Rollins says he can also beat Reigns, but Reigns says Rollins never got the job done at the Royal Rumble against Brock, and he has another challenge for him. Reigns asks if Rollins could cash in and make the Wrestlemania title match a triple threat, and Rollins says he could, but he won’t. He says he’s picking his spot for the right time, and maybe he is waiting for the champ to least expect it. Reigns says maybe he will punch Rollins in the mouth, so Rollins shoves him and says ‘try me,’ and Reigns decks him. Reigns connects with a few Superman punches and a spear on J&J Security, then celebrates as Rollins runs up the ramp.
Randy Orton finds Seth Rollins and yells at J&J for not helping Rollins effectively, and he says he agrees with Rollins. He says he should go to the Authority and demand a match with Reigns, but Rollins says he will handle this one on his own.
Dean Ambrose vs Bad News Barrett
Wade hits Ambrose a few times and whips him, then Ambrose reverses and connects with an elbow and a bulldog. Ambrose heads up top but Wade knocks him down, then he holds up his title and taunts Truth at ringside. We get back from a break to see Wade hit Ambrose a few times before he shoves Truth, then Ambrose hits a suicide dive and whips Wade across the floor. Ambrose clotheslines him from the apron, then Truth sneaks over and steals the title belt again as Luke Harper appears behind the desk. He takes the title and leaves with it, and Wade catches him and screams at him to come back, but Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds for the win.
Winner – Dean Ambrose
The whole locker room is shown near a TV screen, and Miz reveals he gathered them to see his new commerical. Damien Sandow tries to interject but Miz runs him down, and he rolls the commercial, which turns out to be an erectile dysfunction commercial. Miz is portrayed as the one with the ‘problem,’ and Sandow the star, and Miz looks horrified, but Sandow laughs along with the whole locker room. Sandow says he tried to warn Miz against this, but Miz blames it all on Sandow, and says he means nothing to him anymore. Miz calls Sandow an ungrateful nobody and slaps him, then Sandow gets right in his face, but Miz taunts him and threatens to get him fired. Sandow backs down and ends up apologizing, look less-than-thrilled, and the cameras cut away.
Bray Wyatt comes out and says he wonders what is actually left of the Undertaker, and he calls for Undertaker to come back. He shows a casket and says he built it just for Taker, and he could be here appreciating it, but he sits in silence. Bray says everything comes at a price and pulls up a gasoline canister, and he says fire has no prejudice or feelings; it just destroys everything in its path… just like him. Bray pours gas on the lid and says everything burns and he will burn Taker at Wrestlemania too, then he lights it on fire and screams “find me!” over and over.
Tyson Kidd, Cesaro & Natalya vs The Usos & Naomi
Jey hits a quick Samoan drop and goes for a splash, but Cesaro rolls outside so Jey splashes him as Naomi tags in. Nattie goes for a backslide but Naomi superkicks her, then Nattie teases a knee injury but Naomi ignores it and gets a floatover near fall. Kidd tags in and catches and elbow by Jimmy, then Jimmy hits a somersault dive before Jey tags back in. They try to double team Kidd but he dives and tags Nattie, who looks confused and asks why Kidd tagged her, and Naomi rolls her up from behind.
Winners – The Usos & Naomi
John Cena comes out and talks about how he wants another match with Rusev at Wrestlemania, but right now Rusev is denying him. Cena talks about standing up and reaching the prize, and he says Rusev is a marked man right now, and he’ll get him sooner than later. Cena says his focus is still Wrestlemania, and he will grab the prize by officially entering the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He puts the match over as the fans boo him, then Stephanie McMahon walks out and asks who gets to pick their matches, and Cena sarcastically replies they all do it. He says declaring a spot in the Battle Royal is what they’ve all done, but Stephanie says it sounds like Cena is trying to desparage the match and the man is named after.
Stephanie says Andre was her friend and shows a picture of her with Andre as a kid, and he’s not getting the spot, but Cena says she looks like a bitch then too. Stephanie says women of power usually get referred to like that, then Cena says his record should get him in the match. Stephanie says he isn’t in their good favor right now, but Cena tells her to stop the crap because this is all about Wrestlemania. Stephanie says Cena being left off Wrestlemania doesn’t matter, because he doesn’t define WWE and they’ve always thrived no matter who is here. She says maybe they’ll leave him off the show because it sounds like the fans want that.
Stephanie says Cena should think about where he would be without them, not the other way around, then Curtis Axel comes out and says AxelMania is running wild! Axel says he deserves a title shot against Rusev, because he is a third generation Superstar who also knew Andre, and he’s in the battle royal, but two victories would be even better. Axel says she is an inspiration to him, then Stephanie says maybe Cena should prove himself now in against Axel and we’ll see who deserves a Wrestlemania spot. She tells him the only way Cena gets to face Rusev, is if Rusev changes his mind himself. Axel taunts Cena, then Cena says he’ll give him one chance to leave, and if the match happens, Axel won’t walk out.
John Cena vs Curtis Axel
Cena punches Axel a few times and makes him tap out to the STF.
Winner – John Cena
Rusev and Lana taunt Cena after the match, and Rusev says it’s his decision like Stephanie said, and he says no.
Triple H comes out and says he asked Vince McMahon for an opportunity in 1995, and he thinks he’s done pretty well with it. He says he offered the same opportunity to Sting, and said Sting’s career could live on forever, but Sting traded it for one moment at Wrestlemania. He says he gets it, but Sting picked the wrong guy, and he will make sure he changes Sting’s career forever. HHH says everyone has a theory about why Sting never came to WWE, then he invites Booker T in the ring since he knew Sting well in WCW. Booker enters the ring and HHH says he heard him say Sting wanted to be here, but HHH used politics to keep him out, and he wants Booker’s real opinion right now.
Booker says he knows them both well, but HHH says Booker sounds like those internet marks, and Booker says he needs to clarify things. Booker says Sting is WCW’s finest, and no one could control Sting, from Ric Flair to Hulk Hogan to Eric Bischoff, and now Sting is here. Booker says now HHH has to deal with him at Wrestlemania, but HHH says he keeps hearing Sting wasn’t in WWE because he kept him out. HHH says not having control can get scary, but he thanks Booker for his time and then fires him. Booker stares him down and says something before leaving, but HHH stops him and says he’s not firing him because he is good at his job, and a valuable employee. HHH says that was just an example of control, and he has ultimate control here, and this opportunity he has now will allow him to finally end the last piece of WCW, Sting.
WWE Divas ChampionshipPaige vs Nikki Bella (c) (w/ Brie Bella)
Paige whips Nikki into the ropes and slams her head on the mat, then she goes for the PTO but Nikki gets to the ropes. We get back from a break to see Paige block a clothesline and slam Nikki down, then she hits a few clotheslines and gets a near fall. Paige goes for a PTO but Brie jumps on the apron, so Paige breaks the hold and knocks her on the floor. Nikki tries to attack but Paige knocks her down, then she applies the PTO but Brie breaks it up for the disqualification. They both attack Paige but AJ Lee returns for the save, and she attacks both Bellas before Paige assists in clearing the ring.
Winner (by disqualification) – Paige
Renee Young finds AJ to ask her about what just happened, and Paige says yeah that was pretty much a surprise. AJ says she got sick of watching the Bellas bullying everyone, so she came back to “give Divas a chance.” Paige says they’ve been friends and enemies, but she always respected her, then AJ says there’s a fitting saying for this. AJ says her enemy of her enemy is now her friend, so I guess that means they are friends now.
Seth Rollins is in the ring for his own Daily Show, and he rolls the clip of him being on Comedy Central before mocking Stewart. Rollins cuts a bunch of jokes and says he would force Stewart to retire if he showed up here tonight. Stewart cuts him off and Rollins welcomes him to the ring, then Stewart plays to the crowd and sits down as the guest. Stewart says Rollins didn’t earn this, but Rollins tells him to cut the jokes, because he’s just proving he can do the job better. Rollins says Stewart is trying to mock him, but Stewart says Rollins does it all himself with the way he dresses.
Stewart just a few jokes about how tough New Jersey is, then he says Rollins took shortcuts that legends like Mick Foley, Steve Austin and Undertaker didn’t. Stewart says Rollins is the poster boy for The Authority, but Stewart has respect that Rollins never will, and he wants Rollins to really pay attention now. He says The Authority doesn’t care about Rollins because he’s not even fighting for the title at Wrestlemania, and Reigns or Lesnar will win, but Rollins will get nothing. Stewart says he was there in Boston for Money in the Bank and Rollins didn’t even earn that, then Rollins screams at him and he gets in Stewart’s face. Randy Orton cuts things off and Stewart kicks Rollins in the balls, then Orton asks what this was all about and leaves Rollins in the ring while Stewart celebrates on the ramp.
Luke Harper vs Daniel Bryan
Harper hits Bryan in the corner, then Bryan dropkicks him a few times before Harper catches him and dumps him over the ropes. We get back from a break to see Harper hit a release German suplex for two, then he goes for another slam but Bryan drops down and tries to steal a pin. Harper kicks out and slams Bryan down, but Bryan rolls through and makes him tap to the YES Lock.
Winner – Daniel Bryan
Bad News Barrett runs out and takes his title back, but Dean Ambrose cuts him off and they fight back into the ring. Harper kicks Ambrose in the face and takes the title, but R-Truth appears and tries to take it away. Truth gets to the ramp but Harper cuts him off, and Truth tries to sneak away but Harper clotheslines him and walks away with the title. Harper turns and smiles back at the ring, then Dolph Ziggler runs and superkicks him, and Bryan looks at the Wrestlemania sign and does a YES chant.
Paul Heyman comes out and says Brock Lesnar will be champion as long as he damn well pleases. He says they can believe that, because they thought Daniel Bryan, the ultimate underdog, would win at Fastlane too. Heyman says Brock would’ve crushed him like a bug, and they shouldn’t buy into Roman Reigns because it’s not happening. Heyman says no one will dispute his claim of Brock conquering Reigns, because nothing he said is false. He calls Reigns a “bad ass Samoan” with a chip on his shoulder, and Wrestlemania goes down two ways. Heyman says Brock will beat Reigns like he did John Cena, or he will just “Ronda Rousey” him. Heyman’s mic cuts out again (third time) and he looks annoyed again, but he says you can believe that Reigns will get conquered by Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.
Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins
Rollins and Reigns trade offense before Rollins whips Reigns outside, then Reigns fights back from The Authority on the floor. Rollins whips him into the ringpost as Randy Orton walks out, then we get back from a break to see Reigns attempt a Samoan drop. Rollins counters, then Reigns comes back with a clothesline after he sidesteps a splash attempt by Rollins. Reigns punches Rollins several times and hits a tilt-a-whirl slam for two, then he prevents Noble from interfering before Rollins superkicks him.
Rollins heads up top and Reigns counters with a deadlift sitout slam, then they trade punches as they make it to their feet. Reigns backdrops Rollins outside and Big Show helps him up, then Reigns dives towards them and takes Show out. He rolls Rollins back in and Kane hits Reigns with a chair behind the ref’s back, then Rollins calls for a Curb Stomp but Reigns sidesteps it. Reigns calls for a Superman punch but Orton grabs his leg, and Rollins steals it with a rollup.
Winner – Seth Rollins
Orton celebrates with The Authority but Reigns splashes them on the floor, then he tackles Show and whips Rollins into the barricade. He knocks Kane down before he spears Show, then he spears Rollins coming off the turnbuckles and leaves everyone laid out.
WWE RAW Results (3/2) – Jon Stewart Confronts Seth Rollins, AJ Lee Returns