Thursday 3 March 2016

WWE NXT results for 2nd March 2016

neville vs finn balor
WWE NXT results for 2nd March 2016. Neville vs Finn Balor is the announce match for tonight. William Regal will also announce a big surprise.
Hugo Knox vs The Vaudevillains 
Match up stat after some formal in ring introduction and both teams go at it. Knox try to control earlier but Vaudevillains got him in their corner and beat him down. He somehow fights back and give a tag to his partner. Tucker Knight gets in and makes some offense. He hits some clotheslines but suddenly gets a Whirling Dervish. Easy money for Vaudevillains.
Winners: The Vaudevillians via pinfall (Whirling Dervish)
We see Dana Brooke and Emma backstage talking trash about how Deonna Purrazzo losing to Asuka. Both girls make some fun of Deonna Purrazzo and Emma says that she's gonna make an example out of her opponent.
We also see Enzo and Big Cass back stage discussing some thing but Dash and Dawson interrupts. Enzo says he and Cass are gonna take these titles from Dash and Dawson to become the new champions. The Revival (Dash and Dawson) says maybe Enzo and Cass can spit shine them instead.
Santana Garrett vs Emma with Dana Brooke
Both girls make it to the ring and they go at it. Emma start with a beat down and punches on Garrett until referee breaks it. Garrett fights back and hits several kicks and added a Russian leg sweep. She tries to keep Emma grounded. Garrett sets for a handsprings elbow in the corner but Emma breaks it by pushing her from the top rope. Brooke comes to the apron and Emma takes advantage of distraction and apply Emma lock. Garrett tries to make it to the ropes but can't and taps out.
Winner: Emma via submission (Emma Lock)
William Regal is backstage with Eva Marie and Nia Jax. He praises both of them in a way and tells them that they will face Bayley and Asuka soon. Eva and Nia look furious on that one.William makes his way out and announced the newest talent of them who just got signed by NXT 'Austin Aries'. Austin is coming to the ring but Baron Corbin destroyed him on the way.
Elias Samson vs Steve Cutler
We see a formal in ring introduction and they start the work. Not a quite good match but both guys fight something to watch. End occurs when Samson controls the match and hits a short arm neckbreaker for the win. Crowd isn't look so happy with that one. 
Winner: Elias Samson (Short arm neckbreaker)
 The Hype Bros are backstage and say that losing to the Vaudevillains motivated them even more. They leave and the Vaudevillains are eerily watching them.
Finn Balor vs. Neville
Main Event time and we see Finn Balor making his way to the ring to a pop. Neville is out next again to a pop. We got a formal introduction and the start with some headlocks. Both guys work some athleticism and crowd cheers. Balor sends Neville out of the ring but he comes back with an asai moonsault. We see some more back and forth action between both.
Neville hits two German Suplexes for a close count. Neville looks furious and goes on the top for Red Arrow but Balor turns it into and enziguri. Neville drop himself outside after that and Balro scores a flip to ringside.
Balor also goes up top, but gets stopped with a kick. Neville hits a terrifying frankensteiner, but gets caught with a Slingblade and turned inside out with a clothesline. Coup de Grace sets up Bloody Sunday and Balor wins.
Winner: Finn Balor via pinfall (Bloody Sunday)
Balor and Neville shake hands after the match.Show ends.

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WWE NXT results for 2nd March 2016
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