We get a video message from Triple H hyping the crowd for the show. Jojo is now in the ring and she will be introducing for the night.
Ryback vs. Bray Wyatt for the intercontinental title is up first. Ryback is SUPER over with the crowd. About halfway through, Bray hits a scary apron DDT on Ryback. Lots of close falls in this one and it's a really good match. Ryback wins with Shellshocked.
Adam Rose (w/ Rosa Mendes) vs. Fandango is next. Rosa is getting some major heat with the crowd. Fandango eventually wins a slow match with a school-boy.
Seth Rollins comes on the screen and says he will not defend his title in his steel cage match against Orton tonight.
The Miz is out next to face Jack Swagger. This was a match with a lot of comedy spots. The Miz tries to leave but Swagger brings him back in. Swagger makes Miz tap with the Ankle Lock. Miz issues an open challenge after his loss from Swagger.
Macho Mandow Makes Miz tap out with a figure-four in about 15 seconds.
Triple threat for the Diva's Title: Nikki vs. Paige vs. Naomi (w/ Tamina). Good match with some good crowd reaction and a sick super-kick to Paige from Tamina. Nikki wins after a Rack Attack on Naomi.
John Cena is out next with a U.S. Open Challenge. Wade Barrett answers the challenge and it is, of course, for the United States Title. He gets a HUGE reaction in his entrance. Dueling chants for Cena from the beginning of the match. After another good back-and-forth match, Cena wins with the AA.
The Ascension is out first, as New Day is out next. The get huge heat from the crowd as they lay out poor statistics about the state and say the name of the city wrong twice. They try and get the crowd to sing,"We Are The Champions" with no success. Prime Time Players are out last to a huge reaction from the crowd. It is apparently an elimination match as Darren Young pins Konnor and The Ascension is eliminated. PTP and New Day are left. With Xavier Woods, Kofi, Young and Titus in the ring, Big E interferes while the ref's back is turned. New Day gets the win and retains. PTP double team Woods after the match to have the last laugh.
Jey Uso Beat Bo Dallas who came for a promo. Bo takes a lap around the ring and comes back in to a super kick and a diving splash. Jey Uso wins in about 3 minutes.
Randy Orton got Seth Rollins . Loud "Justin Bieber" and "You Sold Out" chants for Rollins really early on in the match. Even louder "RKO" chants for Orton. Multiple escape attempts by both Rollins and Orton. Scary moment when the cage door is slammed on Randy's head. Rollins almost escapes, but Orton grabs him by his hair last second and pulls him back in. They both stand on the top rope but Rollins pushes Orton off. Randy sweeps his leg and catches him mid-air for an RKO and the win.Awesome match.
WWE live event results from Lake Charles 7 June 2015