Wednesday 19 November 2014

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/19) – New Knockouts Champion, New X Division Champion, Hardy Boys Are Missing Again

Bobby Roode comes out and says Lashley tried to end Eric Young’s career, and he did the same to Austin Aries, so he wants a fight with him now. Roode says Lashley will get the title shot he wants some time soon, but right now Roode wants to fight him, and he wants an answer. Lashley comes out and they trade punches on the ramp, then they spill into the crowd and Lashley grabs a chair, but security runs out and breaks them up. 
Ethan Carter III says it’s unfortunate that Eric Young is injured, but he’s still calling out Rockstar Spud tonight. Ethan says Spud should meet him since he’s been seeking the respect he deserves since being fired, and he says he will see Spud later.

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Knockouts ChampionshipTaryn Terrell vs Gail Kim vs Havok (c)
Taryn and Gail attack Havok in the middle of the ring, then Havok whips Gail into the turnbuckles and Taryn throws a few punches. Havok knocks them both down and puts Taryn in a bearhug before she slams her down, then Gail jumps in and applies a octopus submission. Taryn applise a leglock at the same time, then they throw Havok on the floor and both splash her as we go to a break. We get back to see Gail charge the corner, but Taryn elbows her and follows with a diving neckbreaker before she hits the ropes. Havok pulls her outside and whips Taryn facefirst into the barricade, then she tries to do the same to Gail, but Gail floats over and punches her.
Havok turns and hits a spinebuster on the floor, then she splashes Gail before Taryn and Gail slam her in the corner and hang her up on the ropes. Taryn holds Havok and Gail hits a legdrop that sends her onto the floor, then Taryn catches Gail with some elbows before Gail hits a clothesline. Gail sends Taryn in the corner, but Havok rolls back in and they hit a Tower of Doom spot before Havok stacks them up and heads up top. She misses a splash when both opponents roll away, then she calls for a double Harlot Slayer but Gail catches her with a DDT and a crossbody for two. Taryn follows with a crossbody and Gail hits Eat Defeat, then Taryn hits a diving cutter and goes for the pin. Gail pulls her away and rolls her up, but Taryn rolls through and gets a sunset flip pin for the win. 
Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion – Taryn Terrell
 Bobby Roode says he won’t stand there and let his friend get beaten up, and he’s challenging Lashley to a fight. He says the roles are reversed, and usually he’s the one getting called out, but he tells Lashley the fight has just begun. 
Kenny King vs Chris Melendez 
King mocks Chris by pointing to both of his legs, then ducks a punch by Chris and hangs out on the apron. King applies a waistlock and showboats after a takedown, then Chris hiptosses him a few times and King rolls outside. He talks some trash to the cameras before Chris tries to pull him back in, then King catches him with an enziguiri before he applies a chinlock. King throws a few punches before he snaps Chris’ head on the ropes, then King springboards in but Chris catches him with a kick to the face and follows with some clotheslines. Chris hiptosses King and connects with a fisherman’s suplex for two, then he connects with a big boot and sets up for a fireman’s carry slam. MVP runs in and hits Chris with a chair, then he continues to hit Chris’ legs with the chair and hits him in the back before leaving. 
Winner (by disqualification) – Chris Melendez 
Ethan Carter comes out and says he’s giving Rockstar Spud the opportunity to fight him, and he asks if Spud will actually take him up on it. Spud comes out and Ethan tells Tyrus to stay out of it no matter what, then Ethan calls Spud into the ring and he says he’ll give Spud the first punch. Ethan taunts him and dares him to swing, but Spud says he won’t hit him in the face… he’s going to kick him right in the balls! Spud gives him a swift kick and repeatedly punches him, then Ethan regains control and stomps and kicks him a few times. Ethan slams Spud’s head on the mat and Spud fights to pull himself up, but Ethan shoves him back and Tyrus connects with an elevated clothesline. Ethan says he’s going to take Spud down piece by piece, then he cuts Spud’s hair off and taunts the crowd.
Kurt Angle storms backstage and asks Kenny King where MVP is, but King says he doesn’t know. MVP runs in and hits Kurt from behind, then repeatedly punches him as King looks on. King tells MVP he’s flipped and asks what he just did, then MVP storms off and says it’s been a long time coming.  
Hardcore Rules Bram vs Tommy Dreamer 
Dreamer runs out and attacks Bram on the ramp, then he sends him into the apron before Bram punches him a few times and busts him open. Dreamer whips him into the ringpost and hits a suplex on the floor, then Dreamer hits Bram in the face as we go to a break. We get back to see Bram smash Dreamer in the head with a trash can, then Dreamer avoids a strike and hits him in the face with a kendo stick. Dreamer uses it to hit a side Russian legsweep, then he drops Bram crotch first on a chair and follows with a clothesline for two. He sets Bram up in tree of woe position and dropkicks a trash can into his face, then Bram catches him with a judo throw and heads up top with a chair.
Dreamer kicks it into his face on the way down down and hits a DDT for two, then he sets up for a piledriver but Magnus runs in and hits a side slam onto a chair. Magnus tells Bram to pick Dreamer up, and Magnus hits Dreamer in the stomach, then Bram tries to slam him on a chair wrapped in barbed wire but Al Snow runs out for the save. Snow runs Magnus off and Dreamer scrapes a cheese grater across Bram’s head, then he wedges the barbed wire chair in the corner and tries to hit a Death Valley Driver into it. Bram floats over and whips Dreamer facefirst into the chair, then he pulls him away from the barbed wire and hits an elevated DDT for the win. 
Winner – Bram

X Division ChampionshipDJ Zema vs Tigre Uno vs Manik vs Low Ki
Uno and Manik fight to the floor, then Ki kicks Zema into the corner and Manik whips him but Zema dropkick them both. Uno chops him and kicks him in the face, then Ki chops Uno and Manik puts him in an inverted surfboard. Zema tries to pin Manik while the hold is applied, then Ki hits them all with Warrior’s Way and whips Zema outside. He blocks a kick and Uno takes everyone out with a corkscrew springboard on the floor, then they roll back in and Zema hits Ki with a tornado DDT. Manik slams Zema and makes the cover, then Uno leaps off the ropes and hits Manik before Ki takes him up top and headbutts Uno a few times. Uno punches him and goes for a hurricanrana, but Ki hits a Ki Crusher off the ropes for the win. 
Winner and NEW X Division Champion – Low Ki
MVP is shown leaving a voicemail for Bobby Lashley, and he says he thinks Kurt Angle is going to pull a fast one and Lashley needs to be here. We see Kurt heading to the ring, then Kurt comes out and says MVP used to be in charge, and he used his friends to get what he wanted. Kurt says he’s a real man and he handles things in the ring, and it’s his job to contact the board of directors because MVP can’t put his hands on him. MVP comes out and says he beat Kurt’s ass because he is sick of this entire company, but Kurt says he’s not here to fire him.
Kurt says the new year is close and he wants to start things right, then he decks MVP and they slug it out on the mat. Kenny King runs in and he and MVP attack Kurt, and MVP hits Kurt with a Blackout Kick that knocks him out of the ring. Ken Anderson runs in and attacks King, but Lashley follows him out and drops Anderson with a spear. Bobby Roode runs out and he fights with Lashley in the corner, then they slug it out and go punch for punch as the show comes to a close.  

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/19) – New Knockouts Champion, New X Division Champion, Hardy Boys Are Missing Again
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