Chavo vs. Blue Demon.
It's anything goes for this vicious grudge match and, yes, that includes hockey sticks. Blue Demon is still in a suit, amusingly enough. Well, he didn't know he was wrestling, so I guess that makes sense. Chavo attacks Demon with Kendo shots. Demon tries to fight back. Ultimately, Chavo hits a frog splah and, with the help of his crew, manages to defeat Demon.
Winner: Chavo Guerrero
Drago is back. He's looking rather Batman-esque. He confronts Dario in the bathroom about being in the No. 1 contenders match later. Dario tells him he's in, but if he doesn't win, he'll have to lose his mask and be banished. Odd segment.
Pimpi, Mascarita, and Bengala vs. The Diciples with Catrina
Fun tag match, with some great tag team exchanges with a some nice moves early on from Pimpi. Bengala tags in and does a great moonsault. The crowd seems very into Catrina. Pimpi is running wild, however, The Disciples win after the lick of death on Pimpinella from Catrina and a triple team maneuver.
Winners: The Disciples of Death
We see Johnny Mundo in Dario's office. He'a angry. He says he wants to be in the No.1 Contenders match. Dario wants him to a shot before Ultimate Lucha. Dario announces there will be a 60 minute Iron Man match next week, Mundo vs. Prince Puma for the title! What a swell boss Dario is.
Drago vs. Cage vs. King Cuerno vs. Hernandez in a No. 1 contender match.
Hernandez and Cage went after each other right from the bell. Cuerno heads for Drago. Drago is going crazy. Hernandez tosses Cage aside and goes after Cuerno. Cage goes after Hernandez. Cuerno and Cage double team Hernandez. Drago breaks up Cuerno's pin on Cage. Lots of action here. Cage hits an amazing moonsault on Hernandez. People getting thrown out left and right. The story of the match was Cage and Cuerno trying to work together but it usually falling apart. The finish came about when Hernandez got tossed out by Drago, who then used the green mist on King Cuerno and hit a Dragon's Tail Pin for the one-two-three. Good main event that people should go out of their way to see if possible.
Winner: Drago
The show ends with a tease for Puma vs. Mundo in a 60 minute Iron Man match next week.
Lucha Underground results for 10 June 2015