Wednesday 8 July 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling complete results for 8 July 2015

bobby lashleyTNA Impact Wrestling complete results for 8 July 2015 Welcome to our Live Impact Viewing Party. We will be providing live ongoing coverage of tonight's show, while you all can chime in with your thoughts and reactions throughout the show.
A video recap airs of Ethan Carter's victory last week.
Ethan Carter III comes out, holding up his newly won title.He's wearing a nice fancy suit. Tyrus is with him. Carter gets on the mic and brags he's unbeaten and the new champion. He tells the fans Dixie Carter is returning...and also that she's put him in charge tonight. He says he will defend the title three times tonight.
Matt Hardy comes out. He says he wants a shot at the title. He reminds Carter he helped him out by "softening up" Kurt Angle last week. Hardy tries to get a #Matt4champ Twitter campaign started. Carter thinks about it for a few moments, then says no. Matt is angry and threatens to beat him up but Carter points out hes booking the show and Matt is in a match next. He will take on the Dirty Heels. He then jokes about Matt being a new father saying "Papa's got a brand new bag." Aries and Roode come down the ramp. Carter is going to be on commentary.
Matt Hardy vs. The Dirty Heels
Aries and Roode attack straight away with kicks and punches. Matt fights back and manages to get an inside cradle on Austin for the two count. Pope admonishes Carter on commentary for making such an unfair match. Carter doesn't care. Roode brutalizes Matt with punches and hits a suplex before making the tag to Austin. Matt gets hit with the wishbone. Bobby tags back in and Matt is able to fight back with the icepick but Austin interferes then tags in himself. Matt struggles and looks like hes about to his the twist of fate on Aries but Roode attacks him and eats a Twist of Fate. Matt goes for a suplex but Roode interferes again and holds down his foot on the apron, allowing Aries to get on top of him for the pin.
Winner: The Dirty Heels
Josh talks about Dixie's, erm, long-awaited return. We're apparently getting another Jeff Jarrett interview as well.
The Rising are back for one last promo. Drew announces the stable is officially over after their loss last week. All the guys look very depressed. Eli, on crutches, thanks Drew for getting him into TNA. Drew hints he might not be down with the BDC yet. Drew promises the fans their future is bright and urges fans to stand up for what the believe in. Ethan Carter mocks him at ringside and Drew gets really mad. Carter tells him his ship has "sunk" and it's time for him to do something new. He announces that Drew is in a three-on-one handicap match against The Revolution.
Drew Galloway vs. The Revolution
Shockingly, Drew won in two minutes with the flying kick. Abyss and Khoya were having miscommunication problems and Abyss broke up the three count after Khoya hit the Sky High. Abyss wanted the credit for the win. Khoya slapped Abyss and Drew managed to take advantage of the distraction to dropkick Abyss and Khoya to the floor then caught Manik with the backbreaker and flying kick.
Winner: Drew Galloway
Anderson approaches Carter backstage and is unusually complimentary. Anderson tells Carter he'd love a title match, but Carter makes Anderson vs. Bram instead.
Mr. Anderson vs. Bram
They lock up and Anderson tries to get him to the mat. Anderson gets in the facelock and Bram reverses it into the hammerlock. Anderson fights back and both guys manage to rise again, with Bram sending Anderson in the ring post. Anderson fights back with a clothesline and a neckbreaker and hits the swanton bomb for the two count. He goes for the mic check but Bram blocks it and Anderson sends him flying out of the ring. Bram hits him with a chair in the face and Hebner calls for the bell. Bram doesn't care and throws Anderson into the steel steps and continues to beat him up. Bram demands Anderson's mic and mocks his catchphrase. Then he slams the mic across Anderson's forehead, leaving him a battered and bloody mess. Good segment.
Winner by DQ: Mr. Anderson
Jessie Godderz is in the ring now for his match with Robbie E.
Jessie Godderz vs. Robbie E.
These two are after each other as soon as the bell rings. There's some intense brawling to start the match off. Robbie sends Jessie to the outside. Robbie goes under the ring for a trash can and hits Jessie with the lid. Robbie then grabs the kendo stick and suplex Robbie back into the ring. Robbie gets back in the ring and places the garbage can over the crotch area before hammering it with the kendo stick. Ouch. Robbie goes for a plancha but misses and Jessie sends him flying into the ring post. Jessie grabs the can and hits him with it several times. Robbie fights back with bites as Jessie grabs the kendo stick and begins laying in several shots. Robbie manages to legsweep him and canes him. Jessie counters with a dropkick. Jessie goes off and finds some chairs, throwing them into the ring. Robbie gets up and tosses him the can in the corner. He goes for three count but Jessie kicks out. Robbie then proceeds to start setting up the chairs. Jessie manages to counter and powerbomb his former tag partner through the chairs but only gets the two count. Jessie then uses the chair for a super painful Adonis Crab but Robbie still won't quit. Eventually he passes out from the pain. Ref stops the bout.
Winner: Jessie Godderz
Lashley talks to Carter. He says he wants a shot for the title. Carter says no and instead makes Lashley vs. Tyrus for tonight. Oh, joy. Lashley and Tyrus stare each other down.
Angle is backstage reading something. He smiles. The camera guy asks what it is, but Kurt is vague. It seems like good news though.
Jeff Jarrett interview. Jeff says the GFW and TNA relationship is a "work in progress." They show some GFW clips, interestingly enough. Jeff says the King of the Mountain title will be the centerpiece of GFW. Compelling but I don't feel this storyline is as exciting as it should be.
Ethan Carter brings out his championship opponent. Norv Ferman.
Ethan Carter vs. Norv Ferman
Handshake to start it off. Then Carter pins him easily with the One Percenter.
Winner: Ethan Carter.
Carter pretends to get in the corner and rest from such a strenuous match and gets Tyrus to bring him some water. Then he announces it's shark week and brings out Sharkboy. More like shark weak.
Ethan Carter vs. Sharkboy
Sharkboy fares slightly better than Norv did and gets in some punches, but Carter is still able to hit his finisher for the win. Fans seem happy to have Sharkboy back.
Winner: Ethan Carter
Carter once again feigns tiredness then gets on the mic to announce the next guy. Then Angle comes out and holds up the paperwork he was reading earlier. He says it states he has a rematch whenever and wherever he wants...and he's picking tonight. Carter looks angry as Lashley comes down the ramp.
Lashley vs. Tyrus
Short match which was probably for the best. Carter was out with Tyrus. The two did some matwork early, with Lashley gaining the advantage, then started exchanged scary power moves. Lashley looked like he was having a bit of trouble keeping up Tyrus for some of the moves. Lashley won with the spear. I don't think these two bring out the best in each other at all.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
We get another Jarrett interview. Tenay asks Jeff about his legacy in TNA and Jeff says it speaks for itself. He says he loved his matches with AJ Styles early in the company's history and is extremely proud of men like him and Samoa Joe. He name drops Don West. Interesting he mentioned Joe.
Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne
Velvet goes crazy on Madison and tosses her outside then continuing to beat her up at ringside. She sends Madison flying into the steel steps. Things get back into the ring and Madison hits a clothesline for the two count. She hits a Northern line then a kneelift to the face. Velvet fights back as Madison tries to choke her with the ropes, breaking at the five count. Madison gets distracted by heeling up to the crowd and Velvet catches her win knee kicks and a stunner for the victory. This was perfectly fine for what it was.
Winner: Velvet Sky.
Ethan Carter vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA World Championship
This wasn't the main event. Dixie coming back is. This ended up being more of a joke match that ended when Carter went after the ref. Carter tried to roll out earlier on. Angle gets him in the corner and tries to go for the leg. He hit four rolling Germans before Tyrus jumped on the apron and Angle punched him out. Angle went for the ankle lock, Carter punched the ref to intentionally get DQ'd then tapped out but the bell had rung. Kurt was irate. The refs have to hold him back.
Winner: Kurt Angle by DQ
Carter is in the ring bragging about his "win" and still being champion when his aunt comes out. The crowd don't seem that bothered about her big return to be honest. Dixie notes she hasn't been in the ring since Bully Ray sent her through that table. She sounds regretful of all her heel antics, admitting she was a monster and made everyone miserable. She says she can't change all the terrible things she did but she can assure that going forward she changes her ways and learns from the mistakes on the past. She tells her nephew he is out of control. She says tonight has been an embarrassment. She tells Ethan he earned his title but he can't use his surname to defend it. She says TNA needs big changes and someone new to make the decisions. And it won't be her or Ethan. Show closes with Ethan wondering who that person is.

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TNA Impact Wrestling complete results for 8 July 2015
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