The show opens with some hype for the title match later tonight and then we go right to the venue for the first semifinal match of the latest tag tournament.
Low Ki and Samoa Joe vs. Kenny King and MVP
Low Ki and Kenny King start things off and King quickly works Low Ki into a headlock and back into a corner. The break is less than amicable. Low Ki strikes back on the next series, putting King on notice that he won't be easy to defeat. The guys stay grounded with some grappling for a bit. After neither guy can gain a clear advantage, both guys tag out. MVP and Joe come face to face before trading blows and moving to some work on the mat. Joe works MVP into a leg bar but MVP grabs a rope and forces a break. Joe tags in MVP and goes right to work. Low Ki stays on top of MVP who tags out and brings in King. King doesn't fare much better as Low Ki stays in the driver's seat. AT one point, Low Ki takes to the air and knocks out both opponents outside of the ring. Back inside, Low Ki gets back into it with King. MVP blindsides him with a cheap shot to the back. King gets the chance to tag out and we head to a break.
After the commercial, the team of MVP and King remain in control for some time and Low Ki takes quite a beating until Joe gets the tag. He gets all over both guys when he comes into play and ends up applying a rear naked choke to King but MVP gets involved and breaks it. King tries to cover Joe and Low Ki hits Kenny with a huge double-boot to the face. Low Ki and MVP mix it up, giving Joe the chance to apply the choke once more and this time King taps. Good match.
Result: Low Ki and Samoa Joe win via pin fall, advancing to the finals.
Before the next break, Devon cuts a promo on Bram but stops short to take a phone call. Curiouser and curiouser... Bram heads to the ring after the break and tells viewers he will dismantle the brotherhood of hardcore. Then he calls out Magnus who says that he and Bram are pals for life and that he and Bram will run the place. Bram agrees and says they'll make TNA's dinosaurs extinct. Cure Devon's music. From the ramp, Devon tells the Brits to shut up and introduces Tommy Dreamer as his partner for the night. Dreamer comes out and all four guys throw down and brawl all over until Magnus and Bram retreat. Not a match, just a segment.
Backstage, Madison kinda, sorta apologizes to fighting with Taryn Terrell. Taryn is less than impressed. But they'll be in action against the Beautiful People later tonight. After TNA pays some bills, we get another "Stone Cold" Shark Boy segment backstage in which he's just horribly out of shape and cranky. It's really very funny. Then we go down to ringside.
Madison Rayne and Taryn Terrell vs The Beautiful People
Madison and Angelina start out and Madison goes for a quick roll up but ends up with nothing to show for it. She works Love on to the ropes and then tags in Terrell. Terrell looks strong against Love, landings some shots and following up with a swinging neck-breaker. When Velvet comes in, she takes them both out with a double dropkick. Rayne puts Love back in and Terrell goes back to work. Sky tags in and the Beauts try for a double-team but Terrell takes them both down with a double clothesline. Momentum shifts to Velvet's favor but Taryn stays in the game and Rayne is reluctant to get involved to assist her. Terrell even crawls to the corner for a tag but Madison won't tag in. Instead, she steps in and takes out each one of the Beats and then beats down Terrell and leaves her at the mercy of her opponents. Both Love and Sky pin Terrell to wrap that one up.
Result: The Beautiful People win via pinfall.
Next up, we have another tag match after these important messages.
Kurt Angle talks after the break and says he's calling tonight's title match right down the middle because Lashley and Roode are too damn good.
Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Carter III and Tyrus
Matt Hardy and EC3 start the match and Carter gets things rolling with some trash talk and a cheap shot. Hardy barrels back and works Carter over in the corner and then brings him back to the middle of the ring. Matt lays EC3 down with a suplex and tags in Jeff who hits a splash. Carter kicks out but has to endure a double team again as Matt tags in. Matt hits the side effect and covers but Carter kicks out again. EC3 brings in Tyrus who gains control with his power and size. Carter comes in to continue the damage but quickly brings Tyrus in again who applies a nerve hold to Matt while he's down on the canvas. After doing some more damage, Tyrus brings in Carter again and EC3 stays on top. He follows a near fall with a sleeper hold. Matt powers out but he's put right back down again. Carter looks to put Matt away by charging at him in the corner but Matt moves out the way just in time. Jeff tags in and gets the jump on Carter. After a short stretch, the Hardys try for a double-team again and it backfires as Carter manages to tag in Tyrus. Tyrus looks tough at first but the Hardys eventually overpower the big guy through some teamwork. Matt hits the twist of fate and Jeff follows with a swanton. After that, the three count is a foregone conclusion.
Result: The Hardys win via pinfall and advance to the final round.
Result: The Hardys win via pinfall and advance to the final round.
Following commercials, we see some footage of Lashley working out. Then we go back to the venue for some words for James Storm. Storm tells everybody that there's a storm a-brewin'. He says he's made Sanada and Manik stronger and better than ever. He says that Davey Richards can join them in their revolution and calls Richards out for an answer. Eddie Edwards comes out with Richards and tries to answer for Richards, which seems to really annoy Davey. Eddie says they should fight it out and it's go time…after a commercial or three.
Eddie Edwards vs. James Storm
The match is joined in progress and Storm and Edwards are going at it fast and furious. Meanwhile, Manik tries to talk with Richards outside. Eddie comes out and puts a stop to it and Storm blindsides him coming back into the ring. Storm stays in charge of things from there as Richards looks like he's having a moral crisis out on the floor. Storm chokes Edwards with the ring apron and then steps back inside to deliver more shots. Eddie tries to come back and they battle back and forth for a spell. Edwards gets a near fall at one point but Storm battles back and both guys end up on the mat. Sanada tries to get involved by distracting the ref but that plan doesn't work out. The guys brawl some more as Manik gets in Davey's ear again. Storm eventually hits Eddie with a superkick and puts Edwards down for the win. Richards looks glazed over as Storm and his men watch from the ramp
Result: James Storm wins via pinfall.
Introductions commence after the break and it's title time…
TNA Heavyweight Title Match: Bobby Roode vs. Lashley
Lashley and Roode circle the ring before locking up. Once they start grappling, Lashley's strength advantage becomes evident. He drives at Roode hard and fast, briefly putting the challenger down before Roode fires back with a flurry of offense. Lashley returns the favor, pitting Roode down on the mat and delivering a huge shot to the face. Roode make it back up and Lashley keeps coming until Roode gets the jump on him with some quick grappling.
Off the break, we learn that Lashley suplexed Roode outside while commercials were running, giving the champ a slight advantage. Roode battles back again. He struggles to keep pace due to some back pain (that, according to Taz, is migrating to his abdomen) coming off the ropes for a move and then following up with a powerbomb. Lashley tries to hit a running power bomb and Roode slips out, so Lashley runs at Bobby for a clothesline and inadvertently takes out Angle instead. Lashley lands a big spear on Roode and Angle crawls over for the count but Roode kicks out at two. Lashley tries to set up for a second one and misses when Roode sidesteps. On the rebound, Lashley hits Angle with a shoulder block. Roode gains an advantage, knocking Lashley off kilter with an enzugiri and then dumping him outside. Lashley tries to hit Roode with another spear and takes out a stagehand next. Kind of a cool spot. Bobby lands a Roode bomb on Lashley from the ramp and then he tries to work the champ back into the ring. Back inside, Bobby covers but Angle is still down outside. Brian Hebner runs in and makes the count but Lashley kicks out at two. Roode holds his head in frustration as Lashley rolls outside and grabs the title belt. He comes back in to nail Roode and prompt a DQ but Hebner stops him. Lashley responds by clotheslining Hebner into oblivion. Lashley then clocks Roode with the belt and Angle rolls in for the count. Once again, Roode kicks out at two and the crowd goes nuts. Lashley chastises Angle for counting too slow and the crowd chants "This is awesome!" Roode struggles to his feet and Lashley tries to set him up for a slam but Roode slips away and teases a Roode bomb. Lashley escapes and climbs to the ropes but Roode grabs him and tries again for the bomb. Lashley tries for a counter and Roode sits down on his shoulders, staying in place for the three count. An excellent match.
Result: Bobby Roode defeats Lashley via pinfall and becomes the new TNA Heavyweight Champion.
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TNA Impact Wrestling Results: New Heavyweight Champion, Tag Tourney Semifinals