Thursday 4 February 2016

WWE Smackdown results for 4 February 2016

dean ambrose and dean ambrose
WWE Smackdown results for 4 February 2015.The show opens Roman Reigns vs Rusev (w/ League of Nations) can see results.
Roman Reigns vs. Rusev (w/ League of Nations)
Rusev tosses Reigns into the stairs outside early on, but Rusev gets posted as Reigns moves out of the corner. Reigns hits a clothesline and gets jumped by the League.
Winner: Roman Reigns via DQ
Dean Ambrose makes the save, but accidentally jumps into Roman Reigns. Del Rio superkicks Ambrose. Rusev applies the Accolade in the ring, but Reigns runs them off with a chair. We get Del Rio & Rusev against Ambrose and Reigns tonight. Backstage, Ambrose says it was an accident, and they have an understanding, but he was a little off tonight.
 Dolph Ziggler joins the commentary booth for this next match.
Kevin Owens vs. Kalisto
Owens jumps Kalisto, but gets dumped outside, where Kalisto flips onto him. Owens recovers with a German suplex as we go to commercial. Owens misses a senton, and walks into a springboard corkscrew press. Kalisto follows up with a spiked rana. Owens drops Kalisto throat first across the barricade, then powerbombs Kalisto into Ziggler. Back inside, Kalisto rolls up Ziggler and wins!
Winner: Kalisto via pinfall
Miz is backstage, where he interrupts JoJo, and says he's a professional that doesn't interrupt anyone, even AJ Styles. He hypes up their match tonight.
 Ryback is out in straight Goldberg gear.
Ryback vs. Erick Rowan (w/ Braun Strowman)
The two big lugs brawl, with Rowan eventually locking on a vice grip. Ryback breaks free and hits a second rope dropkick and a spinebuster. He calls for the Meat Hook, but Strowman gets on the apron. Ryback throws Rowan into Strowman and wins with a Meat Hook!
Winner: Ryback via pinfall (Meat Hook)
 Becky Lynch is backstage with Renee Young when Sasha Banks interrupts. She says they aren't friends and they argue, but somehow agree to fight off Team BAD together.
 Jericho joins the commentary booth.
AJ Styles vs. The Miz
Styles dominates early, then slingshots outside onto Miz. Styles gets slammed into the apron, then into the barricade. Miz lands a nice neckbreaker, but can't get the pin. Miz works Styles over, but Styles comes back with a big series of strikes. Both men are taken out by a double clothesline as we go to a commercial.
Miz goes for a Skull Crushing Finale, but Styles connects with a Pele kick. Styles hits the flying forearm and applies the Calf Crusher for the submission victory.
Winner: AJ Styles via submission (Calf Crusher)
Jericho gets on the mic and says he knows Styles is good, but asks if Styles is great. Jericho challenges Styles to face him next week on Smackdown, and Styles accepts.
Reigns is backstage with JoJo and says he and Ambrose are never on the same page because Ambrose is crazy, and he likes that. He said what happened earlier was an accident, but what happens at Fastlane won't be. Reigns says they'll work together fine tonight.
 New Day comes out and plugs Ride Along, then brag about their titles. Social Outcasts interrupt.
New Day vs. Social Outcasts
New Day dominate with a belly-to-belly suplex and the New Day Stomp, which Mauro names the Unicorn Stampede. Rose comes back with a big spinebuster and Axel hits Kofi with a knee. Axel tries to pin Kofi with his foot on the ropes, but Kofi does the same and wins. Fun match.
Winners: New Day via pinfall
Charlotte (w/ Ric Flair) vs. Alicia Fox (w/ Brie Bella)
Charlotte hits a second rope neckbreaker and dropkicks Alicia Fox out of the ring. She applies the headscissors to Fox and stomps away, but Alicia bridges for a pin.Charlotte and Fox take each other out with a double boot spot. Fox gets up and scores with her backbreaker, but it only gets two. A chop block by Charlotte sets up the Figure 8 for the win.
Winner: Charlotte via submission (Figure 8)
 R-Truth is at a hotel, and Goldust shows up dressed as an usher asking to be Truth's tag partner. Goldust and Truth cause Truth's suitcase to open, and his tie dye cat shirt and underwear to fall out. Truth rejects Goldust's request.
Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs. League Of Nations (w/ Wade Barrett)

Reigns and Rusev brawl back and forth until Rusev takes down Reigns with a big time kick. Reigns gets worked over in the heel corner, and Rusev hits a suplex after knocking Dean Ambrose off of the apron.
Reigns finally hits a Samoan drop and makes the hot tag to Ambrose, who sends Rusev and Del Rio to the outside of the ring. Ambrose hits the rebound clothesline and tags Reigns, who also hits a basement dropkick. Superman punch plants Rusev, but ADR slugs Reigns with a superkick. Ambrose accidentally suicide dives Reigns, but is caught.
The LON try to take advantage of the bickering, but Rusev gets another Superman punch, then a spear. Reigns and Ambrose win. Your first clean Smackdown main event finish of 2016.
Winners: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose via pinfall (Spear)

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WWE Smackdown results for 4 February 2016
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