Friday 17 July 2015

WWE Main Event results for 17 July 2015

prime time playersWWE Main Event results for 17 July 2015 Welcome to coverage of WWE Main Event. Today's event features the WWE Tag Team Champions, The Prime Time Players, in action.
Prime Time Players vs. The Ascension
Young rolls Viktor up quickly for a two and clotheslines him to the mat before landing a mini-banzai drop. Young takes a crazy fall to the outside of the ring and Titus checks on him as we go to a commercial.
Young sunset flips Conor as we come back, but Viktor made the blind tag and puts the boots to him. The Ascension isolates Young and attacks him in the corner for several minutes. Finally Titus O'Neil gets a hot tag an destroys everyone as the crowd goes nuts. Gut check on Viktor, Clash of the Titus on Conor. Pinfall.
Winners: Prime Time Players via pinfall (Clash of the Titus)
 We see a recap of Cesaro, Rusev and Kevin Owens going at it on Monday.
Adam Rose vs. Zack Ryder
No Rosa Mendes with Rose today. Ryder rolls Rose outside boots him in the face before sending him back in. Ryder goes for the ten punches, but Rose manages to escape out the back and clip Ryder's leg, sending him tumbling to the mat. Rose capitalizes with a big neckbreaker.
Rose applies a chinlock and then hits his spinebuster into a half crab. Several elbows into the corner do him well, but he walks right into a Rough Ryder for the three count.
Winner: Zack Ryder via pinfall (Rough Ryder)
We see a video package of Brock Lesnar's feud with The Authority.
R-Truth vs. Bo Dallas
Truth dominates early, sending Bo from the ring and doing the splits. Bo Dallas trips him up and clobbers Truth with a big elbow that gets a two count. Truth battles back with a couple of clotheslines and a big front suplex, but Dallas manages to kick out before three.
Truth misses the axe kick, and Dallas DDTs him on the ring apron. Dallas tries to get a win by countout, but Truth makes it back in where he's quickly hiptossed. After a body scissors, Dallas takes an early victory lap. Dallas goes for a Bo Dog, but it's stopped. Dallas stops one Lie Detector as well, but eats another right after.
Winner: R-Truth via pinfall (Lie Detector)

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WWE Main Event results for 17 July 2015
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