* Nikki Bella and Natalya defeated Charlotte and Sasha Banks. Good showing by the NXT Divas. Nikki got the pin on Sasha.
* Bo Dallas defeated Zack Ryder. Bo cut a promo on his way to the ring and it feels like he's starting to make the gimmick click. Ryder got almost no reaction. Bo countered the Ruff Ryder for the win.
* The Usos defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel, Stardust and Goldust. Stardust over as were The Usos. Good pay-per-view match here.
* Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio in a brawl for the US Championship. Del Rio attacked Sheamus before the match, acting like he was injured and using a crutch.
* Fans vote for Adam Rose vs Fandango to be a dance off over a match. There were a lot of kids in attendance so that's probably why. Fandango attacked Rose but he got the upperhand. Layla and Summer Rae ran down to help and attack Fandango. They also dances together.
* Chris Jericho defeated Randy Orton in a classic, with the Codebreaker. At one point The Wyatt Family made the lights go out but didn't actually appear. Orton actually got one of the nicer pops.
* Ric Flair brings The Usos, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, The Great Khali, Stardust, Goldust, Adam Rose and R-Truth as his lumberjacks. Triple H brings out Ryback, Curtis Axel, Fandango, Bo Dallas, Titus O'Neil and Alberto Del Rio. Triple H is short a few guys. Triple H and Flair cut promos and Flair got a huge pop. Henry turned on Cena at one point and threw him into the ring post. Triple H laid Cena out with a Pedigree and Flair beat Bray with punches until he was busted open. Cena gets the win. Great main event with all lumberjacks, Flair, Triple H, Cena and Wyatt getting in on the action. After the match, Cena has a showdown with Triple H and lays the titles in between them. Cena hits an Attitude Adjustment on Triple H to end it. Flair celebrates with Cena and that's a wrap.
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