Saturday 13 September 2014

WWE Live Event Results

R-Truth vs. Fandango
Both men really got the crowd into the match and R-Truth finally pinned Fandango w/ a sunset flip. R-Truth left the ring and Fandango got a mic and said he had never lost a match in Maryland and was cheated so he wanted a re-match right now. R-Truth returned to the ring and pinned him again.
Winner : R-Truth Twice

The Ascension vs. Big E & Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods
Ascension beat up on Big E most of the match. Kofi got in and hit a couple high spots before they double-teamed Ascension and Big E scored the pinfall.
Winner : Big E & Kofi Kingston

Tyson Kidd vs. Sami Zayn
The crowd was all cheering for Kidd as the two traded several moves. At one point, Tyson Kidd knocked Zayn over the top rope and both men went to the floor. After a minute or so Zayn returned to the ring and Kidd stayed down on the floor. The referee actually counted to 3 before going out to check on Kidd. By this point the crowd was getting bored and everyone got really quiet. The referee signaled to the ring announcer/timekeeper and the EMT's were sent for. About this time Kidd pulled himself up favoring one leg. With help from the referee he got back into the ring and still kept his one foot up. As Zayn walked over to check on him Kidd laid him out and began stomping on him in the corner. He then turned to the crowd and pointed to his leg and laughed. Suddenly the crowd turned on Kidd and began booing him. After more offense by Kidd, Zayn sent Kidd into the corner and pinned him following a big boot to the head.
Winner : Tyson Kidd

Damien Sandow (Mizdow) vs. Adam Rose
Adam Rose pinned Sandow. Not much to report here; typical mid-card match.
Winner : Adam Rose

Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Title
Bo Dallas gave his Bo-Lieve speech to Ziggler and told him he was going to take the title from him tonight. After back and forth action Ziggler hit the ZigZag and pinned Dallas. After the match, the Ascension stormed the ring and began beating on Ziggler. Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods came to the ring and made the save and then lifted Ziggler up on their shoulders.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Nikki Bella, Cameron & Alicia Fox vs. Eva Marie, Naomi & Brie Bella
Cameron & Naomi started the match with Naomi smacking Cameron's cellphone out of here hand as she was taking selfies. Naomi tagged in Eva Marie  who spent the rest of the match getting beat on. Finally she tagged in Brie who cleared house. At one point each Diva had a spot until Brie was left in the ring with Cameron. As Brie went after Cameron, Nikki came from behind Brie with a clothesline; Brie ducked and Nikki clotheslined Cameron. As Nikki looked dumbfounded Naomi came in and took her out and Brie pinned Cameron.
Winner : Eva Marie, Naomi & Brie Bella

Rusev vs. Big Show
Lana & Rusev cut their normal anti-USA promo and claimed Rusev was undefeated and asked for the next victim to come out. No one came out and they asked again and again no one came. After the third time Lana & Rusev prepared to leave the ring when the Big Show's music hit. Big Show came out and Rusev kept yelling at him but Show showed no emotion. Finally they went at it and after being tossed around by Show a couple times, Rusev got the better of him by taking out his legs and eventually applied the camel clutch. Show pulled himself to the ropes but Rusev would not let go and was disqualified. After finally releasing the hold he went out and got a chair. When he got back in the ring and went after Show with the chair, Show batted it away and chokeslammed him.
Winner : Big Show By DQ

Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns in a Tables Match
After both men came to the ring, the ring announcer made the announcement that the Authority were giving the fans a chance to choose the stipulation: a 2-out-of-3 falls match or a tables match. The crowd chose a tables match. Reigns set a table up in the corner of the ring that remained there the enter match. After trading back and forth Rollins eventually took the upper hand and used a kendo stick and a chair. He also set up a table but the legs fell off of it not long after he set it up. At one point Reigns started mounting a comeback and Rollins grabbed his Money-in-the-Bank case and tried to leave the ring. Reigns followed him up the ramp and brought him back into the ring where he beat him with the kendo stick before breaking it over his knee. Rollins eventually took the upper hand again until finally Reigns caught him with a superman punch and speared him through the table.
Winner : Roman Reigns

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