Kurt Angle opened the show and called out Bobby Lashley. They talked about Lashley's shoulder being up in last week's main event and show a replay. Angle is a fighting champion and says he will give Lashley another shot. Eric Young comes out and isn't happy because he's the #1 contender. Young demands a title shot but Lashley tells him to shut up. They start brawling and Lashley accidentally spears Angle. Young laughs at them and leaves. Angle challenges them both to a three-way tonight for the title.
The Revolution comes out, minus Sanada, as James Storm said we'll never see him again. Storm cut a long promo and says he will be in the tag team tournament. His partner will be determined by a match.
Khoya defeated Manik and Abyss in a three-way to be Storm's partner for the tournament.
Drew McIntyre comes out with Shaun Ricker and Camacho, The Rising. Ricker is now known as Eli Drake and Camacho is now being called Meka or Mika. Drew says they all three have something to prove and they're here to go to war with The BDC. The BDC interrupts and a brawl breaks out. The crowd was into it and a six-man is made for later.
The Rising defeated The BDC by DQ when a masked man ran out and attacked Galloway. It was Homicide, who is now with The BDC. They beatdown The Rising and posed over them.
Davey Richards defeated DJ Zema Ion.
Kurt Angle retained the World Heavyweight Title over Lashley and Eric Young in a great match. After the match, Young attacked Lashley with a steel chair and put him in a Figure Four. Young was finally pulled away as referees checked on Lashley.
SPOILERS: TNA Impact Tapings Results For 4/10