Tuesday, 12 August 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results And Reactions For 11 August 2014 , Brie Bella Arrested

Roman Reigns vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel
We come back and Roman Reigns makes his way out to a pop. Kane's music hits and he comes to the stage in a suit. He's glad to be back as the Director of Operations. Kane fumbles his words and fans laugh at him. He introduces Reigns' opponents, Ryback and Curtis Axel.
Axel starts off with Reigns. They're slow to get started but Reigns applies a headlock. They trade holds. Axel talks trash and Reigns drops him with a punch. Ryback begs for a tag and gets it. Ryback talks trash to Reigns and they lock up. Reigns with a headlock. Reigns goes for a shoulder tackle but Ryback doesn't move. Ryback talks more trash and Reigns clotheslines him. Reigns takes it to the corner but Ryback turns things around. Ryback with shoulder thrusts now. Reigns fights out and hits another big clothesline. Axel distracts Reigns and Ryback takes control. Reigns counters a suplex with one of his own. Reigns with more strikes. Reigns knocks Axel off the apron and mounts Ryback in the corner with right hands. Axel interferes again and Ryback power bombs Reigns as we go to commercial.
We come back and Reigns fights off Ryback and Axel. Reigns knocks Axel off the apron and Ryback through the ropes. He follows and Axel grabs him from behind. Reigns fights him off but Ryback hits him from behind. Ryback throws Reigns into the ring post. Axel does the same and the referee warns them. They both grab Reigns and throw him into the ring post for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Roman Reigns
- After the bell, they bring Reigns in the ring. Axel nails a big dropkick into the corner. Ryback follows with a splash. Reigns comes back with a clothesline on Axel and a big shot on Ryback. Axel takes a Samoan Drop. Reigns sends Ryback over the top rope. He dodges Axel and drops him on the bottom rope. Reigns runs around the ring and hits the apron kick on Axel. Reigns throws Ryback into the ring post and rolls him in the ring. Reigns nails a Superman punch on Ryback and Axel. Fans chant for a spear and he nails it on Ryback first. Axel gets up next and goes right back down with a spear. Reigns' music hits as we go to replays. 

Rob Van Dam vs. Seth Rollins
We go to the ring and out comes Rob Van Dam to a pop. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Seth Rollins is making his entrance with his briefcase. The bell rings and they go at it. RVD with a big kick in the corner. RVD hits a standing moonsault for a 2 count. Rollins turns it around in the corner and beats RVD down. Rollins keeps RVD grounded on the mat. RVD comes back with a kick. Rollins rolls to the floor to regroup. RVD kicks him into the barrier. RVD drops Rollins on top of the barrier. RVD goes to the apron and goes for a big kick but Rollins moves and RVD lands hard on the barrier. 
We come back and RVD is making another comeback. RVD with clotheslines and a scoop slam. RVD hits Rolling Thunder for a 2 count. RVD with a kick to the face and a split-legged moonsault for another 2 count. More back and forth. Rollins takes control and hits the curb stomp for the win.
Winner: Seth Rollins

Jack Swagger vs. Cesaro
We go to the ring and out comes Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter. Cesaro waits in the ring.
They lock up and Swagger goes for the leg. They trade holds and Cesaro drops Swagger with a shoulder but misses a stomp. Swagger comes back and slams Cesaro for a 2 count. Swagger misses in the corner and Cesaro goes to work. Cesaro with a big gutwrench suplex as fans start a USA chant. Cesaro works Swagger over in the corner now. Cesaro with a big running uppercut. Cesaro with an abdominal stretch now. Cesaro with more offense and a knee to the spine for a 2 count. Swagger rams Cesaro back into the corner but runs into a boot. Cesaro comes off the second rope and decks Swagger. Cesaro goes back to the corner but Swagger catches him with a belly-to-bell suplex. Swagger with clotheslines now. Cesaro comes back and drops Swagger over the top rope. Cesaro knocks Swagger from the apron to the barrier with a big kick
Cesaro tries to superplex Swagger from the apron but Swagger almost suplexes him out to the floor. Swagger knocks Cesaro into the ring. Cesaro catches Swagger with a big knee to the gut and a running uppercut for another close 2 count. Cesaro stomps on Swagger but Swagger grabs his ankle for the Patriot Lock. Cesaro quickly gets to the ropes. Cesaro with a big shot to the jaw. Cesaro goes to the top but Swagger runs up and brings him to the mat. Swagger with the Patriot Lock for the win.
Winner: Jack Swagger

AJ Lee vs. Eva Marie
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee for a non-title match. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Eva Marie is waiting in the ring. We get a look back at SmackDown two weeks ago where Paige shoved AJ off the stage. They lock up and trade holds. AJ takes Eva down with a headlock. The music hits and out comes Paige.
Paige skips down the ramp and around the ring while her music plays, distracting AJ. Eva comes from behind with a roll up for the win.
Winner: Eva Marie

Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
We go to the ring and out comes Brie Bella. Stephanie McMahon comes out next and she's not dressed to wrestle. Stephanie says she would have loved to beat Brie tonight but they have to wait to SummerSlam after all, that is if Brie makes it to SummerSlam. We get a replay of the segment with Daniel Bryan's physical therapist. Stephanie says Megan Miller is pressing charges on Brie for assaulting her. Police officers come over and cuff her. Brie gets read her rights and starts crying as Stephanie taunts her. Stephanie says if Brie makes bail, she'll see her at SummerSlam

Dolph Ziggler vs. Heath Slater
We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is out for commentary and is standing on top of the announcers table. Heath Slater waits and they lock up to start. They trade holds and Slater takes control.
Slater keeps Ziggler grounded. Ziggler fights up and out. Ziggler nails a dropkick and a big elbow drop for a 2 count. Slater rolls a distracted Ziggler up for a close 2 count. Ziggler takes back control but misses an elbow drop. Slater drops a knee for another close 2 count. Slater with a headlock now. Ziggler fights out but runs into a big kick. Slater with another 2 count. Slater with another headlock now.
Ziggler fights out and nails a dropkick. Ziggler misses a splash in the corner but blocks a neckbreaker. Ziggler keeps control until The Miz tries to get involved. Ziggler chases Miz, grabs him and tosses him into the barrier. They fight up the ramp. Ziggler runs back to the ring but can't make it in time.
Winner by Count Out: Heath Slater

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus
Back from the break and out comes Randy Orton. WWE United States Champion Sheamus is out next for this non-title match. They lock up and go to the corner before breaking. Orton with kicks. Sheamus fights back out of the corner but Orton comes right back. Sheamus knocks Orton down coming out of the corner. Orton takes it back to the corner and works Sheamus over. Orton with a pair of clotheslines.
Sheamus comes back and slams Orton. Sheamus with a big knee drop out of the corner for a 2 count. Sheamus keeps control of Orton but gets kicked in the gut. Sheamus with another knock down for a 2 count. Orton goes to the apron and Sheamus grabs him. Orton slides out and retreats to the floor as we go to commercial.
Orton ducks a Brogue Kick. Sheamus blocks the RKO. Sheamus goes shoulder first into the corner. Sheamus counters and pulls himself to the top. Sheamus comes off the top with a flying clothesline but Orton catches him in a nice RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton

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WWE Monday Night Raw Results And Reactions For 11 August 2014 , Brie Bella Arrested
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