Thursday 16 July 2015

WWE Smack Down complete results for 16 July 2015

cesaroWWE Smack Down complete results for 16 July 2015  Welcome to our Live Smack Down Viewing Party. Please enter your ongoing feedback of tonight's show in the 'Comments' section below.
Roman Reigns comes out and says all the trouble with Wyatt started when he got screwed out of Money in the Bank. He says tonight that he'll team with Ambrose to take on Sheamus and Show.
Bray Wyatt appears on the screen and says Reigns is a monument of everything that should be good, but he's going to crumble the monument. Wyatt continues cutting a spooky promo and tells Reigns to let his family know he loves them, because he might not come home after Battleground.
Lucha Dragons vs. New Day (w/ Xavier Woods)
Kofi and Sin Cara avoid each other with a series of reversals until a Sin Cara body press. He's quickly worked into the corner and double teamed by New Day. Sin Cara hits a nice arm drag/head scissors on the two and tags out to Kalisto, before quickly tagging back in. New Day catches Sin Cara and tosses him outside as we go to commercial.
We come back to see The New Day stomp in the corner, followed by an abdominal stretch and knee be Big E. Kalisto makes a big comeback and lands his finish, but a Xavier Woods distraction allows New Day to hit their finish.
Winners: New Day
PTP were on commentary, and New Day say they'll use the power of positivity to win the tag titles. PTP run them off.
 Ambrose and Reigns are backstage. Ambrose says they'll keep their eye peeled for Wyatt tonight. Reigns says if he shows his face, Wyatt won't make it to Battleground.
King Barrett vs. Jack Swagger
Swagger takes Barrett down repeatedly but eats a few strikes to the midsection. Barrett goes for his corner kicks, but misses and ends up clobbering Swagger with a Bull Hammer for the win instead.
Winner: King Barrett via pinfall (Bull Hammer)
R-Truth comes out with his crown, cape, and plunger. King Barrett goes off on him and says he earned it, he says the jokes and mockery end on Sunday. This promo from Barrett was awesome.
 We see a recap of Brock Lesnar's issues with The Authority.
 Kevin Owens sarcastically wishes Cesaro luck backstage.
Cesaro vs. Rusev (w/ Summer Rae)
Rusev sores with a kick to the face, but Cesaro answers with a clothesline. Rusev lands a few big strikes, but Cesaro impressively hits the hanging vertical suplex. Rusev lands an awesome swinging back suplex of his own and puts the boots to the former Antonio. The two are trading big strikes until a Cesaro German suplex that sends us to a commercial.
We see Rusev hit a swinging side slam as we come back, but Cesaro comes off the ropes with his springboard European uppercut for two. Rusev cuts off a Cesaro suicide dive attempt and gets a wheel kick for two. He tries to apply the Accolade, but Cesaro gets to the ropes and sends Cesaro outside.
Rusev takes advantage and tosses Cesaro back in. He looks at the top rope with intent, but eats a big uppercut and Neutralizer for the win. Cesaro beats Rusev.
Winner: Cesaro via pinfall (Neutralizer)
Sheamus is interviewed backstage, where he reminds us he's Money in the Bank winner. He says the issue with Orton is personal.
Neville vs. Stardust
Stardust drops Neville and knees him in the face for a quick one count. A Neville arm drag and leapfrog sends Stardust outside, where Neville hits a moonsault. Stardust is caught using the ropes inside while trying to reverse a sunset flip. Neville hits a victory roll for the win.
Winner: Neville via pinfall (victory roll)
Stardust attacks Neville backstage and says they're not done with each other.
Sasha Banks, Naomi and Tamina are backstage. Naomi says the odds are even, and Sasha says it's their time to run the Divas division.
Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs. Big Show & Sheamus
Ambrose gains an early advantage with a big clothesline, and he sends Sheamus outside of the ring. Big Show comes to console Sheamus, but they both get dropkicked by Reigns and eat a huge dive from Ambrose as we go to our last commercial.
We come back to see Ambrose going crazy on Big Show with strikes, but he gets ran over by the big man. Sheamus tags in and gets punched a couple of times, then dropkicked a couple more. Big Show grabs his head and slams Ambrose to the mat before walking on his body.
Show and Sheamus work over Ambrose in their corner, setting Big Show up for a huge body slam. Show misses a giant elbow drop that allows Reigns to get the hot tag. He cleans house, and Ambrose DDTs Show through the announce table. Reigns hit the Superman punch, but Wyatt runs in for the DQ.
Winners: Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose via DQ
Reigns gets out of the Sister Abigail and sends Wyatt outside. He spears Sheamus to end the show.

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WWE Smack Down complete results for 16 July 2015
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