Sunday 29 March 2015

Why WWE Didn’t Sign Prince Puma

prince pumaTop indie wrestler Ricochet (Prince Puma) had a tryout with WWE several months ago at a camp. Word is that he was very good in the ring but still wasn’t offered a deal. A person close to WWE developmental said Ricochet was a victim of timing and circumstances.

Apparently when Ricochet came in, there were younger wrestlers in developmental who reacted to him like he was a big deal but to WWE, he’s just a guy who they don’t know that’s getting a tryout for a developmental deal. It’s said that because officials didn’t know who he was and got the reaction that he did from talents, that was the first strike against him until producer Jamie Noble outright told people that Ricochet is really something special.

In the end, Noble’s praise didn’t help and he wasn’t offered a deal. While Ricochet received high marks from those that judge talents at the tryouts, the decision was that they already have too many guys of his size in developmental and they have more than their quota of high flyers, as we’ve heard with other cases.

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Why WWE Didn’t Sign Prince Puma
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