Thursday 25 June 2015

WWE Smackdown results for 25 June 2015

 Seth Rollins kicks off the show with Joey Mercury and Kane by his side. He says people don't like change, but it's necessary. He also brings up that Lesnar broke three of Jamie Noble's ribs. He said Noble would want them to celebrate, and said Kane has the most to celebrate, after beating Ziggler, Orton and Ambrose in recent weeks.
Kane says extended family member of the Authority Big Show couldn't be there because of the attack from Ryback. He calls Ryback to the ring, who obliges. He calls Rollins spineless, and Kane makes a match between himself and Ryback. Rollins gets fires up and says he's going to face Ambrose tonight, too.
Dolph Ziggler (w/Lana) vs. Sheamus
Sheamus attacks early, but Ziggler applies a sleeper hold, which makes Sheamus duck out of the ring. Rusev comes to the ring with a mic and begs for Lana back. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick, but scores a huge knee lift to send Ziggler outside as we go to a commercial break.
We come back to Ziggler missing a Superkick but landing one after rolling up Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus kicks out of the superkick. Ziggler applies a sleeper hold, but Sheamus drives him into the turnbuckle. Sheamus then crotches him on the top and hits a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner: Sheamus via pinfall (Brogue Kick)
 We see Rusev limping backstage and he's furious with Lana. Summer Rae shows up and says Lana isn't worth it.
Alicia Fox (w/ Bella Twins) vs. Naomi (w/ Tamina)
Naomi is in control early, and I have no clue who is the face of heel. A body slam and a legdrop from Naomi set up a chinlock in the middle of the ring. Alicia Fox fights back, but they both take a spill to the outside. Naomi gets in the Bellat Twins' faces, allowing Tamina to kick both Bella Twins. Back inside, Alicia Fox hits a modified Overdrive to win.
Winner: Alicia Fox via pinfall
 We see a recap of the Kevin Owens/John Cena happenings from Monday.
 New Day is in the back, and they'll say that they'll regain the tag titles at Battleground. PTP show up and mock them, and say one of them will have to sit on the sidelines. New Day is livid but Bo Dallas comes up and says they're inspirational. He asked the Authority to join New Day against PTP and two other opponents. New Day is happy about this and try to teach Dallas their clap.
- Before Kane vs. Ryback can get started, Big Show attacks Ryback and throws him into the video board. He beats the hell out of Ryback all around the ringside. He rolls Ryback inside the ring and the match starts.
Kane (w/ Big Show) vs. Ryback
Kane pins Ryback, but he kicks out at two. Ryback fights back with a Meat Hook, and avoids a chokeslam, but Big Show interferes for the DQ.
Winner: Ryback via DQ
Show chokeslams Ryback twice after the match and stands over him.
- We see a Tough Enough recap.
New Day & Bo Dallas vs. Prime Time Players & Lucha Dragons
Titus immediately tosses Kofi around like a sack of waste and tags out to Darren Young, who gets a two count. Kofi fights out and tags to an aggressive Bo Dallas, who ends up getting suplexed by Young for a two count. Bo dips outside and the heels all cheer as we go to a commercial.
We come back to Sin Cara working over Kofi Kingston, but he gets tossed outside and double teamed as Tom Phillips screams "ooh" 42 times. New Day tags in and out and stomps away each time in a hilarious spot. Big E and Kofi try to double team Sin Cara, but he does a huracanrana and tags Kalisto.
Kalisto goes nuts and destroys Woods with his awesome comeback. Young Gut Checks Woods an all hell breaks loose, culminating in Sin Cara jumping on the pile of opponents. Kalisto pins Woods inside the ring. New Day loses again.
Winners: Prime Time Players & Lucha Dragons via pinfall
 Dean Ambrose is in the back and says he doesn't like Wyatt messing with his best friend. Reigns tells him not to worry about it. Kane tells Reigns he's not getting involved tonight and has him escorted from the arena.
Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins (w/ Kane & Joey Mercury)
Ambrose hits a big series of armdrags and applies an armbar before clotheslining Rollins to the floor before our last commercial. As we come back Rollins is working over Ambrose's leg and beating him down in the corner. Ambrose is favouring his long-injured knee as Rollins continues attacking it.
Rollins goes up top, but gets knocked down by Ambrose who starts dominating with strikes. Ambrose rolls him up for two, and then lands a reverse powerbomb for another near fall. Rollins battles back with a big kick to Ambrose's head and both men are down.
Amrbose rolls through a body press and gets a two count, then hits a neckbreaker. He goes up top and kicks off Kane as he tries to interfere, then hits a suicide dive. Amrbose lands hits flying elbow, but Mercury distracts the ref. Ambrose takes Mercury out and gets a tornado DDT that Rollins barely makes it out of.
Rollins gets a series of kicks, but Ambrose huracanranas him out of the ring and dives onto all three members of the Authority. Ambrose lands two big lariats, but Mercury gets involved, Rollins Pedigrees him and wins. Fantastic match.
Winner: Seth Rollins via pinfall (Pedigree)

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WWE Smackdown results for 25 June 2015
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