Ethan Carter comes out to protest at his shoddy treatment and stages a sit in. Angle scares him and threatens to break his ankle if he tries to get involved.
Kurt Angle vs. Rockstar Spud for the TNA World Title
The super formal ring announcing helps make this match seem like a big deal. Josh says he doesn't think Spud can beat Angle a few times. Yeah, this just makes Spud look like a joke, Josh. The bout opens with the pair locking up and Angle trying to get Spud down on the mat. Spud tries to escape and get to the ropes. He manages to get there and the ref breaks them up. Angle charges at Spud, but misses and hits the ringpost instead. Spud hits a missle dropkick and a headscissors and sends Angle to the outside. Spud goes for a dive on the outside but Angle catches him.
Angle throws Spud back into the ring and hits a Suplex for the two count. Angle puts him in the headlock but Spud battles back with a Jawbreaker. Angle counters with a backbreaker off the ropes. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Spud manages to escape and hits an enzugiri. Spud hits Angle with a flurry of shots and Angle seems overwhelmed. Spud is truly bringing the fight to him here. Angle misses a charge and heads to the floor. Angle makes it back to the apron only for Spud to hit him with a dropkick. Spud gets on the top rope and hits a senton. Man, that was amazing.
Angle manages to make his way back into the ring. He looks totally beaten up ad shell-shocked. But it turns out he might only be playing possum as he hits Spud with a belly-to-belly. What a comeback move! Angle, Hulking Up apparently, goes for the Angle slam as Spud desperately tries to escape. He fights backs and Angle responds by going for the Ankle Lock. Spud rolls through it. He nails an underdog on the champion and goes for the pin but it only gets a two. Angle manages to hit the Ankle lock and holds it in deep, Spud, after trying to hang in there as long as he could, eventually taps.
Winner and still TNA champion: Kurt Angle
Good match, but you have to wonder why Josh continually emphasized that Spud wasn't going to win if, well, he wasn't going to win. How inept does that make him look? Promoters should only play the "underdog" angle if the person is going to win. Otherwise he just looks bad.
Angle pays respect to Spud after the match ends by holding up his hand. Then Austin Aries comes out. Angle and Aries have a staredown and that's our main event.
Taryn Terrell announces she'll face Kong for the title tonight in a Lingerie Pillow Fight. The Dollhouse make fun of Kong and wonder what she'll find to wear.
Low Ki vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Manik in an X division qualifier bout
All the men in the ring. Some wacky antics with Steve and Manik to start things off. "Can you imagine if Manik and Steve became a team?" Josh asks. What a scary, scary thought. Manik attacks Low Ki and they go at it. Some good action here, including Low Ki countering Steve's flying Codebreaker with a springboard. Ultimately, Low Ki hits Manik with the Warrior's Way to advance in the competition. Decent x division bout but a bit too focused on comedy and too short on time.
Winner: Low Ki
Grado is in the back doing squats. He then attempts a parkour but fall and trips. Somewhere John Morrison is laughing. This was quite a cute little segment in its own way.
We get a recap of Storm shoving Mickie off the platform to her DOOM~!. Relax, guys, they assure us she's fine. This company, however? Not so much. The announcers tease Magnus's return to confront Storm next week.
DJZ vs. Tigre Uno vs. Mandrews in an X Division qualifier
DJZ goes after Tigre and tries to slam him but Tigre counters with the wheelbarrow armdrag. DJZ hits him with a dropkick and manages to catch Mandrews as he comes off of the ropes. He gets the scissors on Uno. A lot of action going on here. Mandrews hits the moonsault on DJZ for a two count. Uno flies and gets a dropkick to both men. DJZ hits a dive to Mandrews but Uno manages to break it up. Uno hits DJZ with a legdrop but Mandrews breaks it up. Uno ducks out of the ring to avoid an aerial assault by Mandrews. DJZ dives onto Mandrews, Uno comes back in, tosses DJZ out and hits the Phoenix Splash to win.
Winner: Tigre Uno
After the match Jesse Godderz attacks DJZ. Segment ends with him standing over DJZ gloating.
We see Taryn Terrell on her way to the ring for her match with Awesome Kong.
Taryn sits on a giant pink bed wearing a purple robe. She calls out Kong. Kong comes out but isn't wearing Lingerie. The Dollhouse tell her to go get changed. Kong grabs Marti and Jade and beats them down on the floor. Taryn insists she has won the match and tries to get them to announce it. Brooke comes out and says the entire idea of a Lingerie Pillow Match is an embarrassment to the Knockouts division. Brooke attacks Taryn, pulls off her robe and she flees to the back. Brooke says she's coming for Taryn's title next. Weird segment.
We see Bobby Roode tell Austin Aries he has his back tonight in the match with Kurt Angle. He does make a point of saying he wants a title shot if Austin wins though.
Grado is weighing himself on scales. He even strips to try and his weight down to qualify for the X division title. Then Jeremy Borash reminds him there are no weight limits for the title. So he can put his clothes ac on and get ready to compete in his X division qualifier match next. Well thank God for that.
Kenny King vs. Cruz vs. Grado in an X Division qualifier match
King goes after Grado and gets him down on the mat. All three men then go at it with Kenny running wild on poor Grado with several vicious chops. King beats Grado into the corner and escapes a whirl gutbreaker from Cruz. King goes for the pin on Cruz but only manages a two count after Grado interferes. King locks on a chinlock on Cruz and clotheslines him. Grado goes for a figure four leglock but fails to get it on. King kicks him the face. Cruz goes up top for the senton and crossbody but King counters with the Royal Flush. Grado rushes in, attacks King with punches, tosses him out of the ring then hits the cannonball on Cruz to pick up the win and advance. The fans are ecstatic.
Winner: Grado
Bram has beaten up an innocent cameraman backstage because, well, he's Bram. He promises worse to come when he goes out to the ring.
We come back from commercial to see Bram in the ring. He says he doesn't think much of the past. He then challenges a past TNA star to come out and fight him. A returning Crimson comes out to answer the challenge and the bell rings.
Bram vs. Crimson
Crimson throws Bram around and sends him flying outside of the ring. Bram is furious. He fights back and sends Crimson straight into the barricade. And again. Ouch. Bram throws him back into the ring. Bram brutalizes Crimson for a while, but Crimson eventually fights back with a suplex nnd Rings of Saturn but Bram gets to the ropes. Crimson goes for his finisher but Bram bites his hand then hits the Brighter Side of Suffering for the win.
Winner: Bram.
Angle cuts a promo backstage. He says was impressed by Spud and took him very seriously. He says he intends to do the same wit Aries tonight.
We see ECIII. He is irate and claims he is the true No 1 contender. He tells Angle that when he throws the first punch, Angle will not get up again. Are they teasing him getting involved?
Austin Aries vs. Kurt Angle (c) for the TNA World Title
We get the super formal ring announcements by Borash again. Yeah, this worked better earlier. Te bell rings and both men dance around each other for a few moments. Lock up. Angle gets to the ropes and Aries backs off. Angle tries to take him down but Aries counters with a facelock. Angle goes for a headlock. Aries counters with his own headlock. There's a cool head scissors/headstand/dropkick exchange as both guys fight for dominance. Angle throws Aries into the buckle and hits him with several vicious shots. Aries turned it around in the corner and hits Angle with a clothesline for the two count. This is a great match. Angle goes for the German but Austin gets out of it. We head for a break.
We're back and Austin seems to have the advantage. Aries gets a few two counts off some elbows off the top rope. Aries goes from the brainbuster for Angle manages to stop it just in time. He then hits the suplex and both guys are down. They get up and exchange punches. Angle hits his foe with three German Suplexes. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Aries blOcks it and hits a DDT. Aries goes for the pin but only gets a two. Aries goes for the last chancery but Angle gets off the Ankle lock. Aries rolls through it and sends Angle across the ring. Angle goes up top for a dropkick. Angle goes for the ankle lock again. Austin gets to the ropes. Then Angle hits the Angle slam...but Austin kicks out at two. Angle goes for the moonsault but Austin rolls out of the way in time and hits the last chancery. Angle gets to the ropes. Austin goes up top but Angle jumps up there too but Austin throws him down. He hits a 450 splash but only gets a two count. Austin is stunned and looks like he has no clue how to stop this man. Angle gets up and the two brawl. Aries hits him with a Hesitation Dropkick in the corner but he still can't keep Angle down. Austin puts in the Ankle lock but Kurt manages to roll out. Kurt heads outside and Aries proceeds to climb up top and go for a suicide dive, but Angle ducks out of the way in time. What an amazing spot. Aries has knocked himself out. Angle rolls him back into the ring and goes for the Ankle lock, this time Aries taps. Superb match. One of the best of the year, even.
Winner and still TNA World champion Kurt Angle
After the match ECIII comes out and attacks Kurt. The show ends with him holding the title and teasing a future confrontation.
TNA Impact Wrestling results for 6 June 2015