- NewsDay caught a sneak preview of the documentary at a media event last week in Manhattan, and has a story on it here. It was noted that Triple H is a big Xavier Woods fan and when Dusty Rhodes said that the company needed to fish or cut bait with Woods, Triple H said that they are "fishing."
- Speaking of Woods, he is on the latest episode of the Wrestling Compadres Slamcast, which you can check out on iTunes. During the podcast, Woods talked about balancing his career in the WWE along with obtaining his PhD, his love for gaming, his new tattoo and the New Day having their Wrestlemania moment. He also said that he wanted to run for Mayor of Atlanta
"My dad wants to run for Governor of Illinois and I'm going to run for Mayor of Atlanta and then eventually he'll run for President with me as his Vice," Woods said.
Triple H 'Big Fan' Of New Day Member, Xavier Woods Wants To Run For Mayor