Monday 13 July 2015

WWE Monday Night Raw results for 13 July 2015

roman reignsWe're live from Atlanta, Georgia with Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and JBL on commentary. We see what's left of the destroyed Cadillac CTS sitting beside the stage.
The music hits and out comes Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman. Fans pop as the pyro goes off.
The crowd is hot and chanting "Suplex City" as Heyman and Lesnar hit the ring. Heyman does the intro for Lesnar and calls him The Beast of Battleground. Heyman praises Lesnar and says Lesnar will enter the ring on Sunday as a challenger but will not leave the ring the same way. Heyman says Seth Rollins is going to get beat up and will get his ass kicked by Lesnar. Heyman says Rollins will be suplexed, F5'd and pinned by Lesnar. The music interrupts Heyman and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins with Kane. Rollins speaks from the stage.
Lesnar smiles as Rollins takes the mic. Rollins says he can't wait to wipe that stupid smile off Lesnar's face on Sunday. Rollins calls Lesnar a coward for taking his aggression out on the Cadillac last week. Rollins fumbles his words and the crowd laughs at him. He tells them to shut up and Lesnar also laughs at him. Now the Justin Bieber chants start up. Rollins is also upset about Lesnar parading the destroyed car around the country like a trophy. Rollins raises the title and says he's everything that's right about WWE, a real champion while Lesnar is a thug, a criminal, a vandal. Rollins says he's going to take a trip to Suplex City on Sunday, he's going to bring the matches and gasoline and he's going to burn Suplex City to the ground. Fans boo. Lesnar says he can take Rollins to Suplex City tonight, b---h. Kane announces a contract signing between the two tonight and says his job is to make sure it goes smoothly. Kane says if Lesnar does anything to spoil the match... Heyman interrupts and asks if Kane is about to threaten The Beast. Heyman calls him The Undertaker's baby brother and they laugh at him. Fans chant "baby brother" now.
Heyman brings up Lesnar ending The Undertaker's Streak. Heyman wonders what could possibly go wrong in a contract signing and says Lesnar will come with peace, love and understanding in his heart. Unless Rollins breaks the 11th commandment - thou shalt not intentionally provoke The Beast. Lesnar's music hits as they stare each other down.
- Still to come, Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt plus Randy Orton and Ryback vs. Sheamus and Big Show. We go to commercial.
Randy Orton and Ryback vs. Sheamus and Big Show
Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Ryback. Randy Orton is out next to a big pop. Sheamus is out next with his Money In the Bank briefcase and Big Show is the last man out.
Sheamus knees him as we go to a break, then we get back to see Show stomp Orton while Sheamus holds him. Show taunts Orton and stomps him a few times, then Miz (at commentary) taunts Orton on the mic and tries to encourage the opposition. Show gets pissed and chases him away, then Orton hits a RKO and Ryback splashes Sheamus for the win. 
Winners – Randy Orton & Ryback 
Seth Rollins and Kane are shown arguing about the contract signing, and Kane tells him not to worry about it. Kane says he has a plan and Rollins seems apprehensive, saying they are supposed to protect him and this seems like the opposite. Rollins says he hopes they aren’t going to provoke Brock Lesnar, but Kane says if he keeps this up it won’t end well for either of them.
Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt 
Bray makes his entrance but Roman Reigns surprises him from behind and starts hitting him, sending him all over the ringside area. Reigns hits a basement dropkick and slams him down, then tries to roll him in the ring but Bray hits him with his lantern and runs away.
Result – No Contest
The Bella Twins and Alicia Fox come to the ring and Nikki lists her accomplishments, talking about how she’s beaten everyone. Stephanie McMahon comes to the ring and says she owns WWE, not anyone else, and she says it’s time for a change in WWE. She talks about how strong women are changing sports, then Stephanie brings Paige to the ring. Nikki says Paige keeps failing, but Stephanie says Paige is trying to change, and she needs backup. Stephanie introduces Becky Lynch to the crowd, then says they are still outnumbered and welcomes Charlotte to the ring! Charlotte raises Paige and Becky’s arms, then Naomi and Tamina cut things off and Naomi says they still have problems with the Bellas. Stephanie says they have an answer for that, and she has another woman who will stand up and fight, and that’s Sasha Banks!
Sasha stands with Naomi and Tamina, Paige with Becky and Charlotte, and finally Team Bella. Stephanie says she wants to see who is taking the opportunity she gave them, and everyone starts brawling in different corners of the ring. Paige ends up putting Naomi in the PTO, then Tamina superkicks her before Sasha hits them with double knee strikes. Becky knocks her outside then Charlotte tackles Brie, and she puts her in the Figure 8 while Becky applies an armbar. Sasha rolls back in and applies the Bank Statement, and all of Team Bella is tapping out. They are throw from the ring, and Naomi, Tamina, Paige and the NXT Divas all celebrate as Stephanie watches on the stage. 
Prime Time Players & Mark Henry vs The New Day  
Titus connects with a few strikes and Young scores with a slam, then Henry hits a backbreaker and clears the ring. We get back from a break to see Henry connect with some clotheslines off of the tag, then Woods kicks him a few times and knees him in the head. Young breaks up the pin but Kofi hits him with Trouble In Paradise, then Titus kicks him and Big E hits a belly-to-belly throw. Woods kicks Henry and dives at him, but Henry counters with a World’s Strongest Slam for the win. 
Winners – Prime Time Players & Mark Henry 
R-Truth vs Bad News Barrett
Truth goes for a near fall before Wade elbows him a few times, then he sends him into the corner. Wade hits him a few times and charges at Truth, and gets caught with a Lie Detector for the win. 
Winner – R-Truth

John Cena comes out for the United States Open Challenge, and Rusev cuts him off and says he is the best champion ever. He says he’d still be champion if it wasn’t for Lana, then Kevin Owens cuts them off and says Rusev needs to leave. Owens says he already said he is taking Cena’s title, no one else, then Cesaro comes out and makes his case. The three challengers fight each other, and Cena gets out of the way as we go to a break.

#1 Contender’s Match (United States Championship)
Kevin Owens vs Rusev vs Cesaro
Rusev vs John Cena (c) 

Owens and Rusev hit their own respective cannonballs in the corner, then Cesaro blocks a senton with his knees. He kicks Rusev, then Rusev connects with a swinging side suplex before Owens goes for a superplex. Cesaro slams them down then Owens comes back with a tornado DDT for two, and Rusev splashes them to break it up then punches Owens a few times. We get a few more near falls before Owens goes for a powerbomb, then Rusev counters with an Alabama Slam and stomps his back.
Rusev applies the Accolade as he stares Cena down, then Cesaro deadlifts Rusev and suplexes him. Owens slaps both opponents in the face and screams that Cena is his, then they both beat him down and Rusev clotheslines him outside. Rusev slams Cesaro down and Owens walks out as we go to a break, then we get back to see Rusev suplex Cesaro on the side of the apron. Rusev hits him a few times and tries to go up top, but Cesaro stuns him and tries to suplex him.
Rusev shoves him but Cesaro avoids the splash and applies a crossface, then Rusev deadlifts him and slams him down. He goes for the Accolade but Cesaro counters with the Cesaro Swing, then he rolls through and applies a Sharpshooter. Rusev pulls himself to the ropes, but Michael Cole notes there are no rope breaks in a triple threat match, so Rusev crawls out of the ring to get away. Cesaro splashes him and rolls him in, then heads up top, but Rusev throws him and hits a superkick for the win. 
Winner – Rusev 
United States Championship
Cena hits Rusev a few times and looks to take it easy on Rusev, then starts to attack more as Rusev fights back. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Rusev counters with some kicks and then goes for the Accolade. Kevin Owens runs out and powerbombs them both, and screams at Cena that he’s the only one taking the title. 
Result – No Contest 
Stardust cuts a promo about the world needing heroes, but he asks what exactly IS a hero? He says Neville may be forgetten by gravity, but he will come crashing down just like all the heroes, and a new star will be born. 
Stardust vs Neville 
Stardust kicks Neville a few times before Neville knocks him down, then he hits him a few times and heads up top. Stardust knocks him back and comes back with a diving side slam (Side Effect) and some knees to the back. Neville comes back with some forearm shots, then they trade a few fall attempts before Stardust rolls through and hooks the tights for the win. 
Winner – Stardust
Seth Rollins comes out and says he is sick of seeing the footage of Brock Lesnar destroying the car, and he’ll remind them of what he can do. He plays a clip of The Authority beating Lesnar down, and says he will burn Suplex City to the ground. Brock and Heyman walk out and they all sit, and Heyman says everyone has wanted Rollins to get his ass kicked for a long time. Heyman says from the day he screwed the Shield over, Rollins has had it coming, and he is going to get beat up very badly, including that trip to Suplex City. Heyman says the reign is over on Sunday, and Brock signs and Rollins starts to say he knows what’s up.
Brock kicks the table over and pulls an axe handle out, then puts it back on the table and dares Rollins to take it back. Rollins reluctantly gets it and smirks, then Brock slams the whole table in Rollins’ face and tackles Kane in the corner. Brock hits a few suplexes and sends Kane outside, then Rollins dives at him and Brock catches him. Kane kicks Brock from behind, then Rollins joins in and they stomp him near the barricade. Brock fights back and lands an F-5, then Rollins runs for it as Brock slams the ring steps on Kane’s ankle.
Brock sees the WWE title in the ring, and raises it in the air as Rollins stares on from the crowd. Brock leaves, and Rollins returns and trashes the stuff in the ring. He says he took the title from Lesnar because he is better, and he will prove himself again this Sunday. Rollins says he knows Brock is a man with a pulse, and he will cut him down and slay the beat himself. Rollins sees Kane being assisted by EMT’s, and screams that this plan was a failure, just like Kane is. Rollins says Kane is a never was and this is all on him, then he stomps Kane’s ankle and leaves.

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WWE Monday Night Raw results for 13 July 2015
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