Thursday 2 July 2015

WWE Smackdown results for 2 July 2015

roman reignsWWE Smackdown results for 2 July 2015 the show kicks off and Seth Rollins comes out with J&J and gloats about the Cadillac and Apple watches he got his posse. Rollins says that our grandkids will be talking about him beating up Lesnar, and does a great Noble impersonation. He said that Kane booked matches for tonight before he left for Japan, and those are Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns.
Ambrose interrupts, but goes to the back and gets a kendo stick. Rollins and J&J duck out of the ring, and Rollins says Ambrose's match is up next.
Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt
Ambrose starts out with early success brawling with Wyatt, but gets ran right over. Wyatt applies a chinlock, but Ambrose hits a neckbreaker that sends Wyatt outside. Ambrose clotheslines Wyatt to the floor as we go to a commercial break.
We're back and we see Wyatt sent outside again, where Ambrose suicide dive. A tornado DDT gets two, but Ambrose gets clotheslined to the mat by Wyatt. The two trade big strikes in the corner until Ambrose hits the rebound clothesline. He follows up with an elbow off the top.
Wyatt rolls outside, where he hits a uranage into the barricade and the Sister Abigail for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt via pinfall (Sister Abigail)
 We go to commercial.
Adam Rose (w/ Rosa Mendes) vs. R-Truth
R-Truth shakes his crotch at Adam Rose and hiptosses him, but Rose avoids a splash in the corner. Truth then hits the Lie Detector for the quick win.
Winner: R-Truth via pinfall (Lie Detector)
 We see highlights of The Rock's appearance at the Boston live event. We also see a Cena-Owens feud recap.
 Mark Henry is interviewed backstage and says Ryback has bit off more than he can chew by picking fights with him and Big Show.
Mark Henry vs. Ryback
The two bull each other around in a lock-up, and Henry pushes Ryback out of the ring. Ryback comes back in to more bulling around and gets clotheslined by Mark Henry. Ryback answers with his own, but can't get Henry up for a suplex, and gets punished with clubbing blows for it.
Henry slams Ryback around the ring, headbutts him and applies a bear hug. Ryback tries to lift Mark Henry, but Henry lands on him for a two count. A double clothesline leaves both men on their back as the ref starts a double count. Ryback takes control with stomps in the corner, but the ref backs him off. Ryback hits a vertical suplex and the crowd goes nuts. Meat Hook clothesline, but Henry goes for a WSS, but Ryback fires back with a spinebuster. Shellshocked, pin. That was impressive.
Winner: Ryback via pinfall (Shellshocked)
 J&J and Rollins are in the back playing with their Apple watches. It's hilarious.
Brie Bella (w/ Alicia Fox) vs. Naomi
No Tamina or Nikki Bella here, as they're in Japan. Brie runs out of the ring, allowing Alicia distract and Brie to clothesline Naomi. Brie then lands a second rope dropkick for two, but Naomi comes back with a big dropkick of her own. Brie gives Naomi some free surgery with the Brie Mode knee after a drop toe hold into the buckle, but it only gets a two count.
Naomi kicks out after a bulldog at two, and Brie takes her to headlock city. Naomi lands a double Eat Defeat to Brie's...chest area, but Alicia grabs her foot, allowing Brie to hit the Bella Buster for the win.
Winner: Brie Bella via pinfall (Bella Buster)
 We get a spooky Bray Wyatt promo where he says he won't let Roman Reigns succeed, and he'll burn down everything he loves.
Prime Time Players vs. Ascension
The two teams trade strikes for several minutes until The Ascension corner Young and drop him throat first across the ropes. Young then delivers an apron back suplex to Viktor but gets posted as we go to a commercial.
We come back to the Ascension working over Young in the corner, getting a two off of a body slam. A big knee from Viktor floors Darren Young, but he gets bounced from the ring anyway. Titus O'Neil gets the hot tag and totally kills both guys. A shoulderblock on Konor gets two before Viktor breaks it up, but Titus hits a botched Clash of the Titus for the win.
Winners: Prime Time Players via pinfall (Clash Of The Titus)
 Rusev and Summer Rae are out, and Summer Rae apologizes for her actions Monday. She says she shouldn't have stooped to Lana's level, and Lana's loss is Summer's gain. Rusev says it's nice to have a woman that knows her place, and people won't make fun of him any more. Rusev says he's going to eat Ziggler's heart.
 Rollins and J&J come out and use their Apple watches to count Reigns down, because he's presumably not in the building. Reigns is here and Rollins attacks.
Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins (w/ J&J Security)
Reigns drops Rollins, then picks up Mercury for a powerbomb but gets kicked. Rollins hits an impressive buckle bomb for two, then lands a double foot stomp to Reigns' back for another two count. Rollins follows up with a body slam and goes to the top rope, but gets caught with a big uppercut.
Reigns lands several big punches before hitting repeated clotheslines in the corner. Rollins lips out of a backdrop attempt but gets powerbombed. Mercury interferes and causes a DQ.
Winner: Roman Reigns via DQ
Ambrose makes the save with a kendo stick and Reigns hits a Superman punch on Rollins. Mercury pulls Rollins out before Reigns can hit a spear, but Ambrose and Reigns drag Mercury back in the ring. Kendo Stick shot, Superman punch, ten more kendo stick shots, Spear to poor Mercury. Show over.

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