Friday 22 January 2016

WWE Smackdown results for 21st January 2016

roman reigns
Jericho starts the things up by showing a recap of what happened at Monday night RAW but interrupted they are really up on Y2J destroyed trombone. Jericho calls them jackasses with plungers on their face, and says they have bad unicorn names. He names them Rooty, Tooty and Booty. Oh. New Day carry the conversation but Usos came out and joined by Dolph Ziggler who paint his mouth like Usos. Here we get the first match of tonight.
Dolph Ziggler & Usos vs. New Day
One of the usos starts the things up with Xavier Woods.Usos control the earlier part of match up and keep Xavier down. Ziggler tags in but Xavier tags in Big E somehow who drop Ziggler and hit him with a big splash. New Day works on Ziggler but at a point Ziggler Superkicks Kofi and Tags in Jimmy Uso. Uso is dumped to the outside as we go to a commercial. 
Back from the break and see Woods land a reverse STO for a nearfall.Ziggler gets the hot tag, and the babyfaces run wild, with the Usos getting a pop-up Samoan drop and a superkick, followed by Uso Crazy. A triple superkick on Xavier Woods gets the victory for their team.
Winners: Dolph Ziggler & Usos via pinfall (triple superkick)
 We see the Royal Rumble 'by the numbers video.' Charlotte and Ric Flair join the commentary team for Becky's match up.
Becky Lynch vs. Alicia Fox (w/ Brie Bella)
A short match up, a squash in fact.Becky attacks early on but Alicia try to fights back and hit a kind of Suplex on Becky but she suddenly fights back hit some clothes lines then catches Alicia into a DisArmor for a submission win.
Winner: Becky Lynch via submission (DisArmor)
 Miz is out for MizTV, and is interrupted by Dean Ambrose. Ambrose says a lot of nothing, but explains all the ways he can beat up Kevin Owens this Sunday in the Last Man Standing match. He does a really good job of building the history of the match without making it feel forced. Owens interrupts and says he's obsessed with the Intercontinental title, and he'll do whatever it takes. Ambrose challenges Owens, and Miz jumps him. Owens responds by hilariously hitting Miz with the Pop-up Powerbomb. Ambrose attacks Owens, who runs away. Ambrose with Dirty Deeds on Miz and counts to ten as a gesture for Owens.
Bray Wyatt (w/ Wyatt Family) vs. Ryback
Ryback controls the earlier part and sends Wyatt out of the ring but Bray suddenly makes a come back and sends Ryback to the apron as we go for some commercial.
Back from the break and see Ryback land a knee lift and a clothesline, followed by a big splash but he then misses a top rope splash.Which  Wyatt capitalizes with a uranage and a senton for two. Ryback lands a huge meet hook Clothesline but then Wyatt family distract him, Strowman throw Ryback into steel steps, and Wyatt gets Sister Abigail for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt via pinfall (Sister Abigail)
 We see an inset promo from Titus saying this Sunday will be his super bowl.
Stardust vs. Titus O'Neil
Stardust posts Titus and makes the ref count. Titus quickly takes over squishes Stardust in the corner. Stardust manages a DDT, but is knocked off the top rope. Titus pulls Stardust off the second rope with a Clash of the Titus for the win.
Winner: Titus O'Neil via pinfall (Clash of the Titus)
 Renee Young is backstage with Kalisto who compared ADR to Mil Mascaras, Rey and Eddie Guerrero. Kalisto says he'll win again, but gets jumped by the League of Nations. Roman Reigns comes to the ring and says Vince McMahon is trying to stack the odds.
Roman Reigns vs. League Of Nations
Reigns slams Rusev early, but eats a fallaway slam of his own, which leads to him getting isolated and worked over by the League of Nations. Reigns fights back and hits his ten clotheslines on Rusev. He goes for the Superman punch, but the League jumps him and get DQ'd.
Winner: Roman Reigns via DQ
League of Nation beat reigns down until the Usos came out for rescue.League of Nation kicked Usos asses and sent them out of the ring. Roman somehow fought back but light go off and here came the Wyatt family surrounding the ring. Reigns fought off Harper and Rowan but caught by Strowman. Bray hits a sister Abigail then posses to end the show.

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WWE Smackdown results for 21st January 2016
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