gets The Accolade locked in in the middle of the ring. Cena eventually breaks the Accolade in the corner. He gets the STF applied again. Lana ends up getting on the apron to distract the referee. Rusev accidentally knocks her off the apron and Cena nails the AA for the win.
Winner and New WWE United States Champion: John Cena
- After the match, Cena begins the celebration a we go to replays. Rusev throws a fit in front of Lana as a trainer checks on her. Rusev leaves by himself upset as Cena celebrates with the title.
WWE WrestleMania 31: John Cena Vs. Rusev (WWE United States Title Match)