Friday 12 June 2015

NJPW On AXS results for 12 June

NJPW On AXSNJPW On AXS results for12 June are featured a intercontinental match & some others.
Hirooki Goto & Shibata vs. Yuji Nagata & Honma
Honma attacks Shibata and works him over to his corner where he and Nagata jump him. Nagata hits a stiff kick across the back before tagging out. Shibata then blasts Honma, and it looks like he's knocked out, but no pin. Goto gets tagged in and applies a half crab before Shibata dropkicks Honma to the outside to lead us to a break.
Nagata and Shibata are trading shots as we come back, and they're not playing aroung. Shibata gets the best of it, but gets booted in the grill. Nagata suplexes Shibata, but has to answer to Goto, who he quickly puts in a seated armbar until Shibata makes the save.
Goto hits an awesome spin kick on Honma in the corner, but the two hits each other with several lariats. Nagata and Shibata are beating up each other outside and Goto almost gets rolled up. Goto hits an inverted version of his finish for the win.
Winners: Goto & Shibata via pinfall
Nagata and Shibata continue fighting around the arena.
IWGP Intercontinental Championship
Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Bad Luck Fale (w/ Tama Tonga)
The OG Swaglord of professional wrestling attacks Fale early, but Tama Tonga attacks Nakamura when the ref is distracted. Fale jumps him from behind, but gets tossed into the rail. Fale then turns the tides and runs over Nakamura.
Fale beats Nakamura around the ring before dragging him inside and punishing him. Nakamura fights back and puts the boots to Fale. A draping DDT gets two on Fale, but Fale turns it back around with a Samoan drop and a splash to the back of Nakamura. A big clothesline drops Nakamura and hits the Grenade, but Nakamura barely kicks out.
Fale goes to the top rope for some reason, and gets superplexed for his troubles. Nakamura then hits two Boma Ye, but Fale kicks out and spears Nakamura. Woah. I didn't see that one coming.
The two trade shots, but Fale ends up winning that battle and hits Nakamura with a Samoan drop. He then hits a super splash, but Nakamura barely gets his shoulder up. Bad Luck Fale hits the Bad Luck Fall and wins! What an upset. Woah.
Winner: Bad Luck Fale via pinfall (Bad Luck Fall) to become IWGP Intercontinental Champion
Nakamura is stretchered out as the Bullet Club all comes to the ring to congratulate Fale and pose with their titles.

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NJPW On AXS results for 12 June
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