Wednesday 8 July 2015

WWE NXT complete results for 8 July 2015

finn balorWWE NXT complete results for 8 July 2015 Tonight's show is the first since Finn Balor captured the NXT Championship.
 Emma and Dana Brooke start the show off, and Sasha Banks comes out without a partner and offers to take them both on alone. Charlotte
Charlotte & Sasha Banks vs. Emma & Dana Brooke
Sasha grinds her boot in Dana's face and tags out to Charlotte, who dominates both Dana and Emma. Dana and Emma trick Charlotte and trip her up, allowing the heels to put the boots to Charlotte in the corner. The two continue to isolate Charlotte, with Dana Brooke hitting Wasteland for two before applying a bow and arrow backbreaker.
Banks gets the hot tag and goes wild on Dana Brooke. Emma breaks up a pin, but Sasha hits the Bank Statement. Charlotte applies the figure 8, and Sasha & Charlotte win.
Winners: Sasha Banks & Charlotte via submission (Bank Statement)
Charlotte says she wants an NXT Women's Title shot next week, and is granted it.
Bayley is shown backstage and says she's still injured.
We see the NXT Title Match from Beast in the East. We'll give you the coverage as it was presented during our live coverage.
NXT Title Match: Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens
We go to the ring and out first comes Finn Balor with his grand entrance. He's done up as The Demon for this match. WWE NXT Champion Kevin Owens is out next.
Owens mocks a bunch of John Cena fans at ringside. We see Hideo Itami sitting in the crowd. Balor and Owens are both presented with bouquets of flowers before the match, a tradition in Japan. Owens takes his flowers and tosses them as fans boo. The ring starts filling up with streamers also.
We wait for the crew to clear the ring of streamers as Finn and Owens stare each other down. The bell rings and Balor nails a dropkick. Balor goes to the top but Owens rolls to the floor. Balor leaps to the floor and takes him out. They come back in and Owens starts striking. Owens misses a big right hand and Balor collides with him. Balor misses a dropkick and Owens goes to the floor. Balor dropkicks him through the ropes now. Balor sends Owens into the barrier and hits a big running dropkick. Finn brings it back in with chops in the corner. Owens fights back but Finn comes right back with chops. Owens catches Balor in a big slam for a 2 count. Owens mounts Balor with right hands and stomps on him. Owens with a chop in the corner. He talks some trash and keeps control as fans boo.
Owens whips Balor into the corner hard and he goes down. Owens bows to the crowd as they boo. Balor fights back with forearms but runs into a big elbow. Owens with a 2 count. Owens with a headlock now. More back and forth now. Owens ends up knocking Balor out of the air off a springboard. Balor falls to the floor and Owens follows. Owens sends Balor into the steps. Owens brings it back in for a 2 count. Owens tosses Balor back to the floor and counts along with the referee. Finn comes back in at the 8 count and Owens goes to work on him. Owens runs the ropes like he's going to do something but just applies a headlock. Owens says he hates this stupid country and everyone in it.
More back and forth. Finn manages to dropkick Owens in the face. Finn with more offense and a 2 count. They trade shots in the middle of the ring now. Owens with a pair of shoulder tackles and the big slam, just like John Cena. Owens calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and hits it. Owens goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Finn counters and stomps on his chest. Finn with chops in the corners. Owens catches him for an AA again but Finn slides out. More back and forth. Finn hits a pele kick. Owens ends up back on the floor. Balor runs the ropes and dive out onto him. Finn brings it back in and goes to the top for a stomp to the back of the head. Finn hits the lifting inverted DDT for a close 2 count. Finn goes back to the top but misses the Coup de Grâce and rolls through. Owens drops Balor on his head for close 2 counts twice. Fans chant "this is awesome" as Owens gets up and waits.
Balor comes back and hits Sling Blade. Finn goes to the top but Owens cu him off. They trade shots. Owens brings Finn down to the mat with a headbutt. Balor drops Owens with a kick to the head. Finn goes back to the top and nails the Coup de Grâce but Owens kicks out at 2. Finn unloads with rights and lefts in the corner. Owens with a headbutt and another. Finn with more strikes. Finn takes Owens up top but Owens fights him off. Finn with forearms. Finn goes for a superplex but has to settle for a kick to the head instead. He climbs back up but Owens grabs him on his shoulders. Owens with the rolling senton from the top for a close 2 count. Owens goes back to the top and hits a swanton but Balor gets his knees up. Finn plants Owens for another close 2 count. Owens with a kick and a big throw onto Finn's head for 2.
Owens waits for Finn to get up and yells at him. Owens smacks Finn around to boos. Finn slaps back. Owens goes for the pop-up powerbomb but Finn nails a big clothesline. Finn sends Owens to the corner and hits the big dropkick. Finn goes back up and hits the Coup de Grâce for the win.
Winner: Finn Balor via pinfall (Coup de Grace) to win the NXT Championship
After the match, Balor's music hits and he celebrates with the title as an angry Owens looks on. We see Hideo Itami looking on from the crowd. WWE Hall of Famer Tatsumi Fujinami comes out to greet Balor and he marks out. Finn offers his hand to Owens as fans chant "NXT" and Owens teases it but he walks off as fan boo.
Chad Gable says Jason Jordan must not want to win, which is why he keeps turning him down. Jordan comes up and says next week they'll tag.
 Solomon Crowe is backstage and says he's ready to show NXT that he's their resident little monster.
Solomon Crowe vs. Marcus Louis
Crowe gets a one count off of a big chop, and Louis cuts him off from a springboard for two. Louis applies a body claw of all things, but can't get the submission. Crowe mounts a comeback and lands a running kick an the Crowe Bar for the submission.
Winner: Solomon Crowe via submission (Crowe Bar)
 We see Cesaro, Neville and John Cena congratulating Finn Balor backstage in Japan.
Number one contender's match
Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady (w/ Carmella) vs. Vaudevillians
Enzo avoids a few attacks from Gotch, but gets rolled up for a two. English is tagged in and pushed out of the ring, but Gotch tags in and gets tossed outside. English is sent out after by Cass, as the faces play to the crowd.
We come back to see Enzo in control, jabbing Aiden English repeatedly before eating boot. The Vaudevillians isolate Enzo and land a nice assisted running boot that gets a two count. English slows things down, but eats a jawbreaker and tags Simon Gotch, who prevents Enzo from making the tag.
Big Cass gets the hot tag and destroys the Vaudevillians, culminating in a big body slam and boot on English. He hits a spinning side slam on Gotch. Enzo and Cass go to do a Rocket Launcher, but Gotch rolls through and get the pin.
Winners: The Vaudevillians via pinfall

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