Thursday 21 January 2016

WWE NXT results for 20th January 2016

sami zayn
WWE NXT results for 20th January 2016 are below. Show features Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano.
Sami Zayn vs. Adam Rose
They started up and Zayn got control early on.Zayn keep Rose grounded and work on his arm. Rose lands a palm strike to the throat and pummels Zayn. Rose hits a diving headbutt, but only gets a two count. Zayn apply a Koji Clutch out of nowhere for the submission win.
Winner: Sami Zayn via submission (Koji Clutch)
 Johnny Gargano is backstage and says he knows what Samoa Joe is all about. He says you handle a bully by punching him in the mouth.
 American Alpha are outside of Full Sail, and they're salty about not being nominated for Tag Team of the Year. They challenge Blake and Murphy for next week and name themselves American Alpha.
Apollo Crews vs. Tye Dillinger
Dillinger taunts Crews, but walks into a giant dropkick from Crews. Crews puts Dillinger up for a suplex, and Dillinger tries to knee his way out, but still gets it. Dillinger yanks Crews face first onto the apron and follows up with a suicide dive to the outside. Dillinger hits The Perfect 10, but Crews barely kicks out. Crews gets the CannonBomb for the win.
Winner: Apollo Crews via pinfall (toss powerbomb)
Apollo Crews asks for a non-title match with Finn Balor.
Blake, Alexa and Murphy are backstage making fun of Gable & Jorgan. Alexa says she's disappointed in Blake and Murphy for losing in London, and she'll lead by example when she teams with Emma to beat BayMella tonight.
 Photos are shown of Kevin Owens' surprise appearance at a live event recently.
Baron Corbin vs. Rich Swann
The announcers put over Swann's indy accomplishments ans the crowd chants "all night long." Swann scores a few kicks, but gets fully flipped on a back body drop. Corbin applies a modified Cobra Clutch, and Swann flips out of it and hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors and a spinning wheel kick for two. Corbin snags Swann and lands Deep Six for the win.
Winner: Baron Corbin via pinfall (Deep Six)
 BayMella are backstage, and Dash and Dawson come to the back and say Carmella is like Enzo and Cass and like them, she can't win when it counts.
BayMella vs. Emma & Alexa Bliss (w/ Dana Brooke)
Bayley gets attacked and isolated in the heel corner before the commercial break. We come back to see Bayley trying to fight out, but Alexa cuts her off and taunts Carmella. Bayley lands an elbow, then goes after Emma with axehandles and a suplex. Dana Brooke distracts Bayley, as Emma capitalizes with an Emma Sandwich. Emma follows up with a double underhook suplex.
Carmella finally gets the tag and hits some bad looking Thesz presses, and a much better looking huracanrana. She drops Bliss with a Flatliner and transitions into her inverted triangle for the win.
Winners: BayMella via submission (inverted triangle)

 Finn Balor says he and Apollo Crews will settle their issues in the ring so there's no doubt who is better.
Samoa Joe vs. Johnny Gargano
Joe kicks Gargano off the apron, making Gargano eat canvas. Back inside the ring, Joe obliterates Gargano with kicks, including one that flipped Gargano on his head. Gargano is then booted from the ring. Gargano comes back in, lands a kick and a nice slingshot DDT for two. Joe slugs Gargano with a big kick and applies to Kokina Clutch for the win.
Winner: Samoa Joe via submission (Kokina Clutch)

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WWE NXT results for 20th January 2016
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