Bryan brings out Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler. Ryback said he didn't feel sorry for himself, he just wanted to be back. A big "feed me more" chant started.
Rowan said that he had time to reflect and he's not a naive puppet anymore.
Ziggler says he belongs on top and was showing that before he was fired. Seth Rollins comes out and taunts them, backed by Kane, Big Show and J&J Security.
This goes on for a while, before Kane sets up Royal Rumble qualifying matches for Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan. Ziggler will face Bad News Barrett next.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match For Dolph Ziggler
Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
The two brawl back and forth, trading the advantage until Barrett sends Ziggler out of the ring with a big kick. Barrett goes outside and repeatedly runs Ziggler into the apron before tossing Ziggler back in the ring.
Back inside Barrett locks on a top wristlock, but Ziggler breaks free. Barrett continues working on the arm and applies a Fujiwara armbar before switching back to the top wristlock. Ziggler tries to fight back but Barrett kicks his arm.
Out of nowhere, Ziggler hits his signature DDT but can only get two. We go to a commercial with both competitors down in the ring.
Back from the break Barrett is destroying Ziggler with knees but only gets a two count and goes back to attacking the arm. Ziggler hits a jawbreaker and avoids a charging Barrett in the corner.
Ziggler lands a big elbow drop, but only gets two, and a super kick gets the same. He goes for the Zig Zag, but Barrett avoids it and sets up for the Bull Hammer. BNB eats a big dropkick and a Zig Zag! Ziggler wins!
Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall (Zig Zag)
Dolph Ziggler qualifies for the Royal Rumble match.
- Roman Reigns is being interviewed backstage and says Big Show is an insecure guy trapped in a giant's body. He said he'll eliminate Big Show.
- Dean Ambrose is backstage next to the Royal Rumble tumbler watching Fandango and Mendes kiss. Fandango is pleased about the number he picks, Ambrose isn't. Ambrose switches while they aren't looking.
Royal Rumble Qualifying Match For Ryback
Ryback vs. Rusev (w/ Lana)
Ryback vs. Rusev (w/ Lana)
Rusev goes for a suplex early but it's reversed, and Ryback almost kills him by suplexing him onto the top rope. Rusev comes back with a beautiful dropkick and puts the boots to Ryback before the commercial.
Rusev is still in control, choking Ryback on the ropes. He follows up with a stiff looking knee to the chest that may have been a receipt for that terrible looking suplex.
Ryback hits a slingshot belly to back suplex and a running powerslam, but only gets two. He follows up with a piggyback stunner for a nearfall as well.
Rusev with a big Alabamaslam, which probably needs a new name (Soviet Slam?) now. Ryback fights back with a belly to belly suplex but gets crotched on the top rope, and Rusev kicks him in the head.
Ryback fights out of the Accolade and catches Rusev with a spinebuster. Rusev rolls out of the ring and Ryback beats on him. He runs in before the ten count and wins!
Winner: Ryback via countout
After the match Ryback hits the Meat Hook, but Rusev escapes the Shellshock and runs away.
Naomi vs. Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella)
Natalya and Paige are on commentary. Naomi rolls Brie up for a quick two. Brie drops Naomi's head over the apron and tosses her into the turnbuckle to set up a bulldog for two. Naomi comes back with clotheslines, but eats a leg breaker and a facebuster done to finish the match.
Winner: Brie Bella via pinfall (facebuster)
Stardust and Goldust are backstage picking their Rumble numbers. Stardust says it'll be every man for themselves.
Luke Harper vs. Erick Rowan
Rowan and Harper trade blows before Harper lands a huracanrana of all things. Rowan with a big spin kick to drop Harper. He follows up with a powerbomb for two. Harper hits a boot and a spinning lariat for a three count.
Winner: Luke Harper via pinfall (spinning lariat)
- Rollins, Kane, Mercury, Show, and Noble are backstage. They're plotting to defeat Bryan.
- Miz is backstage berating Sandow for his Kliq angle. He says the crowd is really cheering for him, not Sandow.
If Daniel Bryan Loses, He Gives Up His Royal Rumble Spot
No Disqualification Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
No Disqualification Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
Daniel Bryan starts out aggressive, but is tossed outside the ring where Kane drops him across the guard rail. Kane continues to beat down Bryan outside the ring and grabs a singapore cane.
Bryan avoids it and takes the kendo stick and destroys Kane with it. Kicks and canes to the chest, but Kane kicks out at two. Bryan comes off the top rope but gets caught with an uppercut before the commercial.
Back from the break Kane slams Bryan for a two count, and he was in control the whole break. Kane grabs a steel chair and slams it across Bryan's back for a two count.
Bryan fights back with a suicide dropkick, but gets caught with a right hand from Kane and gets thrown into the stairs. J&J security put Bryan up on a table, where he escapes a Tombstone, and then a chokeslam before throwing Kane into the post. Bryan hits a suicide dive and a dropkick outside.
Kane goes for the flying clothesline but is caught in the Yes Lock. Before he can tap J&J Security break it up. Bryan fights them both off but gets chokeslammed. Bryan kicks out!
Bryan dropkicks Kane's knee and he goes headfirst into a chair. Bryan finishes him with the running knee.
Winner: Daniel Bryan via pinfall (running knee)
Big Show attacks Bryan and the locker room empties. Dean Ambrose and Reigns hit the ring and clean house.
WWE Smackdown Results (1/22) Four Rumble Qualifying Matches, Huge Brawl Breaks Out