Saturday 10 January 2015

WWE SmackDown Results Complete Results Roman Reigns And Dean Ambrose Team Up, Big Tag Title Match

seth rollinsTonight's episode starts with a recap of "John Cena Appreciation Night" on Raw, including the return of The Authority and the announcement that Seth Rollins will join the bout between Cena and Lesnar for the title. Then we head into the venue for tonight's show. Seth Rollins hits the ramp to get things started.

Flanked by J & J Security, Rollins laughs about Cena getting screwed over on Monday Night Raw and they re-rack the footage from the show's final moments. Rollins rattles off the names of the trio that were fired and the crowd pops for each guy. He hypes the fact that the title match at Royal Rumble is now a triple threat and the crowd boos. Rollins has the guys at ringside toll the bell for Ryback, Ziggler and Rowan and the sarcastic salute is cut short by the arrival of Roman Reigns.

Reigns steps into the ring with a mic and facetiously apologizes for interrupting. He says that Seth is full of both "something else" and "suffering succotash". Roman says he gonna kick Seth's ass and start the brawl with a big upper punch. Then he commences to totally whaling on Rollins. J & J can't muster a defense for their crony and Reigns belts Seth so hard he hits the floor.

From the ramp, Rollins rants and Kane emerges to book Reigns into a match for the main event. It'll be Seth Rollins and Big Show versus Roman Reigns and a partner of his choice. Kane says that anyone who partners up with Reigns will be subject to discipline by The Authority. Big Show yells a whole bunch to round out the segment.

Backstage, The New Day are heading to the ring. Commercial sign.
After the break, Corporate Kane assures some unnamed individual or individuals via phone that he has everything under control. Miz and Mizdow come in to kiss up to Kane and lobby for a tag match against The Usos. Kane isn't having it after Mizdow accidentally spills water all over The Big Red Monster. There will be a triple-threat match for the titles later tonight. Back to the ring…

Big E. vs. Adam Rose
Continuing with a budding feud, the other members of The New Day are at ringside and Cesaro and Tyson Kidd are in the corner of Adam Rose. Rose gets the jump on Big E pretty quickly and stays on top of him with some mat grappling. Big E puts Rose down with a big clothesline and follows with a splash off the ropes. Rose escapes a power slam and follows with an Enzugiri and DDT, earning a near-fall. Big E catches Rose with "The Big Ending" and covers for the win.
Result: Big E. defeats Adam Rose via pinfall

More commercials roll and then The Ascension heads out to the ring for a tag match. First a promo… They work the Road Warriors in from the start and say that the legendary team couldn't even carry their shoulder pads. Cole notes the uproar that their previous promo caused earlier in the week.

A quick squash match ensues against an unnamed team. The Ascension gets the win in short order. Backstage, the Usos are all fired up for their upcoming tag match.
After a break, we get another look at Alicia Fox ambushing Naomi. Those ladies will meet in the ring…now.

Naomi vs. Alicia Fox
Naomi gets the early advantage, putting Alicia on her back with a dropkick. Foxx fires back and putsNaomi down but she only gets a one-count. Naomi jams her into the corner but Foxx powers out and rolls her up, getting her feet on the ropes as she pins her opponent. The ref counts three and it's all over but the shouting.
Result: Alicia Foxx defeats Naomi via pinfall.
Once the commercials subside, the announce team plugs some Network stuff and they recap the Ambrose/Wyatt ambulance match from Raw. The Usos come out for their big title defense.

Triple Threat Match for the Tag Championship: The Usos vs. Miz & Mizdow vs. Goldust & Stardust
Miz takes his sunglasses off and nothing happens. Mizdow takes his off and the crowd roars. The Miz starts off against one of the Usos. It's one of those janky triple-threat tag matches where only two at a time are in action. Jey tries to get a cover on Miz after some back-and-forth. They trade covers and near falls until Jey drills Miz with a shot to the face.

Jimmy comes in and keeps up the pressure on Miz. Miz comes back a bit and taunts the crowd, suggesting that he's the real talent on his team. Stardust hits Miz with a blind tag and goes after Jimmy. Jey makes it back in but tags in Jimmy again after some quick work. Goldust hits Jey with a cheap shot and then tags in. Jey puts him on the canvas and when Stardust comes in, Jimmy gets involved and dumps him. Miz gets tossed out too, so Mizdow jumps out after him. One of the Usos does a suicide dive on everyone outside and then Stardust jumps in and follows suit.

Stardust and Jimmy Uso are legal in the ring as WWE heads to commercial.
When we get back to action, Uso heads out and Miz comes in against Stardust. Miz teases the crowd that he's going to tag in Mizdow but he gets rolled up briefly. He finally hits the tag and Mizdow goes to work on Stardust. He doesn't stay on top for long, though. Goldust comes in and works over the stunt double. He keeps it up until Mizdow breaks free but Stardust comes back in and keeps Damien under control. The Dust Brothers double-team for a short spell and Goldust delivers a huge spinebuster before bringing his bro back in. Stardust hits Miz with a surprise kick out of the corner. Mizdow dumps Goldust and tags in Jey who slugs it out with Stardust. Goldust tags himself in and tries to put away Uso but the Usos team up and hit a double super kick. Chaos ensues as guys hit multiple finishers, including a beautiful Skull-Crushing Finale by Mizdow. The end comes when Jimmy Uso hits a big frog splash on Goldust and covers him for the win. Good match.

Result: The Usos retain the titles via pinfall.
Next up, newly crowned IC champ Bad News Barrett arrives on the scene for a match. Barrett calls Dolph Ziggler out for a match but then "remembers" that Ziggler has been fired. Some canned heat follows. Barrett says he'll be in the Royal Rumble and adds that he expects to be the next champ.

Bad News Barrett vs. Sin Cara 
Barrett works over Sin Cara in grand fashion right off the bell. He pounds him in the corner and then takes him apart on the mat. Sin Cara comes back with some kicks and hi-octane moves but Barrett turns things around with "Winds of Change" slam. In a quick turn of events, Sin Cara lands a senton and covers Barrett for the win. Holy cow.
Result: Sin Cara defeats Bad News Barrett via pinfall.
Barrett delivers a beatdown to Sin Cara following the bell.

WWE comes back from a break and the cue up some footage of Ryback, Rowan and Ziggler leaving the arena after they got fired. The announce team talks WWE business and then the main event is within sight…
Big Show and Seth Rollins are already in the ring when we get back to the show and J & J are outside. Reigns emerges and makes his way to the crowd. Before the bell, Dean Ambrose's music hits and he'll be Roman's tag partner in this one.

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Big Show and Seth Rollins
Rollins and Ambrose start off and Dean has all guns blazing. He bounces Seth around and delivers shots, chops and a big elbow. Ambrose tags in Reigns who continues the punishment on Seth. Ambrose tags in and they double-team Rollins. Big Show yells threats from his corner. Show ends up pulling Rollins out of the ring and WWE pauses for one last break.
Back on the show, Big Show is now in the fray and he's basically killing Ambrose. Rollins tags in and picks up where Show left off. Ambrose fells Rollins with a quick strike but can't build up a decent rally. He ends up outside and while the ref is distracted, J & J put Ambrose into the barricade. Show comes back in pounds on Dean some more. Show misses with a choke slam and Ambrose gets him with a DDT off the top rope before tagging in Reigns. Rollins tags in and Roman clocks Seth with a Superman punch and then he hits J & J with another one off the apron. Show chokeslams Reigns and then Ambrose chucks the big dude over the top. Reigns and Rollins mix it up again and Reigns hits the spear and covers him for the win.
Result: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose defeat Big Show and Seth Rollins via pinfall.

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WWE SmackDown Results Complete Results Roman Reigns And Dean Ambrose Team Up, Big Tag Title Match
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