Monday 7 July 2014

Monday Night Raw Results 7/7/14 bret the hitman hart returns , chris jericho confronts bray wyatt

The Wyatt Family defeats The Usos when Luke Harper clotheslines Jey Uso for the pin.
Nikki Bella faces Alicia Fox and both women are supposed to have one arm tied behind their backs. The ref ties Nikki's arm but Alicia just stomps on her, throws a drink on her, beats on her a bit and leaves.
Rusev (w/Lana) defeats Rob Van Dam with the Accolade.
Randy Orton defeats Dean Ambrose with an RKO.
Alberto Del Rio defeats Dolph Ziggler with a superkick thanks to some interference by Fandango, who is on commentary for the match. He starts dancing on the table, which distracts Dolph.
Stardust cuts a promo about heavenly bodies and the cosmos and talks about the roads they are taking. Goldust comes in and says where they are going, they don't need roads (nice Back to the Future reference) and says no one is as bizarre as him. They talk about how they have clicked as a team since Stardust's transformation. They hiss at each other and Stardust puts his hands up to the camera.
Layla walks up to Fandango backstage and asks If he is jealous that Summer Rae kissed Dolph Ziggler last week. Fandango says Dolph insulted him and their love. He kisses Layla, but Summer watches and flirts with him from a doorway.
Jerry "The King" Lawler welcomes Bret Hart to the ring. Bret plays to the crowd and says he wishes he could wrestle one more time for them. He says Montreal has the best fans in Canada and he is getting goosebumps just like he used to in his younger days.
Bret's music hits again and Damien Sandow comes out. He calls himself the true "best there is, best there was and best there ever will be" and mocks Bret for the Montreal Screwjob. He keeps insulting Canada and Bret's promo skills, so Bret knocks him out with one punch. Sandow then has a match with Sheamus, who promptly Brogue Kicks him for the quick win.
Renee Young is with The Miz backstage and he talks about his return to Raw last week. Miz reads a letter from an excited fan who said Chris Jericho ruined his return last week. Miz promises to put Jericho in his place this week and says Jericho could have ruined his life if he had damaged his face. He makes a fist and says Jericho is ready for his closeup.
Jericho defeats Miz with the Walls of Jericho. Bray Wyatt interrupts him from his rocking chair and says he is waiting for Jericho to save everyone, but how can he do that when he can't even save himself. Bray says he proved he belonged last week and he will never...eeeeeeeever let Jericho forget it. He says the former Jericholics now sing a different song, but Jericho tells him to "shut the hell up."
But Jericho says he is right about something: actions do speak louder than words, so he's going to kick Wyatt's ass. The feed cuts out again and Harper and Erick Rowan appear at Bray's side. Jericho stops at the bottom of the ramp, so Bray taunts him from his chair.
Paige and AJ Lee defeat The Funkadactyls in a tag team match when Paige hits the Paige Turner onCameronNaomi asks her what her problem is, but Cameron pokes her in the forehead a few times. Naomi shoves her and starts to punch her and the two roll around in the ring pulling each other's hair. A referee eventually breaks them up.
Cesaro is in the ring with Paul Heyman, who does his usual Brock Lesnar routine. Cesaro mocks the fans by saying that don't even speak real French. He then faces Kofi Kingston, who beats Cesaro with a roll up. Cesaro goes nuts and assaults Kofi, but Big E makes the save. Heyman gets Cesaro to retreat while Big E checks on Kofi and taunts Cesaro to return.
John Cena is backstage and Seth Rollins walks in to talk to him. Rollins says he and Cena should be able to speak even though Cena doesn't trust him. He says last week was different, but tonight is about being the best. Rollins says he will prove it to him and he could cash in his Money in the Bank contract tonight, or maybe Cena will get injured soon. Either way, Cena will lose his title.
The champ thanks Rollins for the backhanded compliment. Cena says Rollins is good and walks around like he owns the place, but he forgets that he was climbing to the top just a little while ago. He says Rollins has the Money in the Bank contract, but tonight all he has is a match with the champ. Rollins simply says he will see Cena out there.
Bo Dallas defeats El Torito (w/Diego) with the Bo-Dog.
Seth Rollins faces John Cena in the main event but Kane and Orotn interfere. Roman Reigns makes the save with a Superman Punch to Kane and they brawl up the ramp. Rollins hits Cena with the briefcase and knocks him out. He calls for a referee, but Ambrose again attacks him and brawls with him up the ramp. Back in the ring, Cena AAs Orton. Kane goes for a chokeslam but Reigns spears him. Reigns raises Cena's arm and the two then stare each other down. Cena then raises Reigns' arm and they have another stare down. They repeat this process as the show goes off the air.

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Monday Night Raw Results 7/7/14 bret the hitman hart returns , chris jericho confronts bray wyatt
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