Monday 7 July 2014

Bray Wyatt Needs to Stay Away from the WWE Title Picture

Keep Bray Wyatt away from the WWE World Heavyweight Championship title picture.
This summer has been chaos for WWE and the title with Daniel Bryan's health questions. I've heard a lot of requests from fans to do something fresh and put the title on Wyatt.
But I think that's a short-sighted view, one which doesn't consider the big picture.
The title would not do anything better for Wyatt than what he's already doing. Yes, eventually he will have a title run—but that's eventually.
Being champion right now will expose weaknesses. Once he has the title, WWE has to make a firm decision on if he's a heel or facea decision that is slowly and organically going to be made for the company as more fans cheer Wyatt. Other questions, such as what to do with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, will have to be answered as well when the babyface days are officially here for Wyatt.
This all doesn't need to happen right now.
There is a lot of grey area surrounding Wyatt, and it plays to his advantage. A title on him makes that positive go away.
Wyatt is still on the heel side of the fence, but a growing movement is taking place. The announcers acknowledge this every time he comes out to an arena full of iPhone lights being held up. What's going on with Wyatt is very special. A title will detour all of it and make him the subject of being chased because he carries the gold.
He will be the hunted once he becomes the champion.
Right now, Wyatt has built so much off of being the mysterious hunter. His feuds with Kane last summer, Bryan last winter, John Cenalast spring or now Chris Jericho—Wyatt struck first in all of them. The opponents weren't calling him out; he was seeking them out for one reason or another.
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The armchair bookers who want him as champion right now probably don't see that it would go against part of the magic that's worked in his year on the main roster.
If he has the title, then he has to lose it. Looking at his big matches so far, it's been easy to forget that he's lost because of how well disguised the defeats have been. Wyatt still feels like he is somewhat undefeated.
He beat Kane. He beat Bryan at Royal Rumble. He got a win over Cena, and it took a violent and physical match at Extreme Rules for Cena to end that feud. This doesn't fit with a title run right now.
Another thing to remember is that we can learn a lot from the past. Wrestling goes in cycles.
I compare Wyatt to characters like The Undertaker, Mankind and Kane. Characters all with Hall of Fame credentials—so that's a good start. Characters that all were above the rest in terms of not being billed as normal. Maybe supernatural is too strong of a word for Wyatt, but I still think he falls in this category with those other three classic names.
He comes from his own mysterious place. He has his own mysterious entourage. He speaks like nobody else.
Length or number of title reigns is never a big, bold point when talking about the careers of The Undertaker, Mankind and Kane. That's because they didn't need the title. They had such mystery and respect due to their unique gimmick matches, promos and theatrics that winning championships was never required to get them over.
The title was too real for them.
Fans can reach over and touch the title. Fans can go buy the title at the merchandise stand. You can't reach out and touch the elements of uniqueness and theatrics a guy like Wyatt possesses. You can only feel and absorb.

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Bray Wyatt Needs to Stay Away from the WWE Title Picture
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