While Orton and Reigns aren't in the title match, they've both been on the fringe of the title for a while, and that's been the basis of their feud. Neither was victorious or the man pinned in the fatal four-way title match during the last pay-per-view, so the winner of this match was always going to be right back in the title picture. Orton was supposedly going to get the title shot at this show before Brock Lesnar did, but Reigns beat him up and prevented him from coming out to the ring on the night he was supposedly going to get that match.
Unsurprisingly, Orton and Reigns worked a pretty slow and deliberate match, but it wasn't without its massive spots. There was a superplex, a Samoan drop off the top rope and a pretty great spear attempt by Reigns that Orton was able turn into a powerslam. Both got their classic moves in, with Reigns hitting the Superman punch and apron dropkick, while Orton hit his second rope DDT.
Orton looked to have the match won with an RKO 18 minutes into the match, but Reigns, like he has when faced with finishers recently, kicked out. That got Orton mad and led to him lining up for a punt to the head, but Reigns countered with a sweep of the legs, hit his spear and got the pin. It was a very Roman Reigns finish.
Roman Reigns beats Randy Orton in totally predictable Superman fashion