Friday 10 July 2015

WWE Smack Down complete results for 9 July 2015

wwe smackdownWWE Smack Down complete results for 9 July 2015  Welcome to our  Smackdown coverage. Tonight, Dean Ambrose,Paul Heyman, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt are all scheduled to appear.
 Seth Rollins came out and says he's more of a man than Brock Lesnar, and gave him every chance to confront him in the ring. He says instead Lesnar proved he's a coward. Rollins talks about J&J like they won't be around anymore. All of a sudden we hear a truck backing up, and it brings out the crushed Cadillac.
Paul Heyman is out, and says the damage to the Cadillac won't come close to the damage that Brock Lesnar is going to do to Rollins at WWE Battleground. Rollins says that after Battleground, Heyman won't have a client to advocate for. Rollins screams at Heyman and says he'll leave Battleground as WWE Champion.
Dean Ambrose vs. Bo Dallas
Bo Dallas runs Dean Ambrose's shoulder into the post repeatedly. Ambrose is in a bad way, and Dallas continues to pummel him. Dallas lands his old powerslam finish and locks on a cravate as we go to a commercial break.
We come back to Bo Dallas controlling Ambrose, but he gets clotheslined hard. Ambrose jumps to his feet and clotheslines Dallas outside, then suicide dives his way outside. Back inside, Dallas hits a belly-to-belly superplex for two. Ambrose answers with a bulldog and Dirty Deeds for the win.
Winner: Dean Ambrose via pinfall (Dirty Deeds)
Big Show sees Rollins in the back and tries to console him. Big Show he doesn't want to help Rollins take down Lesnar, but wants to make sure Rollins is focused on Ryback.
 We see a recap of Rusev attacking Ziggler from Monday.
Rusev (w/ Summer Rae) vs. Fandango
Rusev is sporting boots, and gets caught with a running headscissors. He knocks Fandango to the ground and puts the boots to Fandango. He them applies a claw to Fandango's trapezius muscle, but Fandango battles back with a big dropkick that drops the Bulgarian.
Fandango hits a big flying clothesline for a one count, but eats a big superkick. Accolade, submission.
Winner: Rusev via submission (Accolade)
 Commercial time!
Roman Reigns vs. Big Show
Show attacks early, and is wrestling in a new singlet. Show tosses Reigns from the ring but accidentally posts himself and gets a big dropkick to the face. Back inside, Reigns is trying to chop Show down with strikes, and finally does it with a big clothesline.
Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch, but Wyatt's music hits and he pops up behind him. Reigns Superman punches Wyatt once and Show twice, but Wyatt crotches Reigns on the post.
Winner: Roman Reigns via DQ
Big Show chokeslams Reigns and leaves. This allows Wyatt to land Sister Abigail.
Big E (w/ New Day) vs. Titus O'Neil (w/ Darren Young)
Big E runs over Titus, but only gets a two. Titus tosses big E outside, then dominates him with a kick, a bodylslam and a ledrop that only gets two. Big E gets a big belly-to-belly, but New Day gets caught trying to interfere and are ejected. O'Neil hits Clash of the Titus for the win. New Day loses again.
Winner: Titus O'Neil via pinfall (Clash of the Titus)
 New Day are 2-14 since June 1 in televised matches.
 We take a look at the Cadillac CTS getting crushed.
Randy Orton comes out and says Sheamus isn't entertaining, so he's going to try to make him entertaining by ripping his mohawk off and shoving it up his ass.
Ascension comes out and says his is their match time, and threaten Orton. Both men get RKOs, and the crowd ate it up.
Brie Bella & Alicia Fox (w/ Nikki Bella) vs. Naomi & Tamina
Brie Mode free surgery knee to the face gets a two count on Naomi early, but Tamina comes in and attacks, landing a spinning slam for two. Naomi gets tagged in and eats turnbuckle, then gets beaten up by Alicia after she gets a hot tag.
Fox hits her awesome tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Brie, but Tamina lifts her up. Nikki distracts and Fox hits a Scissor Kick for the win.
Winners: The Bella Army (via Scissor Kick)
Ryback is interviewed in the back and calls Ryback a gutless child.
Ryback vs. Seth Rollins
Ryback immediately shoulder blocks Rollins, followed by an extended hanging vertical suplex. Rollins dips to the outside as we go to our final commercial break.
We come back to see Seth Rollins land a suicide dive, which allows him to toss Ryback into the barricade. He then mocks Brock Lesnar's entrance. Ryback takes advantage and hits a big seated powerslam that almost gets a 3. Ryback then powerbombs Rollins for another two count.
Ryback scores a Meat Hook, but Rollins escapes Shellshocked and kicks him in the head. Rollins tries to leave, but Ryback throws him back in the ring. Rollins runs away and gets counted out.
Winner: Ryback via countout
Big Show comes out and helps Rollins jump Ryback. Reigns makes the save, and Ryback Shellshocks Rollins.

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