Tuesday 5 August 2014

WWE MAin Event Results For 5 August 2014

Slater and The Gator vs. GoldStar
Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil were in the ring before the match, with Slater delivering a promo that seemed to get the crowd behind him.
The match that followed didn't last that long, but it had a quick pace, and all four men got in a little ring time before the final bell.
It looked as though the returning Rhodes brothers would pick up an easy win here, but it ended up being Slater who pinned Goldust to end the match.
This could be the start of a short-term feud that ends with Goldust and Stardust going over the odd couple pairing of Slater and O'Neil.

Winners: Slater and the Gator

2.Summer Rae vs. AJ Lee
This second strange booking decision of the night came during this match. Both of these women are basically babyfaces, so having them face off is a bit odd.
However, once Summer saw AJ still suffering from the effects of her injury at the hands of Paige, she went right after AJ's neck. Kind of a heelish move.
That didn't stop AJ from locking in the Black Widow and picking up the win in about two minutes. Tom Philips interviewed AJ after the match about her upcoming title defense against Paige.
Paige skipped her way out to the stage to mock AJ by insisting they are still friends. It was basically the same thing we have seen from Paige since AJ returned.
Winner: AJ
3.Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
Alberto Del Rio came out at the top of the show and delivered a promo in Spanish that seemed to get a babyface reaction from the Texas crowd. Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger came out next, and that is where things got weird.
Colter gave what came across as a heel promo even though he mentioned the feud with Rusev. It almost seems like WWE switched their roles just because they were close to the Mexico border.
Del Rio controlled most of the match, focusing on the taped-up ribs of Swagger. These two have had countless battles on pay-per-views, TV and house shows, so they know each other very well.
The most surprising thing wasn't that Swagger won, but that he won by making Del Rio tap out. It's hard to recall the last time Del Rio submitted in a match, but it's been a long time, if ever.
Winner: Jack Swagger

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WWE MAin Event Results For 5 August 2014
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