Wednesday 11 March 2015

3/11 WWE NXT Results: Alex Riley in Action, Alexa Bliss Returns, Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze

alex rileyEnzo Amore and Big Cass kick things off with their “how you doin” shtick. Enzo calls the Lucha Dragons the “Geico lizards” and says there’s going to be an accident tonight. Big Cass lays claim to the NXT tag titles and threatens anyone who gets in their way. 
The Lucha Dragons vs. Big Cass & Enzo Amore
The crowd is about 90/10 in favor of Enzo and Cass; the Dragons actually get booed. Kalisto and Sin Cara work over Enzo until Big Cass makes the save and hits sidewalk slam. They double team Sin Cara building up the hot tag to Kalisto, who hits a springboard crossbody. Lots of armdrags and headscissors (and heat) for the Dragons. Things spill to the floor and the former champs do stereo suicide dives; Cass throws his partner out of the way and takes the hit. Kalisto does his deadlift powerbomb and sets up the finish on Enzo, but Cass makes the save with a big boot. He hits a tilt-the-whirl sideslam and launches Amore off the top rope for the 1-2-3. Crowd pops huge. 
Winners: Enzo Amore & Big Cass

Carmella vs. Alexa Bliss
This is Alexa’s first match back after a broken nose. Carmella is coming along. She gets a rub from Enzo and Cass, but the crowd didn’t seem to care about either at the start. 
Bliss with a headlock takeover into an armlock. Carmella attacks in the corner and uses the ropes for a choke. She heels it up for a minute (which means very little actual wrestling). She tries for a pin three times in a row, but hasn’t actually done anything yet… They go to a rest hold. Carmella breaks the hold and delivers some kicks, but Bliss fights back and hits a standing moonsault (I think; she sort of botched it) for two. Bliss with the “Sparkle Splash” (top rope splash with a 180 twist) for the win. 
Winner: Alexa Bliss
Alex Riley is asked what his match tonight means to him. He says to imagine being stuck in a cage for two years, unable to eat while watching everyone around him feast. “Maybe next week Riley!” He says Kevin Owens talks about fighting for his family, but he has no family and has to fight just to survive. 
Alex Riley vs. CJ Parker
Parker puts on a side headlock but Riley comes back with a standing dropkick. CJ attacks from behind and puts the boots to him in the ropes. He says he’s going to break Riley’s nose, until he comes back with a big back body drop and a clothesline. Riley with a corner splash followed by a spinning neckbreaker. He hits the Blockbuster (top rope Overcastle) for the 1-2-3. 
Winner: Alex Riley
Kevin Owens interrupts Riley celebration. He calls him the “dumbest man in NXT” and insults his back tattoo. Owens says he’s going to end his in-ring career just like his commentary career, and then put an end to the rise of Finn Balor. 
Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze
Breeze doesn’t want any of this match, and takes a breather when the bell rings to build some heat. They lock up with Itami winning and giving the kitchen sink knee lift. Tyler bails to the floor again, and Hideo runs after him with a lariat. Breeze attacks when he rolls back into the ring and puts the boots to him in the ropes. After a commercial break, Itami comes off the top rope with a clothesline. He hits three more lariats and blocks an elbow shot with yet another lariat. Breeze runs into the ropes for safety and hits the Supermodel Kick out of nowhere for two. Itami sets him up on the top rope and hits the double knees to the back of the head. The crowd calls for the GTS and he sets in with a series of kicks and strikes. Itami misses a missile dropkick and Breeze hits the Beauty Shot for the win. 
Winner: Tyler Breeze

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3/11 WWE NXT Results: Alex Riley in Action, Alexa Bliss Returns, Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze
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