Wednesday 10 February 2016

ROH TV results for 10th February 2016

ROH TV results for 10th February 2016. Kazarian vs Alex Shelley opens the show.
Kazarian vs. Alex Shelley
Kazarian takes advantage as Chris Sabin, who was on commentary, causes a distraction. Kaz retains control for several minutes until he misses a big top rope leg drop. Alex Shelley tosses Kaz to the outside and hits a flying knee off the apron, but Kaz hits a neckbreaker back inside the ring.
Kaz scores a cutter and a Sister Abigail, but Shelley manages to kick out. Shelley comes back with a reverse STO into the middle turnbuckle. Sabin tries to interfere, but Shelley gets Sliced Bread for the win.
Winner: Alex Shelley via pinfall (Sliced Bread)
 During the match, Steve Corino is oh the phone and says next week BJ Whitmer will find out who wants to take him out.
Joey "J Diesel" Daddiego (w/ Truth Martini) vs. Dalton Castle (w/ his Boys)
J Diesel and Castle end up outside the ring, with allows Truth Martini to go inside and hit a spinaroonie and moonwalk. The Boys open the ropes, sending Martini out. Daddiego hits stom awkward looking offense, but Castle hits Bangarang for the win.
Winner: Dalton Castle via pinfall (Bangarang)
Silas Young and the Beer City Bruiser come out, and Young attacks Castle while the BCB holds them back. Young gives The Boys the choice to learn to be men or be boys. The Boys attack and get beaten down. Castle gets savagely beaten as well.
Top Prospect Tourney
Leon St. Giovanni vs. Action Ortiz
Ortiz who has an amateur MMA background, lands a fcouple of early clothesline, but misses a frog splash. LSG fights back with some strikes and a Xavier Woods clothesline for two. Ortiz rolls to the outside and LSG follows outside with a slingshot twisting plancha. Ortiz hits the Killscreen and gets the win. This wasn't too hot.
Winner: Action Ortiz via pinfall (Killscreen)
 Stokely Hathaway is on the mic and challenges Okada to take on Moose at ROH 14th Anniversary. Woah.
ROH World Tag Team Championships
War Machine (c) vs. All Night Xpress
Rhett Titus outwrestles Rowe early, but he quickly lays the hammer down on Kenny King. A reverse headlock takeover on Titus followed by an H-Bomb puts War Machine in control. Hanson powerbombs Rowe onto Titus as we go to the last commercial break.
We come back to see War Machine get about half of Path of Resistance on King until Titus breaks it off and send Hanson outside. Titus gets caught by Rowe and both teams brawl all around the ringside area. Titus and Hanson get in at the 19 count, only for Hanson to hit a suicide dive on Titus.
King is laid out at ringside with a knee from Rowe, and the ref gets knocked down. Titus grabs a table from under the ring, but Rowe puts King through it, causing a DQ.
Winners: ANX via DQ.
The fight continues and officials and security try to break it up. Both teams beat the hell out of security as the show goes off the air.

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ROH TV results for 10th February 2016
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