Thursday 10 July 2014

WWE Main Event Results for July 8

Normally, Main Event has at least three matches. This week in Ottawa, however, WWE opted to have an appearance by Bret Hart on Chris Jericho's highlight reel to make the Canadian fans happy.
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio (US Title Match)
The champion and the challenger had a back-and-forth promo before Del Rio actually made his entrance. I am not sure why Del Rio gave his part of the promo from the back instead of in the ring with Sheamus, but it worked anyway.
You can always count on these two men to deliver some hard-hitting action, but with the Last Man Standing stipulation, they were a bit more aggressive than usual.
Sheamus' back was absolutely covered in bruises and welts by the time the bell rang, but he walked away with the victory and his title still intact.
Del Rio barely answered a 10-count after being put through a table, but then he got laid out with a Brogue Kick that kept him down for the full count.

Winner: Sheamus
Nikki Bella vs. Naomi, Summer Rae, Eva Marie, Natalya and RosaMendes
Nikki is still being punished by Stephanie McMahon, but this time she was put up against almost the entire cast of Total Divas.
The surprise wasn't that Nikki lost, because we all knew she would, but rather that it was Eva Marie who got the pin with a DDT. Most of the women on the team against Nikki didn't even tag into the match.
Cameron came out and took a cheap shot at Nikki, but Naomi was right there to chase her to the back.
Winner: Everyone but Nikki

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WWE Main Event Results for July 8
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