Friday 23 January 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling Results for 23 January 2015 Knockout Fired, MVP & Lashley Brawl In The Street,

MVP & Lashley Brawl In The StreetJosh Matthews kicks off the show by touting feast or Fired as TNA's version of "The Hunger Games." Ruminate on that for a bit. We get a video package and out come The Wolves…
Feast or Fired! Match
The Wolves, Bram and Magnus and Austin Aries get intros and everyone else is in the ring as the bell sounds. Robbie E makes a play for a briefcase and Crazzy Steve intervenes. Robbie E gets an assist from velvet and ends up grabbing the first case. Crazzy Steve chases them both backstage.
Spud tries for the next one as Josh tells us nobody has ever successfully cashed in a case for the heavyweight title. The remaining Bromans fare poorly as DJ Z and Jessie are both tossed outside. The Wolves as well as Bram and Magnus end up outside, too. Spud tries again for a case and Samuel Shaw stops him. Shaw heads up top and Gunner drops him on to the turnbuckle. Spud capitalizes by stepping on Shaw's back to grab the case.
After some more action—including a double-team on Godderz by the Wolves—Aries climbs up, takes the next case and then takes out everyone on the floor when he dives off the turnbuckle. A cool spot. Gunner gets fired up, ignoring a lot of the shenanigans by Godderz and his apparent beau Angelina Love who is on the apron. The Wolves are largely not involved in a decisive role at this point. Magnus gets the fourth and final briefcase after taking out Gunner and Bram with a fall-away slam. The bell sounds to end that one.

Briefcase winners: Robbie E, Rockstar Spud, Austin Aries and Magnus.
Back on the show, Magnus and Bram get into a scrum over Magnus grabbing the case. Probably haven't seen the last of that.
Lashley hits the ramp loaded for bear and all band-aided up from his run-in with the BDC. Recaps roll and when we're back on the show, Lashley is fixing to lay a pipe-bomb. "Bring me my title. Now."
Kenny King rolls out and he ain't impressed. He says he's going to teach Lashley a lesson. It's a safe bet that lesson is called "How to kick Kenny King's ass." King calls out the BDC as an audience and then it's go time.
Bobby Lashley vs. Kenny King
Lashley comes on strong but King turns it around for the moment. Lashley struggles to mount a decent offense but manages to get on top of things and avoid interference by the BDC… for the moment. He puts King on the canvas and gets some accolades from the crowd before going back to work. King stays on the mat as Lashley starts to pick him apart. Kenny tries to come back and Lashley hits a big spear but as he goes for the pin, the BDC predictably storms the ring. The bell sounds for a DQ.
Result: Bobby Lashley defeats Kenny King via DQ
Post-match, MVP says that if Lashley wants the title back, he's going to have to take it from him… on the street!
After a break, Josh Matthews reminds us of what we just saw five minutes ago. Then TNA shows us what we just saw five minutes ago. Backstage, Lashley tries to talk off all of those hella beat-downs. Then we get a package regarding Awesome Kong's return.
Havok vs. Gail Kim
Havok lumbers out to the ring first. Gail Kim follows, receiving a nice welcome from the fans. Havok and Kim get right into it on the ramp. They eventually make it into the ring and the bell sounds. Havok gets the advantage quickly and places a big boot on Gail as she lays on the ropes. Kim gets up but doesn't seem to be able to defend herself against Havok's onslaught. After a good deal of punishment, Havok lands a bear hug slam and covers but Gail kicks out at two. She comes back for a short stretch but Havok lands a huge kick to the face, putting Gail down on the apron. Gail fights back from a prone position and Havok jumps outside to work her over. The ref gets involved and Havok knocks him for a loop. The bell sounds for a DQ.
Result: Gail Kim defeats Havok via DQ.
Post-match, Havok continues to whoop up on Kim and terrorize officials until Awesome Kong arrives on the scene. After a short face-off, Kong knocks Havok out of the ring. Havok withdraws but they'll meet again, for sure.
Following some commercials, we get a look back at Borash accepting EC3's challenge for a match. Then we're back at ringside…
Tigre Uno vs. Khoya
Khoya moves are surprisingly quick and smooth for his size. He gets Tigre Uno good with a slam and Uno moves quickly to try and reign in the big guy but Khoya puts him down with another slam and it's over with a three-count. Pass the squash, please.
Result: Khoya defeats Tigre Uno via pinfall

After the bell, James Storm takes to the mic and says that although matt Hardy has conquered his personal demons, he won't overcome Storm when they meet later tonight.
Backstage, Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode talk goals and strategy for their match against the BDC guys. Kurt tells Roode to get control of himself for the bout.
Josh Matthews breaks down some of the forthcoming action and then we hear from Rockstar Spud who is way stoked to win the briefcase.

Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle vs. Eric Young and Low-ki
Angle and Roode enter separately, almost as if to drive home the point that they're really not on the same page. Angle and Low-ki start it off Angle gets in some good shots at Low-ki and then he tags in Roode. Roode puts Low-ki down for a near fall and the shoots a mean look at EY. Young comes in and the men go at it with Roode gaining strong advantage. Low-ki evens it out with some interference and Young gains control before making the tag. Low-ki works on Roode and brings EY back in quickly. Young dominates Roode until Bobby gets in a just enough offense to tip the scales. He tags in Angle who cleans house. Young bails and Angle takes down low-ki with the Angle slam. Roode comes in and puts Low-ki in the crossface but the ref is distracted when EY threatens to bring in a chair. Other BDC guys stroll down to the ring area and the ref takes on the responsibility of getting that under control. EY hits Roode with the chair after all and Low-ki covers, earning an upset victory of sorts.
Result: Eric Young and Low-ki defeat Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle
The show resumes after a commercial and MVP is out on 34th street challenging Lashley to a fight. He tells Lashley to bring his ass (as if Lashley has a choice in that).
We get a full-on recap of EC3 fighting with Spud and Borash. Always enjoyable to hear EC3 talking some smack. Let's head out to the ring.
Jeremy Borash vs. Ethan Carter III
EC3 handles the announcements with his signature brand of hilarity. Borash comes out in a hoodie and gives fist bumps and hugs to the fans, friends and family at ringside. British Boot Camp winner Mark Andrews is watching from the front row as well. Keep an eye on that guy.
The bell rings and EC3 announces he wants to do commentary as well. He runs his mouth until Borash grabs the mic, tells EC3 that he can't announce worth a damn and then peppers him with punches. EC3 roars back with a beatdown. He walks to the side and spits in Spud's face next and Spud jumps in and whoops up on carter. Tyrus intervenes and puts the kibosh on Spud. Mark Andrews jumps in the ring and he teams up with Spud to take out Tyrus. Andrews hits a giant shooting star press on Tyrus, taking the big dude out on the outside. Carter retreats and Borash yells, "I will f--- you up!" which is really hilarious. Andrews, Spud and Borash stand tall to round it out.
Result: No-contest

Matt Hardy vs. James Storm
The guys lock up and Storm works Matt into the corner. Hardy responds by planting Storm's face into the turnbuckle. Hardy tries to get Storm into position for a big move and Storm rolls outside. Come on, man. They brawl on the outside and Hardy gets the upper hand. He rolls Storm back inside and gets him into a protracted headlock. Storm tries to turn it around and Hardy stays in the fight. They end up slugging it out in the center of the ring until Storm puts Matt down. Storm looks like he's going to seal the deal until Hardy rolls him up into a small package for the three-count.
Result: Matt Hardy defeats James Storm via pinfall.
Post-match, Storm asks Hardy for a handshake on bended knee. Hardy is reluctant and the other members of the Revolution swoop in, with Abyss attacking Hardy from behind. Abyss grabs Janice from under the ring and they get ready to do in Matt but Jeff runs out and puts a stop to it. He issues a challenge for a Monster's Ball match against Abyss next week.

Rockstar Spud goes first and he comes up with the X-Division title shot. Magnus follows and he gets the tag team title shot. Robbie E starts freaking the hell out when he realizes it's down to him or Aries for the pink slip. After a commercial, Robbie remembers that Velvet grabbed the case and he makes her open it. It's the "Fired!" case and Robbie celebrates like a madman, yelling "You're fired! Caw caw! Caw caw!" Truly, truly hilarious. Aries slowly opens his case to find the heavyweight title shot.
Out on the street, Lashley brings it to MVP. They brawl into the Manhattan Center, crashing into barricades. Lashley starts to get things in hand and the whole BDC descends on him for a full-scale mugging. The pound Lashley again out on the sidewalk until Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode crash the party. Roode finds the title, stares at it longingly and then looks up and locks eyes with Lashley for a stare-down. Cut, print and fade to black, 'cause that's a wrap.

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results for 23 January 2015 Knockout Fired, MVP & Lashley Brawl In The Street,
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