Back from the break and we see Johnny Manziel at ringside wearing a Miz t-shirt. Rollins is in the ring and he welcomes us to Monday Night Rollins. Rollins talks about Money In the Bank and says Dean Ambrose brought his A game but it wasn't as good as his. Rollins calls it one of the greatest ladder matches in WWE history. Rollins says it takes an incredible team to get him to the top and he had to control his emotions last night when thinking about everyone who helped him. Rollins says he's a first class team player and wants to acknowledge all the people who helped him get where he is. Rollins says he's just a kid from Davenport, Iowa. He pulls out a list of names but fans boo. Rollins just thanks himself a bunch of times and last but certainly not least, Seth Rollins. Rollins asks who else would he thank, certainly not Dumb & Dumber aka J&J Security. He certainty wouldn't thank the Devil's favourite dinosaur Kane. He says he didn't even need Triple H or Stephanie McMahon because that's how good he is. Rollins says he might as well punch his ticket to the Hall of Fame after the performance last night. Rollins says parents will be naming their kids after him. Rollins knocks Cleveland and calls Manziel "Johnny Idiot face," saying he will never bring a title to Cleveland and LeBron James won't be bringing it back either. Fans boo. The music hits and out comes Dean Ambrose to a pop.
They meet on the ramp and go at it. They fight back in the ring and Ambrose sends Rollins out the other side and gets a pop. He follows but Rollins goes for the injured knee and takes control. They end up on top of the announce table and Ambrose turns it around. He leaps off and brings the fight back in the ring but Rollins retreats with his title as fans boo. Ambrose brings a mic and steel chair in the ring. He says the title may have slipped from his fingers last night but Rollins running his mouth tonight reminds him how much he's enjoyed making Rollins' life a living hell and Ambrose doesn't want it to end. Ambrose says he's going to take a seat and not leave the ring until Rollins gets back out. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ambrose is sitting in the middle of the ring. Rollins approaches Triple H and Stephanie backstage. Triple H says it's being taken care of. Rollins says he hopes so because this is his title and his show. Stephanie says they heard Rollins say he doesn't need them. Rollins denies it and Triple H says it sounds like he's calling Stephanie a liar. Rollins says the three of them are what's best for business. He wants to get Ambrose ejected from the building and move on to what's next. Triple H says they were discussing Rollins' next opponent and a decision will be made before the end of the night. Rollins asks if he gets a say in that because he's champ but he doesn't.
We go to the ring where Ambrose is and out comes Sheamus with his new Money In the Bank briefcase. Sheamus calls himself a winner and Ambrose a loser. He talks about becoming Mr. Money In the Bank and raises the briefcase as fans boo. Sheamus says he's one Brogue away from becoming out next WWE World Heavyweight Champion and says it may happen tonight. He says The Authority thought it would be great if he came out and kicked Ambrose's head off. Ambrose tosses the chair and we've got a match.
Sheamus vs. Dean Ambrose
The bell rings and Sheamus grabs the injured leg, taking Ambrose to the corner. Ambrose struggles but Sheamus takes him down and works on the leg. Sheamus goes back to the corner with more focus on the knee now.
Ambrose fights back but Sheamus cuts him off and unloads. Sheamus slams the leg on the apron and pulls Ambrose to the floor. Sheamus works Ambrose over and rams him into the steel steps as the referee counts. Sheamus brings it back in the ring but Ambrose pounces on him. Ambrose with a forearm in the corner. Sheamus blocks a bulldog and sends Ambrose out of the ring with a big knee. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Sheamus is still in control of Ambrose, working on the leg. During the break, Ambrose dove out of the ring but landed on his knee also. Ambrose fights out of a leg hold now. He unloads with punches and chops against the ropes but Sheamus chops the knee. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf but Ambrose fights it off. Sheamus gets sent to the floor but runs right back in. Ambrose catches him in a swinging neckbreaker. Ambrose keeps control and hits the bulldog. Ambrose goes to the top and Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus with the rolling senton. He goes for the Cloverleaf and locks it in.
Ambrose finally makes it to the rope and breaks the hold. Sheamus with forearms on the apron now. Ambrose turns it around and hits forearms of is own. Ambrose ducks a Brogue Kick and rocks him. Ambrose with the elbow drop from the top for a close 2 count. Sheamus goes back to the leg and hits a high knee but Ambrose hits the big bounce back clothesline. Sheamus avoids Dirty Deeds and rolls to the floor as fans boo. Sheamus grabs his briefcase and starts walking away. Randy Orton's music hits and out he comes. Ambrose hits a distracted Sheamus from behind and brings him back in the ring. Ambrose ducks a Brogue and rolls Sheamus up for the win.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
After the win, Orton hits the ring to attack Sheamus but Sheamus retreats. Orton stays on him and catches him at the barrier. Orton unloads and sends him into the ring post. Sheamus continues trying to run away but Orton catches him in the ring and hits the second rope draping DDT. Orton readies for the RKO but Sheamus blocks it and retreats to the back with the briefcase.
Rollins is backstage when Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble walk up. He disses them and says he's willing to bring them back on board if they have any inside information on who his next opponent might be. Noble says they don't but if they did, they still wouldn't tell him. Noble says it should be who pinned Rollins last week - Mercury. Rollins laughs it off and Mercury says Rollins is afraid of him. Mercury yells at Rollins and rubs the loss in. Mercury says it's just a matter of when Rollins loses the title now.
Cole talks about Dusty Rhodes and says we will celebrate his life tonight. We get a video of Dusty winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title from Harley Race. They plug the WWE Network special that airs after tonight's RAW. It will be hosted by Jerry Lawler. Back to commercial.
R-Truth vs. King Barrett
Back from the break and out comes R-Truth with his own version of a royal robe. Truth makes his way to commentary and can't wait to see who the opponent for King Barrett is. Barrett makes his way out and JBL informs Truth that he's the one in the match. Truth goes in the ring and we get the bell. Barrett immediately nails a big boot and mounts Truth with strikes. Barrett stands up and readies for the Bullhammer but Truth rolls him up for the quick win.
Winner: R-Truth
After the bell, Barrett comes right back with a Bullhammer and beats Truth up. Barrett cuts a promo on how he earned the right to be called King.
Machine Gun Kelly is backstage with Fandango, Zack Ryder, Heath Slater, Summer Rae, Emma and Alicia Fox. The others are embarrassed by Slater and act like they don't know him. Paige walks up and needs to have a meeting with the Divas soon. Still to come, NXT Champion Kevin Owens. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes WWE NXT Champion Kevin Owens. Cole says John Cena is suffering from back spasms, contusions and bruising due to the apron powerbomb at Money In the Bank. Owens says Cena is not here tonight and it's Cena's own fault. Owens says he did play a part in what happened to Cena but Cena forced him to do that.
Owens says when they shook hands after the match, Cena said something that was one of the most disrespectful things he's heard in his career - "you belong here, you belong in front of these people." Owens says he's known that since the second he stepped foot in a WWE ring. Owens gets some cheers and says he doesn't need Cena to tell him he belongs and doesn't need the endorsement. Owens says he wants a rematch but this time he wants the United Stats Title. Owens says this is usually the time Cena's music would hit, he'd come to the ring and issue an open challenge but that's not happening tonight. Owens issues an open challenge for the NXT Title instead. The music hits and out comes Dolph Ziggler with Lana, who kisses him before going to the back.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens
Ziggler takes the mic and says Owens just made his night. Ziggler says he's not here to defend Cena and never will but Owens has a lot of guts talking about sacrifice. Ziggler talks about how he's scratched & clawed as has the city of Cleveland for a championship so he's going to give them one right now. Ziggler accepts the challenge and we get formal introductions from Lilian but Owens interrupts. He says he never said anything about the title being on the line. He will fight Ziggler but it's a non-title match. The bell hits and Ziggler unloads. Owens cuts him off and tosses him out of the ring. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Owens has kept control. Ziggler finally nails a big clothesline and they both tumble over the top rope. Owens with a forearm to the head. Owens sends Ziggler flying towards the timekeeper area and goes back in the ring as the referee counts. Ziggler barely makes it back in and Owens misses the senton. Ziggler hits the DDT and Owens is on the floor as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Owens has Ziggler own on the mat. They go at it and Ziggler blocks the cannonball with a superkick. Ziggler with a 2 count. Ziggler goes for the Fame-asser but Owens catches him for a powerbomb. Ziggler counters with a 2 count. Ziggler hits the Fame-asser for a 2 count. Ziggler charges in the corner but misses. Owens launches Ziggler with a huge German suplex and hits the cannonball in the corner. Owens with a close 2 count. Ziggler blocks the pop-up powerbomb and hits the Zig Zag for a 2 count. Owens with a kick and a superkick. Owens catches Ziggler with the pop-up powerbomb for the win.
Winner: Kevin Owens
Winner: Kevin Owens
After the match, Owens calls for his title and raises it as we go to replays. Owens taunts some Cena fans at ringside before making his way to the back.
Emma, Layla, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae and Alicia Fox are backstage. Paige walks in and thanks them or coming on shot notice. She gathered them because they need to take a stand against The Bella Twins. Summer asks if this is because Paige lost again to Nikki Bella last night. Paige says yes that sucks but it's not about that, it's about them standing together. Alicia asks how they're supposed to trust Paige because she's turned on her partners in the past. Naomi and Tamina Snuka come in. Naomi doesn't like The Bellas either but she's not going to let Paige boss her around. Paige reveals she challenged The Bellas to a handicap match tonight and asks who's coming with her. The Bella Twins walk in and Nikki brags about being Divas Champion since helping Stephanie win at SummerSlam last year. Nikki tells the others they can side with Paige if they want but they all start walking away. Paige walks off alone as The Bellas mock her.
Randy Orton vs. Kane
We go to the ring and out comes Randy Orton to a pop. We get a look back at Money In the Bank as Orton poses and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Kane. The bell rings and they go at it. Orton backs Kane in the corner but the referee backs him off. Kane rocks Orton and hits a big boot for a 2 count. More back and forth action. Kane hits the sideslam for a 2 count. Kane with a clothesline in the corner and a stomp. Orton finally makes a comeback to a pop. Orton runs into an elbow and hits a powerslam. Kane rolls to the apron and Orton goes for the draping DDT but the music of Sheamus hits. Out he comes with the briefcase to distract Orton.
Kane takes the mic and announces that the rest of this match will be No Holds Barred. Sheamus hits the ring and brawls with Orton. Sheamus nails a Brogue Kick, allowing Kane to cover for the win.
Winner: Kane
We come back from replays and Sheamus is standing over Orton with the briefcase raised.
Kane is walking backstage when Rollins approaches. Rollins says Kane may have been his biggest doubter. Rollins says his success physically pains Kane because it reminds him of what he used to be - a champion, a winner, someone to be feared. Kane says anyone can win one match but if you want to be the future of WWE, you have to win every match night after night and it takes an entire team behind you to do that. Kane says no one can do it on their own. Rollins says he can, he did and will continue to do so. Rollins brings up Paul Bearer and The Undertaker. Kane grabs him by his collar and gets upset. Kane says he will eviscerate Rollins if he ever brings up his family again. Rollins fires back and hopes Kane is named as his next opponent. Rollins calls Kane sad and says he needs to be put out of his misery. Rollins leaves and we go to break.
Back from the break and we get a Dusty Rhodes video.
The Miz vs. Big Show
WWE Intercontinental Champion Ryback is out first for commentary. The Miz and Big Show are out next. Miz stalls and makes Show chase him at first. Show chases him in and sells a knee injury but was just suckering Miz in. Show grabs him for a big chop. Show takes Miz to the corner for another big chop and another.
They go to the floor and Show continues the attack. Show grabs Miz and tosses him onto Ryback. They have words and Miz rolls back in the ring to get the win by count out.
Winner by Count Out: The Miz
Big Show comes back in the ring but Miz runs away and taunts him. Fans chant "feed me more" as Ryback rushes the ring from behind. Show retreats just in time as Miz is announced the winner and starts celebrating on the stage.
Back from the break and out comes Roman Reigns through the crowd. Reigns takes the mic and says last night was bad and he didn't get much sleep and had a long day so he's pissed off. He doesn't want to wait until Battleground, he wants Bray Wyatt tonight and calls him to the ring. The graphic flashes and Wyatt appears on the big screen.
Wyatt starts talking but Reigns tells him to shut up and come fight. Wyatt laughs at him and says it's good to see Reigns also. Wyatt says he should have been the one climbing the ladder to grab his destiny last night but two weeks ago Reigns stole his opportunity. Wyatt says he could have been the beacon of light the world needs but Reigns denied him. Wyatt goes on and says he will destroy Reigns but not tonight. Wyatt asks what kind of example they'd be setting with Father's Day right round the corner. Wyatt has a photo of Reigns and his daughter from the Fatherhood.org PSA. Wyatt tells Reigns to have patience because the fun is just getting started. Wyatt tells him to run as we go to commercial.
Handicap Match: Paige vs. The Bella Twins
We go to the ring and out comes Paige by herself. WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella is out next with her partner Brie Bella. Brie starts things off for their team.
They tangle and in comes Nikki. She tries stalling but Paige tackles her and goes at it. Paige with a pin attempt before knocking Brie off the apron. Paige with a bunch of knees to Nikki on the apron. Paige screams but gets knocked down by Brie. Nikki brings her in for a 2 count. Brie comes in and keeps Paige grounded now. Paige tries to fight back but Brie unloads for a 2 count. Nikki comes in for some double teaming and another 2 count.
Nikki with more offense and a scissors on the mat. Nikki rolls around with the scissors and keeps it locked. She breaks it and tags in Brie for more double teaming but it backfires and they run into each other. Paige dodges Brie in the corner and hits her with a knee. Paige with kicks to the head. Brie gets shoved into Nikki, sending her off the apron. Paige with the Ram-Paige on Brie for a close 2 count as Nikki breaks the pin. Nikki sends Paige to the corner and tags in. She levels Paige with a big forearm and hits the Rack Attack for the win.
Winners: The Bella Twins
- Back from the break and we get a performance from rapper Machine Gun Kelly. After the performance, Kevin Owens comes out and doesn't look happy. Owens ends up kicking MGK and powerbombing him off the stage. Referees order Owens backstage. Trainers and referees rush over but MGK gets up. It looks like his people rush him off while trainers want to check on him. Cole leads us to replays and we go to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see what just happened with Owens and MGK. We get a clip from the new Terminator movie also.
The New Day vs. Neville and The Prime Time Players
We go to the ring with Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston and Big E. They don't seem upset about losing the titles. Neville is out next followed by his partners, the new WWE Tag Team Champions Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. Young and Woods start the match off.
Woods takes control but Young comes back with an atomic drop and a neckbreaker Kofi tags in but has issues with his taped up ribs and tags Woods back in. Young drops Woods and tags in Titus for some double teaming. Kofi runs in but Titus manhandles him. Big E comes in and Titus dumps him to the floor. Neville runs the ropes to leap out onto Kofi and Big E. Neville stands tall with PTP in the ring as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Woods is in control of Young. Kofi comes in and keeps up the attack. Kofi flies off the top with an axe handle for a 2 count. Titus ends up getting knocked off the apron with a cheap shot. Young tags in Neville and he unloads on Woods. Neville knocks Kofi and Big E off the apron at the same time. Neville counters a German from Woods and drops him with a boot. Neville goes for Red Arrow but has to jump on the apron as Kofi approaches. Titus knocks Kofi off the apron. Titus takes Big E out also. Woods with a close 2 count on Neville. Kofi tags in and kick Young out of the ring. Neville counters a move from Kofi and tags in Young. Young drops Kofi's taped ribs over his knee and tags Neville back in for Red Arrow. Neville hits it for the win.
Winners: Neville and The Prime Time Players
After the match, we get replays as Neville celebrates with the champs.
Dean Ambrose and Kane are backstage talking about the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Ambrose mocks Kane. Ambrose says he needs the title and will never stop until he gets it, that's what he lives for. He asks Kane what he lives for before walking off.
We see Triple H and Stephanie walking as we go to commercial.
We get another Dusty Rhodes video and a plug for tonight's WWE Network special.
We go to the ring and out comes Triple H with Stephanie McMahon.
Stephanie apologizes for Kevin Owens' actions against MGK and says action will be taken because what's best for business. They talk about the next opponent for Seth Rollins. Triple H says it won't be J&J Security, it won't be Kane and it won't be Dean Ambrose, which fan boo. Stephanie asks who it will be but the music hits and out comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Rollins says it doesn't matter who they pick because they have been right about him all along - there's nobody on the roster capable of taking the title from him. Rollins says he's going to beat and embarrass whoever this opponent is, making them proud. We get more back and forth on the mic. Stephanie says Rollins may still have a little left to prove. Triple H talks about Rollins being an investment and wondering if he's worth it. Triple H asks if Rollins will crumble under pressure or if he will become the diamond that they've invested in. Triple H says the pressure is on... the music hits and out comes Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman to a huge pop.
Lesnar approaches the ring and stares Rollin down before entering. Heyman and Triple H shake hands. Lesnar and Rollins stare each other down as a "Suplex City" chant starts up. Lesnar gets closer in Rollins' face and Rollins looks a bit scared. Everyone else has left the ring. Rollins backs up as Lesnar steps closer. Fans boo as Rollins leaves the ring. Lesnar looks on as does Heyman and The Authority. Rollins makes his exit and RAW goes off the with Lesnar looking on as his music plays.
WWE Monday night Raw results for 15 June 2015 finally Brock Lesnar returns