Tuesday 19 May 2015

Dean Ambrose Must Win Money in the Bank Briefcase and Become Next Big Thing In WWE

dean ambroseEver since the breakup of The Shield a year ago, Dean Ambrose has proven he's capable of a lot of things. For instance, he's proven himself to be a solid, exciting and enthralling addition to the WWE's midcard. He's proven himself able to hold his own on the microphone and create compelling chemistry inside the ring with whomever he fights.

He also has proven he's popular, being able to get himself over all on his own without even the slightest hint of a major push. Think back to his feud with Seth Rollins at the back end of last year, a rivalry which arguably was the hottest in WWE at that time.

All of that wrapped together (as well as several other things) means that Ambrose's future now lies in WWE's main event scene. And that should all start with him winning the Money in the Bank briefcase. It's the path that current WWE world heavyweight champion Rollins took this time last year, and he has ended up as arguably the company's top dog.

That's not to say Ambrose would definitely end up in that position, but his potential and talent are there for all to see.  Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the platform to elevate a midcardstar right up to main event status in the blink of an eye, but Money in the Bank is the one show that gives a greater opportunity than any other.

With the briefcase in his possession, Ambrose instantly becomes one of the most noticeable stars in the company and is all but guaranteed a run as the WWE world heavyweight champion.

The last couple of months have seen Ambrose chalk up win after win and slowly start to become more of a presence on our screens. He has a win against the champion to his name, and he'll go one-on-one with Rollins at Elimination Chamber on May 31. Don't expect him to win, but expect the strong booking Ambrose has been getting to continue, likely with a controversial loss.

He's perhaps the most popular babyface currently working in WWE, and a large proportion of that has been achieved by building up slowly and carefully. Unlike Roman Reigns' major push, fans have been appreciative of Ambrose working himself into the ground in the middle of the card, and they clearly like what they see.

And if he wins the briefcase, it means he's not really going to start hurtling back down the card, even if he isn't competing for the championship. Rollins waited patiently and bided his time before starting to come into prominence, and Ambrose can do exactly the same.

With a Brock Lesnar return on the horizon for SummerSlam on Aug. 23, and a Lesnar vs. Rollins match for the title, it gives Ambrose ample opportunity to keep building on his popularity and to go after Rollins for the title after that.

The upcoming match at Elimination Chamber should serve as an indicator for what lies ahead after SummerSlam: Rollins vs. Ambrose with the title on the line. We saw enough from their excellent rivalry last year to know that they have wonderful chemistry, and that feud was booked magnificently. Imagine what a rivalry at the top end of every card could be like.

Ambrose's gimmick is standout and unique, and his talent simply cannot be doubted.

Every year, WWE christens a major star with a landmark victory. Rollins' win at Money in the Bank last year confirmed to everyone he was the future. Now is the time for Ambrose to follow in his footsteps and become the next big sensation.

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Dean Ambrose Must Win Money in the Bank Briefcase and Become Next Big Thing In WWE
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