The rub of it is, the original question that seems to have irked Punk was simple: Had he ever been punched in the face?
His answer:
“You obviously haven’t seen some of the guys I was wrestling in the WWE. Yes, I’ve taken a real punch to the face.”
At this point, things began to slowly go downhill. To be fair to Punk, the question came after a segment in which his proposed first fight in the UFC was parodied – with the show poking fun at the lack of date, opponent, or even weight class. However, the fighter seemed to take it in stride until the WWE topic began coming up again, although he had brought the promotion up in the first place.
However, after that, host Landsberg continued to come back to the topic of the WWE, and Punk’s responses became shorter and shorter, until the point that Punk called Landsberg out for the parody clip and for acting differently off-camera than on it, stating;
Your demeanor off-camera is 100% different from what it is when you know you’re being recorded… it’s funny to me.You try to be friendly, you try to act like you’re my friend, and then when you get me on camera, you try to act like the cool kid in school.
For those not familiar with the show, Off The Record has been a long-running show on The Sports Network in Canada that often has top newsmakers on. A few years back, then UFC fighter Chael Sonnen made a notorious appearance on the show, storming off early on in an interview with Landsberg. However, it soon appeared that interview was an Andy Kaufman like work, as Sonnen returned to the show for another episode almost immediately after (and his public persona soon became known as a heel character).
Is Punk legitimately upset in this interview? Was this another work?
One thing is for certain: real or not, CM Punk is going to face a lot of scrutiny in the media in the months to come, at least until more is known about where he’ll be training and who he’ll be fighting.
CM Punk Upset With Interviewer Over WWE Questions