My favourite type of finisher is a type that I like to call an impact finisher. These finishers can come out of nowhere. Notable examples of these type of finishers are the RKO and the Codebreaker. The great thing about these type of finishers is that there can be some amazing spots using these finishers that can make for very exciting and entertaining moments. Let's start with the RKO that is currently being used by Randy Orton. He's had this finisher for quite a long time now and it is just as effective now as it's ever been. It looks pretty devastating when the opponent's face slams into the mat though admittedly a lot of it depends on how the opponent sells the move. Some spots that stick out in my memory is the Shooting Star Press from Evan Bourne that was countered into an RKO and the recent RKO off of the ladder that Randy Orton hit on Cesaro at Money In The Bank 2014. I really like this finisher and it's definitely one of my favourites in the company at the moment.
We then have submission type finishers which aim to submit your opponent by putting them into a hold that is not only painful but hard to escape from. There are a few that I really like such as the Yes Lock from Daniel Bryan, for example, but there are also some which look plain stupid and not very effective at all. The one that springs to mind is the STF by John Cena. He looks the STF in on his opponent in such a way that it doesn't look painful at all and also looks as if the opponent can easily wriggle out of the hold which definitely shouldn't be the case. I've read reports that Stone Cold Steve Austin suggested to John Cena that he tighten the hold and make it look more damaging but he certainly didn't take that advice on board from the looks of it.
There's also physical finishers that are strikes such as kicks, bunches, elbows etc. The most prominent ones that you see today, and the ones that I can think off the top of my head, is the Bull Hammer which is used by Bad News Barrett and the Weapon of Mass Destruction which is used by Big Show. I like these types of finishers to a degree in the sense that they are just as surprising as the impact finishers and they can also come out of nowhere. What I don't like, however, is the fact that they are simply strikes and at times it doesn't make sense. For example, whenever Big Show throws a regular right hook why doesn't it knock the opponent out as it does when it is officially the Weapon of Mass Destruction? With Bad News Barrett he at least inverts his elbow pad into a red colour so that we know the following elbow is the Bull Hammer.
The last type of finisher that I am going to give my opinion on is the finishers that slam the opponent. These finishers range from the Chokeslam (which is used by quite a few superstars such as Kane and Big Show) to the World's Strongest Slam (used by Mark Henry). These finishers typically require the wrestler to pick the opponent up from a certain position so the finisher isn't as surprising as others. However, there are instances where the finisher does come with some sort of an element of surprise such as when a wrestler jumps off the turnbuckle and is caught in a position that allows them to transition into the finisher. These finishers are the most commonly used and often become iconic such as the Chokeslam which is so renowned that it is now used by multiple different wrestlers.
WWE Worst Finishing Moves