Sunday 8 February 2015

WWE Live Event Results 2/7/15 Salt Lake City, Utah, Randy Orton Returns,

WWE Live Event Results
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett
This was announced as a match for the Intercontinental title. BNB cut a promo and talked about his “BNZ” from Smackdown. He then said since Dolph had just been re-hired, that as far as BNB was concerned, he was a new guy and new guys don’t get title shots. Thus it became non-title.
Decent match, not a lot of back and forth, most BNB dominating. Dolph with a few come back attempts before hitting a Zig Zag for the win.                                                   
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Sami Zayn & Adrian Neville vs. The Ascension
Sami & Adrian with the advantage early on. Then it became Ascension taking it to Sami. Sami makes the hot tag to Adrian, makes the comeback, hits his corkscrew moonsault, or whatever he calls it, but either way it was cool to see in person, for the win.
Winner: Sami Zayn And Andrian Nevile

Ryback vs. Adam Rose
Rose gets squashed again. A couple of power moves followed by shell shock and match over.
Winner: Ryback
Next is the match that could be voted for, Divas one-on-one or Divas tag team. Tag team won 74%-26% (may have been 76-24, but either way, tag wins).
Naomi & Emma vs. Cameron & Summer Rae
Better than what is usually seen in a televised divas match, but still not as good as I think it could’ve been. Also went longer than your usual televised divas match also. Naomi & Emma get the win.
Winner: Naomi & Emma 

Randy Orton vs. Kane
Both men have put on better performances. I expected better from them. It almost seemed like they just weren’t in a rhythm with each other. Randy with an RKO for the win to send us into intermission.
Winner: Randy Orton 

Sin Cara vs. Bo Dallas
Bo was sporting a goatee, which he needs to shave as when looking closely, it started to give him a resemblance to someone else that shall remain nameless. Did a Bo-lieve promo, talked about being back after “108 days, 6 hours and 42 minutes” because of an injury to his big toe. Decent match which included Bo doing his run around the ring after an arm drag. Sin Cara returned the favor and did the same thing after his arm drag. Not a bad match at all. Sin Cara gets the win.
Winner: Sin Cara

Dust Brothers vs. Tyson Kidd & Cesaro
Dust Brothers handled the face roll. Had a long promo for a house show before the match. Talked about people that have been talking that they have had problems lately, but things have never been better. They really got the crowd going. Talked about giving stuff away to the loudest section. This is when their opponents made their entrance and cut a nice heel promo.
The match itself was a good one. Back and forth. My favorite move of the match was Cesaro doing the Swing on Stardust, which as he finished the third spin and started the fourth, was ended by Kidd dropkicking Stardust. After the beatdown, hot tag to Goldust. Making the comeback, a miss timed move leads to Star kicking Gold allowing 
Kidd to score the pin.
Winner: Tyson Kidd & Cesaro
Issues after the match between the Dust Brothers continue, to include Stardust slapping Goldust in the back of the head.
Main Event time.
Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins
Seth cuts a promo before hand. Says he got word from the Authority that because of the controversy from the match on Raw, that in this match, if he wins, he takes Daniel’s place at Fastlane and will then take his rightful place against Brock at WrestleMania.
This was a solid match between the two. Some back and forth. Seth dominates for a while. Quite a number of times Daniel started his comeback only to be stopped short. Finally makes his comeback and hits the running knee for the pin
Winner:Daniel Bryan.
General observations:
Arena was, at best, a little over half full.
From where I was sitting (could’ve sounded differently from other parts of the arena), Daniel Bryan easily got the most pop of the night. Ryback was second biggest. He didn’t even have to motion the crowd in any way to get the “Feed Me More” chants going. Pretty much a toss up for Dolph and Randy for next in line. Dust Brothers round off the top five (pre-match). Goldust was huge over after Stardust walked out. There was even a “Goldust” chant during this.

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WWE Live Event Results 2/7/15 Salt Lake City, Utah, Randy Orton Returns,
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