Sunday 7 December 2014

WWE Live Event Results From Fairfax Alex Riley Got Tyson Kidd , Dean Ambrose vs Wyatt Street Fight

dean ambrose* Rusev defeated Jack Swagger to retain the United States Championship
* Adam Rose defeated Titus O'Neil with help from The Bunny
* Natalya and Naomi defeated Summer Rae and Cameron when Summer tapped to a Sharpshooter
* Big Show and Erick Rowan fought to a double count out when they brawled outside of the ring with the steel steps. This has potential to be decent at TLC.
* Alex Riley defeated Tyson Kidd. Riley got the big hometown pop and the surprising win.
* The Usos defeated Goldust and Stardust
* Dean Ambrose defeated Bray Wyatt in a really good Street Fight. They used tables, chairs and just about everything else. Ambrose put Wyatt through a table and a chair in the corner before hitting Dirty Deeds. Ambrose celebrated to send us home happy.

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WWE Live Event Results From Fairfax Alex Riley Got Tyson Kidd , Dean Ambrose vs Wyatt Street Fight
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